
Tuesday 7 June 2011

Gravesend Zombietown???

Last week on Lord Siwoc's Zombie blog, Brains and Guts, I commented on one of his posts, he was asking for his followers to help him come up with a name for his Zombie town. Whoever came up with the name he liked best would win a small prize. I suggested, the name of my hometown of Gravesend, and I won, other suggestions were, Kamloops, Revanent, Purgatory from Vampifan, Paridise Falls from Zombie Shop, Lost Angels from zerloon, Tombstone from Chez Gnotta and the rather crap, Pittsville, from my mate Fran,  The Angry Lurker.
I received a message from Johnny, (Lord Siwoc), saying, my prize of some casualty markers and a hoverboard from Ramshackle Games, Segeway from Gary Hunt and some fire hydrants from Fenris Games were in the post. He also explained that was an "extra little something" also included in the same package as well??
Hhmm? what could the little extra be? Should I be worried??? Well I am anyway!!!
Well the stuff arrived in the post this morning, and very nice it is too, I was a little relived at the "extra little something", all sorts of things crossed my mind!!!

My prize!!!

The extra little something, and quite fetching they are too!!

Another use for the "extra little somthing", modeled by myself on the left and Fran, The Angry Lurker on the right.

Another use, I'm very worried at what Fran is looking at in this photo!!

A double ended Danish muff !!!

We didn't go for the use you all thought we'd go for out of respect for Johnny!!
 Finally I've got to report that during the writing of this post, the newly won figures have mysteriously disappeared !!! There are only two suspects, Keir (porn king of Dartford) and Fran The Angry Lurker. Now Keir isn't into wargames although I've painted up some Doctor Who figures for him for display purposes only.
 That only leaves Fran, and he's denying all knowledge, the Zombie playin' theiving Oirish ginger git!!!!

Thanks go to Johnny!!!


  1. such a colorful post! ;D

  2. I'm not telling you where I had that fecking sock before you stuffed it in your nose shit for brains.

  3. Thanks for that. Choked on my coffee.

  4. Zombies Everywhere!! lol. By the way, awesome socks! :D

  5. You´re mad!! :-D
    All you need now is a white horse and a small monkey and you could go around pretending to be Pipi longstockings...

  6. Okay, now I'm caught up. Love the socks but I don't even wanna know where Lurker was hiding it before you stuffed it up your nose.

  7. Great name choice for the zombie town. Cool socks too!

  8. Mwahahahahaha!!! Brilliant mate!!! Laughed out loud here at work !!!

    Well they have certaintly been put to good use!!!

    Hope you solve the mystery about the goods.... Better check Angry lurkers blog to see if they pop up over there....

  9. I apologise for what I said about Fran, top bloke really, got me a job, made me what I am today.

  10. That's what you get for leaving the room for 5 minutes and leaving your computer logged on, bloody Oirish twat!! Yes Fran I mean you!!!

  11. haha oh wow, that got weird quick.

  12. Lol^^ Gravesend rocks as the name though!

  13. Are you sure your not related......brothers from a different mother possibly!!!!!!
    Gotta laugh............

  14. Pittsville does sound like crap

  15. lol those socks are creepy.

  16. don't laugh - they will keep your little feet warm whem painting in winter!!!

  17. Oh by the way....The name is Siwoc and not Siwic. Sounds like a japanese car!!!!

  18. All changed...sorry! What does the name mean?

  19. Frans got a cracking pic up at his blog at the moment..I´ve printed it out so I can scare burglars with it---

  20. Of course, you could also both go bollock naked, wearing only a sock. But posting a pic of that just wouldn't fair to the ladies...

  21. ROFL now those are some nice socks.


  22. I tried to warn you about the horizontal stripes, usually make a person look bigger, but seriously take a close look, you look about forty fifty pounds thinner in that pic where it's like a elephant trunk, because there it acts as a vertical stripe. Better do that all the time.

  23. Congrats on winning and LOL at the last sock pic

  24. I'd never even thought about what Gravesend meant before. That's a seriously good name. How many other great place names am I not seeing?

    The net would be a much duller place without you guys.

  25. Mister Rousell: Repeat after me. Miss Wiggy is a girl. Miss Wiggy is not a boy.

    I will strangle you.

  26. Blame The Lurker, he keeps hijacking my account, while I'm making the tea!!

  27. You guys are nuts!! Great looking socks though.

  28. haha great pictures! love the socks :)

  29. those socks are pretty intense. following you!

  30. Very fetching. Not sure if the socks look better on your feet or as ear warmers!

  31. Didn't you rob a bank with those socks? And I agree with what Mekelnborg has said about the stripes, he says bigger, but I think he wants to say fatter (see what he says about the pounds!) (PS I've got the same problem ;-)

    Just teasing guys ;-)


  32. Hahahahah what a hilarious post good stuff Ray, you two guys should a comedy act together, funny stuff.
