
Monday 8 November 2010

Viking flags

I had a comment on my blog today, from a fellow blogger Tas, admiring the Battle of Flodden flags I've been making, he enquired if I had any Viking flags since I had a Viking army. The simple answer was no! As I'm sure my fellow club members will tell you, they've not seen the light of day for far to long. So after a little fiddling on the PC I came up with the two flags below. Hope you like them, and use them as you will!!


  1. Cool. I could even use them on (gulp) fantasy figures as well..... or is that just unnatural?

  2. What did he say Fran?? I think I've got two comments, but I just can't understand what BigLee just wrote???????

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Thanks Ray - awesome. I've FINALLY finished my figs so I can put these to use now! Pics of my Saxons and Vikings will go up this week at my Blog

  5. Great! Look forward to seeing the flags flying high!!!

  6. Ray, Thanks for posting all your Viking crations. Using them in a recent painting frenzy for Dark Ages our club is doing. I'm fielding a Viking horde.

