
Friday 5 August 2011

Happy Birthday "Don't throw a 1"

Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday dear Don't throw a 1.......
Happy Birthday to me!!!!

Well who'd have thought it???? I've been trying to keep this blog going now for a year and thanks to you, my lucky readers, hopefully I'll carry on for another year.
One year ago I was chatting with my pal Fran, The Angry Lurker, about maybe starting up a blog, mainly just to put up some photos of my painted figures, you never know it might be fun!!! Well blow me down a few days later and he's got his own blog up before me!! Lesson 1 - Don't tell Fran, what I'm gonna do.
So the cutting of the cake will commence on the 8th of this month, if your in Gravesend that day, let me know and I'll save you a piece of cake, that is if Fran's not ate it all!!!

I must say I'm very pleased with my first year of blogging, I've made great new friends online from all over the world and receive regular emails from them from general chit chat to advice on painting. Myself and Fran met fellow blogger BigLee, at a show, he now is a fellow member of Posties Rejects, our little Wargame group. I've had one of my blog articles The Battle of Zarkarina, published in First Empire Magazine and I've even won a lovely pair of Danish socks, from  Lord Siwoc , zombie blog and even made it onto one of his models??
Also myself and Fran met up with Wargamer and expert modelmaker Paul Darnell, who has invited myself, Fran and some of the other Rejects along to Salute next year to help play his demo game, Beware of Tigers in the Bushes!!!!
This Sunday, Postie is putting a Napoleonic game on and hopefully we'll have a fellow blogger, Mike, from Holland at the game, he's on holiday in the area so we invited him to our game. Let's hope Mike turns up, even if its just for Fran's pasta that he's making, he should sell it in jars, he'd make a fortune!!!

Finally once again a big thank you to all you readers out there, if it wasn't for you and your comments I'd have given up months ago!!!




  1. Happy Birthday Trouble Maker :-)

    Here's to another kick-ass year.

  2. Happy almost 1 year Birthday Ray and its been a pleasure to drop in on your blog during that year.

  3. Happy birthday, keep up the good work!

  4. Happy Birthday, and may your blog have many more!

  5. Who the hell are you?!

    Hehe...Congratz on the first year mate!!!

    It does give some good encouragement to throw pictures of your miniatures up on a blog. Please do continue!!!

  6. Congrats man, I realized my own blog is also almost 1 years old. Time flies.

  7. Happy birthday and congratulations on 1 year of blogging

  8. Happy Birthday and congrats on a year of blogging

  9. Congratulations Ray, keep up the good work, You've got a great blog!! ;)

  10. Congratulations and Happy Birthday Ray. I blame you and Fran for getting me into blogging. You both have great blogs.

  11. Happy Birthday!

  12. Well done, great blog. Keep it going.

  13. Many Happy returns, an inspiration to us all.

  14. Congrats on your 1 year milestone. You run a great blog here and I look forward to what another year brings.

  15. happy bday! save me a slice! :D

  16. Cool, I.need to buy presents now...CU on sunday!

  17. Happy Birthday, Ray. You have an awesome blog here. Oh, you're going to need a bigger cake by the looks of things. Best wishes for the game!

  18. At that time I did not know anyone had been reading my blogs because they did not comment, and I did not know there were stats yet. So I was writing on hubpages instead, but sweltering in the heat, worried I would ruin the computer because it was above 90 degrees so much.

    When I saw your blog, it seemed more advanced than mine, albeit younger, and making good progress versus Fran's which was also going along pretty well. Was it in that famous conversation when you taught Fran everything he knows about blogging?

  19. Happy birthday, DTa1!

    Ray, you're a blogging butterfly! I reckon you don't sleep; you and Fran pop up in all the blogs and forums I visit (Maybe that means I spend too much time online, too!);-)

    Keep up the good work!

  20. happy birthday to your great blog!


  21. I'm kicking you in the crackers on Sunday you idea stealing bollox, you have an original idea, we don't think so, shithead.

  22. Hi Ray

    Keep up good work I love reading your blog

  23. Keep it up Ray! Blogs are a major part of the wargaming community that keep us all in touch.
    Cheers, Ken

  24. Aw happy birthday chuck!


  25. Many happy returns from Down Under matey!

  26. Congrats! I really enjoyed your posts and look forward to another year.


  27. Another Happy Birthday from Down Under! THanks for the great blog.

  28. Happy day dude! Congrats!! You've been a big help in my starting this hobby.
