
Sunday 8 August 2010

Sir William Clifton's Flag

Another dip into my files finds another two flags for the Nine Years War period, Sir William Clifton's regiment circa1686. The plain green flag is the Colonels while the other rather snazzy flag is a Captain colour. As far as I have found out this regiment might not be in many peoples armies, as they didn't fight in any major battles, (I could be wrong of course). They were present at Huy in 1994 & Dixmude in 1695, after Clifton they were led by Arthur Herbert Earl of Torrington, Sackville Tufton, Sir James Leslie  who led them at the above 2 locations and finally Emmanual Howe. Then at a later date they became they 15th Foot.
I'm not sure if I'll paint the unit up myself, but it was such a nice looking flag I had to make it.
So once again, help yourself to the flag if you wish.



  1. Handsome flags all told. Please keep up your lovely work.

  2. Cheers Mitch, thanks for the comment!!!

  3. Ray, just saw this set, very nice as always. I'm a BIG flag person, so this set fit's in my lane. May or may not painty never know. Thanks again for sharing.

