
Tuesday 28 February 2017

Cavalier 2017 - The Pics

Last Sunday was Cavalier time, the Rejects first show of the year, so myself and Postie jumped in my Go-Cart and headed on down to Tonbridge. There we met BigLee, we were early so we popped up to the café for a quick cuppa and a bacon roll!

Me and Lee had a joint shopping list, we were looking for some bits and bobs for our joint
entry into the last bonus round of the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge. We did get a few bits, not quite what we wanted, but it still looks pretty good! More on that at a later date.
I bumped into a few blogger, Dave, Bob, ( I was given a pressie by  Bob, more on that later too?) Al and of course Clint, while taking the first pic in this post I had a chat with John Treadaway of Miniature Wargames fame, who was taking the same photo for his mag!

Society of Ancients - Punic War - Battle of Cannae - 28mm

The Anti-Alchemists - Calvados and Chips - 28mm WWII

Hailsham Wargames Club - German Civil War 1919 - 1929
Winner Best Demonstration Game

 North London Wargames - Black Horse Strike - 15mm Vietnam

 Rainham Wargames - Blood Bilge and Iron Balls - 1/2400 Naval  Game
I spy Clint playing with his Iron Balls!

 Maidstone Wargames Society - Fenris Decending

Not sure what they are, but they're all hand made!!

 Southend Wargames - Four Days Battle 1666

 The Bring & Buy

Tonbridge Wargames - Age of Sigmar

Gravesend Gamers Guild - Star Wars X-Wing

Peter Pig - Men of B Company - 15mm Vietnam Game

Crawley Wargames D-Day Operation Overlord
Winner - Best Participation game

Deal Wargames Society - Holding up the Traffic - Prudka, Poland 1939

 SEEMS - The Restless Dead

Friday Nigh Firefight -  Starlingrad