
Friday 28 January 2011

Gerpines Uniform Colour List 1691

As some of my followers may already know, I've been painting up a 15mm English/Allied army for the Nine Years War, a couple of weeks ago I found the Gerpines list on the Anno Domini 1672 blog, Link, which looks like a photocopy from an old book. So me be the anal nerd I am decided to try and make the list a little more user friendly and I though t I'd share it with you all.
I've colour coded the list for ease, the original layout of the list is in order of how the regiments stood in line on parade, I've changed my list so that all the regiments are in order of their country of origin. You may notice a few question marks, unfortunatly I either couldn't read or guess some of the letters in the original list, so if any of you clever people out there, know what's missing, please let me know and I'll correct the list.


  1. Excellent work; however of course I prefer my 300-year-old lists in the black and white original on a parchment scrap, but you were good enough to say where that can be found, so great either way. It is admittedly easier to use with your colourization. Since I have 2mm blocks in those colours I could say they are these units very easily if it weren't for the pike issue. This is bookmarkable as a reference list.

  2. Right, fo here's my hypothefis which does not guarantee it's right, but might be what they intended:

    UP Horfe Terburg W--- there is no lining, or W on W
    UP Foot Pr of Frizeland W-R
    UP/Ger Horfe Weilburg- brigaded with Count of Nafsau's Dutch Horfe, in W-R

    Same for the Sarbrug Horfe, as the German part of Count of Nafsau's other brigade/regiment with Dutch Horfe, the Sarbrug (Saarbruecken) part in W-R

    And the Brannenborg Grand Mufqueeter B-W

    (It muft have been annoying to be guarded by musqueeters)

    Reafon for these guefses is they juft omitted to ufe the bracket like they did for the Horfe Granadiers, Dutch and Englifh Guards at the top right, or a ditto mark is mifsing but intended-that's the hypothefis. I see their W broke or got loft and they switched to a double VV

  3. This is great information on the types of uniforms they wore in that time.

    following and supporting

  4. Really good info regarding the colors. I hope you can have some use from it!

  5. Thanks for the comments guys.
    @ Mekelnborg-Agreed on Terburg, although I can't find the unit in any other books. Prinz of Frizeland- in other books they are Blue coat Re lining or Light Blue coat Red linings. Hesse-Kassel regt Weilburg either W on W or W with Red. Horse regt Nassau-Saarbruken Coats Red lined Red or White lined red. Brandenburg musketeers, no idea, I'll go with your B-W

  6. I was just going off the order listed in the original, otherwise I have the Charles Grant to 1720 list which is much less complete. Or there is a Dutch Regiment site and the Marburg Archive but not in English.

    But that is why your list trumps all the historians of Oxford, Eton and Cambridge combined, in English historiography, although Edinburgh probably already knew but didn't tell us.

  7. Ah the glorious revolution! A great period in history


  8. Hi Ray,

    I've just seen your post on the LoA Forum which led me to this old entry on your own blog. Really interesting stuff but very frustrating when you can't figure out the names of some of the different Regiments. I've done something similar on the Battle of Aughrim.

    As this is an old post, I'm not sure whether you managed to find anything else out or lost interest ? I've found the original list (a simple Google search pins it down to the National Army Museum's Online Collection) and spent a few minutes loking at some of the names listed.

    I've got the Hall CD for the Dutch Army. I've also put together a large spreadsheet which details the lineage of all Dutch Regiments (you are welcome to a copy). However, I still can't track some of these names down.

    Perhaps the original author misheard the names (some of them look very odd).



    1. Hi Phil,
      Yes please, I'd love a copy of your Dutch list!! email me at Regarding the names, I suppose it was just how they were heard and written down at the time, my name Rousell, never gets written down properly and is most probably a mis-spell or pronunciation of Roussel or Russell. I love the research part of this period, it does drive me mad sometimes as I'm sure it does you?

    2. Hi Ray,
      I've sent the Dutch list and a couple of other items you might find useful.
      Lots more where that came from if you are interested !

      You are right about the names - there are so many variants out there, probably based on word of mouth as you say. This is also a pain when you are researching family history, particularly when you come from a line of illiterate peasants who's surname gets creatively spelt by the village priest / vicar !!

      Really enjoy the blog - keep it up. Phil

  9. Is "Grand Mousquetaires" blank or an all-white uniform? I've found that regiment wearing red coats with blue cuffs on Pinterest.

    1. It was blank or I couldn't read what was written.

    2. Im wondering did uniforms change in this period because I see Prince Philip (Brandenburg) wearing blue coat and red cuffs in the Gerpines list. But in an Osprey book I have on the Battle of the Boyne, they were white with blue cuffs and a red neckcloth, whereas officers wore an entirely blue coat.

    3. To be honest I don't know, Regiments did quite often change uniform colour when a new Colonel took charge? If you're painting units for the Boyne, go with the white coat cuffed blue. That's how I painted my Brandenburg unit.
