
Tuesday 8 February 2011

Poor Angry (Fran)

As you all may have read on the Angry Lurkers blog, Link,  My poor pal Fran is sick at the moment, he has been stricken down with Bell's Palsey. I took this photo of him today, whilst supplying chocolate and man mags, please all send him your best, as he's feeling very sorry for himself!!!!


  1. Thanks mate they say sympathy is the best medicine you old fecker but I don't think that's a picture of me he's way too good looking.

  2. hope he gets better....he looks like that guy from the goonies to be honest

  3. Hope he has a full recovery.

  4. Right but that clears up the chocolate thing too for a positive note not to be missed here. Anyway it might actually help at work to have a warface like that. Go on, go over to youtube and get the original Always Look On The Bright Side of Life, the one where they're hanging on the crosses.
