
Thursday 26 May 2011

FIW French Marines 15mm Comparison photos

Essex, Matchlock and Blue Moon
As some of you will know, I'm in the middle of painting up both sides for the French Indian Wars. My collection is mainly made up of Essex figures, FreiKorps, MiniFigs and the recently re-released Matchlock. Then all of a sudden there's a brand new range from Blue Moon, after reading some of the reviews I was quite saddened to here that they were not that compatible with other ranges, being closer to 18mm. After admiring them for a couple of months, with a few Essex figures in my pocket i bought my first pack from Old Glory at Salute, I was going to buy the Indian villagers pack to go with my newly constructed longhouses, but for some stupid reason I forgot to go to the stand, by the time i got there they'd sold out!
Anyway I bought one pack of their Compagneis Franches de la Marine, the figures were the subject in my last post. I must say that I was very pleased with them, mostly because in my opinion they fit in well with my other figures, which is kind of bad news really, as now I might just have to buy some more!!! I've included a few comparison photos, to give you their scale against other makes.Marine

Essex, Blue Moon, Matchlock and MiniFigs

Essex, Blue Moon, Matchlock, Blue Moon and MiniFigs

I've included the next two photos to show you the leader of my French Marines, the figure is from Matchlock, I believe he is supposed to be a rendition of Captain Daniel-Hyacinthe-Marie Lienard de Beaujeu, better known just as Capt Beaujeu, who was the commander of the French forces at the Battle of Monongahela. He is a great figure, and is just what the Blue Moon pack is missing, an officer in undress.

 My last photo are the first of my French dead, as I'm going to use a skirmish based set of rules, I thought I better get some casualties, these figures are from another manufacturer, Irregular Miniatures. The figures are from their Marlburian range, the French uniform hadn't changed much between the periods, so I think I can get away with it!!!


  1. This might have been better added to the end of the previous post.

  2. Oh no Fran, I'm taking a leaf out of your book!!

    Cheers for the comments guys!!

  3. Nice -- I really like the way you arranged the figs in some of the "action" photos.

  4. Fourth shot down, very nice. Looks good enough to be computer wallpaper. Good job.

  5. Milk it for what you can get Ray!! Useful comparison shots and it's never bad news having to buy some more figures!! (Just painting them!)

  6. I have some Blue Moon ACW command packs for my ACW armies, anyways I have not noticed much of a difference to what I normally have in my ACW armies that being, Old Glory, Essex and Battle Honors. They sculpts are pretty nice as well.


  7. Comparison shots are always welcome, nice looking scenery as well!




    You just got nominated!

  9. They look perfectly compatible especially at skirmish 1:1 since individuals vary. I followed Happy Whisk's idea and tried it out as wallpaper and it works, the mossy downed tree is nice.

    I was thinking of Captain Beaujolais during the previous post, like that was what you needed.

    Also I just remembered I have a bunch of 15mm SYW for Austrian and Prussian from Minifigs, Old Glory, and Frontier, IIRC, that I always forget since I don't remember painting them since 1991, so they are only half done.

  10. Very nice, I can't see the difference, even if they are from different periods.

  11. Great painting and photography Ray they look as good as a kilo of bacon to me.

  12. the internet is a powerful. and as for those dead figurines, theyre cute lol
