
Monday 27 December 2010

Recently painted No4 Danish Jydske Light Dragoons

Bah humbug, back to work this morning for four lovely day shifts with poor Fran, The Angry Lurker, link, he's not used to these early morning anymore, now he's moved up a pay grade......So I thought I'd put another post on my blog, Fran did his earlier on, while I was doing all the work.

Another of Posties Napoleonic units I recentley painted, this time we have a Danish unit, The Jydske Light Dragoons, the figure are 15mm Minifigs, not my favourite manufactuer but they have a very comprehensive range for all the periods they make, apologies for the photo's they're the best of a bad bunch.

The Jydske Regiment Lette Dragoner (Jydske Regiment Light Dragoons) were formed in 1657 and were one of 4 light dragoon regiments in the Danish army 1813. The regiment wore the classic Danish red uniform jacket and the Casque hemlet with a dark green band. The Jydske Dragoons had dark green turnbacks, collar and cuffs, edged in straw yellow/white. Their buttons were white. Breeches were either darkgrey or white. The total strength of the regiment was four squadrons, each squadron consisting of 175 officers and men. Their horses were smaller than other regiments but were chosen for their hardiness.


  1. Piss off git i do all the work here and I am always up early looking after the rescued animals before I go to work, bleeding saint I am.

  2. Awhhh, you should be canonised. I actually have some 2,000 Napoleonic Minifigs from 1973 all painted in Humbrol enamels. Cost me a fortune in brushes as every time I opened up the turps to clean them, my old man drank it.



  3. Very funny Jim!! I nearly choked on me cheese and pickle sandwich, while the lurker nearly fell off his chair!!

  4. Beautiful paint job.

    the unit name looks like a bad Captcha.
