
Monday 23 May 2011

Viking Flags 7

I haven't posted any Viking flags for some time so I thought I'd post a few more today. The first flag is obviously a Longship flag, the second is an eagle flag, while the third is a generic Celt/Viking pattern,  of course these can be used for any Dark Age army of the period not just the Vikings!!
I'm not sure if I like the shields on the Longship flag I may take them off, what do you think??



  1. Thanks Ray. Now I need to get and paint up more Dark age soldiers. Great looking flags though. Not sure about the shields either. Could you make them smaller and put more on, say about 6 per side?
    Just a thought. Cheers.

  2. Beautiful work Ray and I don't care if it's on my nickel.

  3. Again - awesome flag work! Not interested in producing any Imagination Indian banners by any chance? Hint, hint, nudge, nudge.


  4. Great stuff as always matey. I think the shields give a nice spash of contrast colour.

    What I really need though is a long, thin and flowing pennant to fly from my Longship - hint hint!

  5. Good stuff again Ray!!! Especially like the detail on the Eagle flag, very nicely done!

  6. Very nice again Ray. I would use the second and third straight away with the middle one my favorite. I´ll be honest about the upper one since it would not pass the ´tough test´for my vikings. Maybe a bit darker colour or raven on the sail, dragon head or lightning strikes to make it scarier. They are vikings after all. That said, great work!

  7. Great flags! Thank you.

    Probably I would use it for my 15mm army, so... my vote is for "take the shields off" ;)

  8. Forgive me if this has been asked before but do you make these flags? They are great work!!!

  9. These are awesome. Absolutely beautiful flags. If I may ask, do you draw them, scan them, or use some sort of combination of the two?

  10. Thanks for the comments guys - @ Furt and Man Cave, commissions welcome at very very reasonable prices, he he!!
    @Razor - Yep I do make them, some bits are taken the the net and most is drawn by my good self!
    Still not sure about the shields though????

  11. Make the shields Brown instead of red...

  12. Very nice, The middle one´s my favourite
    I think...shields looks to much like Noggin the Nog.

  13. But I used to love Noggin the Nog!!!

  14. Ray said "Thanks for the comments guys - @ Furt and Man Cave, commissions welcome at very very reasonable prices, he he!!"

    I will pay in Man Cave Brewery currency :-)

  15. Keep the shields, they lend a sense of authenticity and don't make the banner look too "busy".

  16. Ray... You're my god. But it's true the first one doesn't say "Me big hairey Viking" enough (too yellow I think)

  17. Eagle, I thought that was a Lobster.

  18. They look great - I was looking for a Viking banner or flag and I find you've done 3! I will be using the middle one as my Viking flag, but the bottom one is so awesome that I will have to find something else to use it for - thanks!

  19. These look great, I have been looking for some for a long time. I can even use some of them for my Pict's
    Thank you.
