
Sunday 27 March 2011

The War of the Roses - The Battle of Lee's Pond.

AArrgghh!! Is anybody else having trouble posting tonight?? I've been trying to write and post this article for four hours, either this damn computer is playing up or blogger is, I keep placing photo's on the post and they keep vanishing, ggrr!  So I've tried something new, a slideshow. Fingers crossed and here we go.

Posties rejects met up today and fought the ficticous, Battle of Lee's Pond, set in 1460, near Alnwick castle.
For the rules we used Posties own take on WAB, with a few extra thing thrown in, for instance we throw D20, instead of D6 all relevant pluses and minus are added and subtracted as pips on the dice, this creates a more exciting game

The players on the Lancastrian side were Surjit-Lord Roos, the battle commander, Fran (The Lurker)- The Earl of Devon and Rich- Lord Clifford. I was the Yorkist battle commander, Lord Fauconberg with Smithy playing Lord Fitzwater. We each had to throw for our leaders class, Smithy threw a 6, giving him a brilliant leader, I threw a 5, giving me an efficient leader, while the poor Lancs army threw badly, he! he! Surj and Fran both threw a 3 giving them both a plodding leader, while Richard threw a 2, making him a buffoon!! The main differance this made were the range in which the leader could use his influance during the battle, Smithy's being 12, while the buffon Rich had only a 6' range.
Here are some photos of the game, if you click the picasso icon in the bottom right of the slideshow you can go to the album, which has a small description fro each photo, I had hoped they'd show up below...sigh!


  1. Nice pictures! A period I've been thinking about as I have a friend who is collecting for it.


  2. Nope, I've posted 2 articles today

  3. Nice pics Ray and looks like a very good layout and game.

  4. Ditto, Ray, I've had major issues trying to get something posted tonight, so have given up and saved it as a draft so that hopefully normal service will be resumed tomorrow (or should I say later today considering the time).

    Your slideshow is working fine though and some fine looking warriors - I'm talking about the toy soldiers though!

  5. slideshow seems to work! great pics

    I finished my 5th music mix. It's quite epic! Check it out =D
    Electro Addict 5th Set

  6. Great looking game Ray


  7. Excellent slideshow. Looks like it was a great game, I'm gutted I had to miss it now!

  8. Fantastic stuff! Great pics, great figs and good times indeed :-) And that Earl of Devon look positively evil I tell you!

  9. I'm sorry for this long period of no-show on the blog but I had some health problems,'m sorry again

  10. Very well done Ray, you're a beacon to others.

  11. Very nice. I like the rule for leader's quality. "Led by a buffon" been there, done that. Great pics, sounds like a fun game.

  12. Thanks for the comments everyone, except he who shall remain un-named. Yes you know who you are!! I'm glad you all liked the photo's!!

  13. I´m jealous...I´ve only just started on my WOTR bods. great looking armies...

  14. like the slideshow. it looks epic :)

  15. Great looking game! I'd be interested to hear more on how that D20 mechanic works. Seems like you could pack alot of variables going up from 6 to 20.

  16. That's exactley the idea, a D6 doesn't give you enough range, so using a D20, a basic man starts on a pip 6, +1 for light armour, +1 shield, +1 charging, fighting against non armoured another +1, so you'd need to throw 10's to kill. It works well and can be very bloody!!

  17. oooo slide show - posh!
    Looks great!

  18. very cool collection. how much did it cost you to collect all these thing?

  19. Thanks for the comments everyone!!!
    @Tasos - I'd think just for the figures used in this game would cost around £800-1000 to buy and paint, add around another £200 for terrain and a couple of pounds for the Pringles!!

  20. I read about this on the lurkers blog just the other day, and I was blown away by the scale and intricacy with which you guys played the game. I would love to hang out with you all one night!

  21. Aaron, if your ever coming to the UK, let us know, and we'll show you the ropes!!

  22. Great looking pictures, and knights especially!
