
Monday 20 June 2011

Broadside Wargames Show 2011

Good grief!!!!!! It's taken me a week to get this post on, I've given up and started again too many times to count. Bloooger (spelt correct) doesn't seem to want to let me add any photos for some reason, remarkably for me I've even spent some of my pocket money on expanding the amount of photos I can add to my blog but I'm still having problems. I can only add 1 photo at a time, then I've got to turn blogger off and start again, which is just a little tedious, grrr! If anyone knows what the hell is going on, or could kindly point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. Anyway here we go..............................!

  Myself and another four members of Posties Rejects, Fran, Rich,  Lee and the man himself Postie, took the short journey down to Sittingbourne on Sunday 12th to attend a new show Broadside at The Swallows Leisure Centre, run by The Milton Hundred Wargames Club. We got there a little early so for the first time ever, Fran, dipped his hand into his pocket and bought myself and Postie and Bacon roll, after we both picked ourselves up from the floor we scoffed the rolls down, to here Fran moaning about the leisure centre running out of bacon you can visit his blog here, The Angry Lurker.
We all enjoyed the show and came home with bags of goodies to hide from the Mrs. Postie did his usual outspending the rest of us on his own. I picked up a few books, most importantly a Sapherson booklet of the Imperialist cavalry from 1689 to 1715.

Maidstone Wargames Society - Operation Sealion

British Model Soldier Society, London

Friday Night Fire Fight Club
The Battle of Jebel Heitau "The Suez Crisis 1956"

Two well dodgy looking characters. With Phil's help, Martin is trying to work out how he can get his new purchase through the front door without the Mrs seeing!

Real Time Wargames, "Trapped like a fox". Seven Weeks War 1866

3 of Posties Rejects The laughing hyena, Richard, Fran the Ginger and Big Lee

Postie buying more figures, which he won't paint, he'll get some other mug to paint!

Shepway Wargames Club
Frontier Ablize, The Anglo-Pathan Border War 1897-1898

Crush the Kasier - WW1


  1. Those trenchworks look really great!!! And it sounds like you had a nice day out, all of you! Well...maybe exceot Francis....something about that bacon bun....

    What did you get?

  2. Glad you persevered and got the pictures up eventually. It’s a real pity about the lighting but the show organizers probably don't have much choice of suitable venues. Having said that, using a flash does help negate the orange glow.

    For a first effort I think the organisers put in a pretty good show. You can see my pictures from Broadside on BLMA includng some more mugshots of the Rejects.

  3. Cool ....wish we had more shows here, thanks for posting.

  4. That Crush the Kaiser table is superb. Looks like the one they showed at Salute? If it is, it's even better in the flesh.

  5. Lovely pics, sounds like a great day out.

    Me too Extraordinarii - I look at the names of those traders and know I can save over 100pounds in postage by just attending. SWMBO judges this to be a tenuous argument for a holiday to the UK sadly...

  6. Nice one Ray but I was there, you're pictures look a bit yellow and what's this about someone being ginger?

  7. Pity about the lighting. Good looking games though. Must join Extraordinarii and Paul wishing we had shows like that but I would easily end up in trouble for spending too much.

  8. @ Lord Siwoc, I didn't buy too much, only a couple of books the main one a Sapherson booklet on the Imperial Cavalry from 1690-1715, very interesting?? Also some paints and brushes to add to the vast collection.
    @Extraordinarii & Rodger - It's quite easy getting carried away at these shows, worse though and I've done it several times, is finding nothing what you want, and impulse buying, then a couple of days later thinking, "why the hell did I do that!!!"

  9. Big Lee has it with the yellowy pictures, I think - that's what digital camera's do when there isn't enough light and you're not using flash.... I get the same in my loft when taking pictures of games - two big neon's but not enough light... what I do is use Picasa (free Google picture editor) - it has this nifty little button called "I feel lucky" or something like that, which does magic things with my rubbish pictures... very much recommended....

  10. Sorry you're having problems with getting the photos out. You had to pay to be able to put more online? I am not understanding? Is there a limit?

    Anyway, looks good. Nice to see you guys have a good time at these things.

  11. These guys sure make awesome fields!

  12. Great looking day. Wish I was there.

  13. @steve - I'll check that out thanks!!!
    @The whisk - Yep there's a limit to how many photo's you can have on your blog, its upto 2 GB. Then you'll either have to delete old posts to free up space or pay per year. I forked out the massive sum of &5 for an extra 20GB, which I'll have to pay again in a years time, they've got me by the short and curlies!!

  14. That looks awesome, so realistic! how do you manage to reach stuff from the middle of those huge tables?

    You can visit my blog here.

  15. With great difficulty with a belly my size!! Gotta get that in before anyone else!!

  16. They do indeed have you by the short and curlies. Thanks for explaining. Hope you're having a groovy day.

  17. Wow you guys have a TON of conventions around your area, we have had exactly 1-2 that had anything historical this year in our area. Mostly they play 40k and WHFB or Warmachine or some other Non-historical game. You people are very, VERY lucky to have all that you do there between vendors, acccess to them and cons you are set!!!

  18. fran looks a little angrier than usual...

  19. Craziest battle field I ever seen!

  20. Excellent stuff, Ray...wish i had something like that where I am...looks like your having a hell of a good time and those tables look fantastic.

  21. It sounds like you guys had a great time, and I bet it was great to get out of the house for a bit! I'm very interested in seeing the new additions in the heat of battle during one of you guys as many skirmishes.

    I had no idea that blogger had a cap for images? Is it a number of images staying, or is it the actual size of them. Because I don't think Google is running low on storage space any time soon...

  22. That level of detail is amazing! I'm very intrigued by games like these.

  23. I couldn't comment, or post, or eventually do anything in the daytime heat, but in air conditioning at night it works better, and I could post 5 images at a time without closing anything.

    What about starting a second blog, like 'I said, don't throw a one' or 'you been told, don't throw a one' to store the archives under a different blog?

    I would have grabbed that Sapherson book, too.

  24. You managed to get some excellent tables and minis in those pics. A lot of fun to look through.

  25. Excellent pics. Looks like a very nice venue. Thanks for sharing.

  26. Very impressive all round...

  27. Nice photos, always good to get to see a show vicariously!

  28. Looks like a great show.

    Theres another new historical show up North in Scarborough this month called War Torn, put on by Scarborough Wargames Club and Loughton Strike Force.

  29. lol awh the lil airplanes are on sticks, sooo cute

  30. I'm concerned about this image cap, as I post web comics all the time. Hmmm.

    BTW, if you want to see 'Fran the Ginger' as a crappy MSPaint comic, stop by. Figured you might get a kick out of it.

  31. Hey,

    I just made a blog post called “music”. I had you in mind while doing it since you have great taste in music! :)
