
Saturday 15 January 2011

Recently Painted No10 Neapolitan Horse Artillery of the Guard

The Royal Neapolitan Guard was established on 30th September 1806, it included one battery of foot and one of horse artillery. The Neapolitan, “Artillerie à Cheval de la Garde”, had five 6-pdr guns and one 5.5" howitzer. The horse artillery gunners were fully mounted, either on spare horses, limbers or ammunition wagons, in order to keep up with the guard cavalry they were to support in battle. Draft horses, limbers, supply and ammunition wagons were handled by artillery train soldiers attached to the guard horse artillery.
Due to manpower shortages, the Neapolitan guard foot and guard horse artillery batteries were amalgamated on 22 September 1808 to form a single guard horse artillery battery.
They apparently fought at the battle of Tolentino, 2-3 May 1815.
Apart from its pink trim, the uniform of the Neapolitan Horse Artillery of the Guard was identical to that worn by the French Artillerie à Cheval de la Garde Impériale. The Neapolitan artillery used guns and wagons of French design. Neapolitan gun carriages, artillery equipment, and wagons were painted light blue, with black metal fittings.


  1. I haven't seen these guys before - nice choice for a unit. The pink makes them more interesting than the usual French Guard types.


  2. Very nice job as usual :) I like the canon one

  3. Nice looking unit, the limber adds class.



  4. I love those pics. Do you ever paint 25mm?

  5. Very nice. The blue and pink work well together!

  6. Thanks again for the comments, @ Suchio Yes I paint 25mm, I've got Norman's, Saxons, Vikings, Moors & Spanish (El Cid) all in 25mm. I do paint other figures for my mate Postie, ECW, Battle of Sedgemoor, Romans, Celts etc,etc

  7. Neapolitan's uniforms are really nice, and you did a great job on them!
