
Saturday 7 May 2011

Colour Hue Test? Just for Fun

This is slightly Wargame related........... well ok it's about colours!! I found this colour test on the GWP3 website and thought it would make a great post. It's to test if you can determine the difference of the hue of colours, it's quite hard, I scored 87,  the best for my age group was 0 the worst 1520, so I'd class myself goodish but still slightly crap, how the hell anyone could get 0 is beyond me, but then again I've got dodgy eyes, due to lack of sex, (I'm married), if I took my glasses off I'd probably be the new lowest scorer!!
Give the test a go,  Hue Test and let me know what score you get, let's see who out you can get the best score, and no cheating........................Yes I'm talking to you Fran!!!!!



  1. i took it again, oh yeah, i scored an eight!

    ...and then my eyes are died from the burning monitor's light.

  2. I must try this. I have issues with colour. I am the man who created the Pink Tyranids and gave Tarzan purple hair. I also have painted jorses green.

  3. 22 but my job often involves working with subtle differences of colour shades. I'll try this test on my work mates next week.


  4. 8 here, first try. My monitor is not really calibrated, otherwise I think I could achieve 0.

  5. 28, less blind than you are Ray.

  6. I cam out on 28 Ray, and I'm in the same range as you (40-49).

    Not bad of me, with my poor eyes ;-)


  7. This is looking bad for me, back to the opticians, I blame work stress!!

  8. Attending a wargame I was positive my allies troops were dresed in blue but but he claims they were black!!!

    I dont dare take the test..

  9. I just scored a fourteen, but I had to take a few breaks mid-test because my eyes started going out of focus. I seem to be losing stamina and endurance at the age of 42 rather than color acuity.

  10. I got a 4, beating my artist wife's 32. My son got a 12 the girls haven't taken it yet. I suspect my wife may retake it to redeem her honor on a system other than her laptop.

  11. Based on your information, below is how your score compares to those of others with similar demographic information.

    0 ( Perfect Color Acuity )
    99 ( Low Color Acuity )

    Your score: 7
    Gender: Male
    Age range: 30-39
    Best score for your gender and age range: 0
    Highest score for your gender and age range: 1520

  12. oh man, far too much work for a test. imma give myself a 0 for not completing it.

  13. It would appear I am useless 67! (age 38)

    In my defence I have been awake all night (night shift) and attended the Falkirk wargames show (plus our labtop screen has a big black stripe on it from when the wife dropped it on its head! Please no more tests Ray, I am starting to feel old.

  14. I got a 37!

    Your score: 37
    Gender: Male
    Age range: 20-29 (21)
    Best score for your gender and age range: 0
    Highest score for your gender and age range: 1520

  15. 87 aint too bad of a score! :D

  16. It Is when you see everyone else's score!!

  17. I'm not sure anyone will believe it, but I got a zero. I think it's just a question of time and concentration. The sun's shining here and I'm relaxed and I felt on top of it. Without being an expert, I'd say this kind of thing is more in the mind than the eyes. We just have to believe, use the force..!

  18. Got a 16 - Now if only I could transform that into decent painting!
    Thanks for the link, really interesting

  19. I got a 31 and a headache. The wife got a 7.

  20. Hi Ray

    According to my test:

    "Based on your information, below is how your score compares to those of others with similar demographic information.
    Your score: 0
    Gender: Male
    Age range: 40-49
    Best score for your gender and age range: 0
    Highest score for your gender and age range: 1520
    0 ( Perfect Color Acuity )99 ( Low Color Acuity )"

    I find that hard to believe !?
    I suspect quality/settings of our PC monitors may influence this a tad ?

    And I now have a 'blinding' headache, ta mate ? :-)


  21. I got a hurried 15, I clicked submit looked away to change my focal point and then back at the screen and saw I had made errors as the script processed the result.

    I am not sure how age plays into the results. The range for 60-69 year old males is 0 to 1520, same as spread for younger blokes.


  22. i got a couple hundred, i blame my monitor

  23. I couldn't even FIND the test, logged in to the site, and started reading their stuff, and probably forgot to log out. But I updated my control panel and stuff.

  24. got a 4, surprised me. my eyes hurt now

  25. 16, but enough is enough! I think it's more a case of losingointerest than anything else. You can probably do better the more you can concentrate, so it's not like painting leads really - I hope!

  26. Neat stuff. We have two monitors and it looks different on both. I'm with Porky in that I think it does take time and concentration. Both of which I don't have because there's a puppy in the house. And she's just so darn cute, that I haven't gotten anything else done today.

  27. Yep, I agree too, I've just retaken the test at home, it's a lot easier than the work computer and got a score of 19, so I'm not as blind as I thought I was and an added bonus, I beat that orrible git, Fran's score!!!

  28. Online ColorIQ Challenge Results
    You have perfect color vision!
    FM Hue Test Results

  29. 31, not bad for 40-year-old eyes
