
Monday 29 August 2011

Recently Painted No 29 Dutch Waldeck/Saxe-Heilburg Horse

Back to the Recently painted posts and back to my Nine Years war army. This is my second Dutch cavalry regiment and was extremely difficult to find any info about.
Dutch Horse Regiment No9, Waldeck. The regiment was raised in 1635 as the Vaan Cuirassiers, fast forward to the 23rd February 1667 and the new Colonel was George Frederick, Graaf van Waldeck-Pyrmont, Waldeck was made Field Marshal of William of Orange's army in 1688, he commanded the allied army at The Battle of Walcourt in 1689, which ended in an allied victory, but lost The Battle of Fleures the following year and The Battle of Leuze in 1691. Waldeck died in November1692. On 14th January 1693 Ernst Frederick, Herzog von Saxe-Heilburg-Hildburghausen became the new Colonel until I believe 1709.

Up until 1692 the regt wore a Grey/White coat lined red, but so it seems did most of the Dutch cavalry for the period. I've chosen to paint the unit up in the colours of the Saxe-Heilburg uniform, a Grey coat lined in pink, the main reason for this is the flags are known, I downloaded these flags from the Warflag website, and slightly changed the pink colour to a brighter shade of pink. I cannot find any information as to whether the regiment fought in any major battles during the Grand Alliance period, but you don't get to paint many pink units, so there you go...... Dutch Horse regt Waldeck.
If anyone can add any further info about this regt it would be greatfully received!!!!
The figures are from Essex and the bases are by Warbases, they are based up to BLB rules.



  1. You won a prize alright, but you're not going to like it, as it comes from bees.


  2. Hi Ray, I had a look in Alan Sapherson’s “Dutch Army of William III” – he mentions tin buttons and the trumpeters in reverse colours. Not much more, I know….I’m guessing you may even have that book! Waldeck was an interesting guy - one of the key Dutch generals in the war of 1672, where he defended the “Water Line”, and then a key commander again in the Nine Years War. You’ve done his regiment of Horse justice! Lovely job.

  3. A very pink bunch of fellows Ray and I'm sure they are all signing "Prince Charming, ridicule is nothing to be scared of"

  4. @ Whisk - lol!!
    @Sidney - Yeah I have got the Sapherson book, I was unsure what to do about the trumpeter, being that the reverse colour was for the older uniform, but I've got some pics from WI on the Dutch, they show the trumpeter wore the same uniform, but with white hoops around the sleeves, I did paint these on, but you can't really see them after I inked the figures!!

  5. @ Paul - Why thank you Sir!! Nothing wrong with a bit of Adam and the Ants!!

  6. Woah, extremely well done... you must have some seriously steady hands.

  7. First of all very nice painted figures Ray!

    That second rider from the right is the trumpeter isn't it? He's different painted as the others. When I read Sidney's information, shouldn't he be wairing a pink coat?


  8. Nice!!
    @Peter...I think the words pink and trumpet shouldn´t be mentioned in the same post....a bit oooer madam..:-D

  9. Are you sure it's not a 'light red,' or 'rose?'

  10. Those look great, well done.

  11. Nice unit, but tempting for yet another diversion!


  12. Nice work indeed. Most impressed!

  13. Nice work. Like the bases and more awesome flags!

  14. Well done! I quite like the unit histories you provide.

  15. Nice work!
    I had waldeck for my Napoleonics years ago!

  16. Nice info on the Dutch unit. I was completely unaware of those. They look great as well, I like those units in unusual color.
