
Tuesday 20 September 2011

NYW - Danish regt Prince George Flags

I've still not decided what way to paint Prince George's regt, I'm still leaning towards the green, cuffed orange I'm afraid. While the idea was ticking away in my noggin I knocked up the three flags in this post. The three flags appear in the Sapherson booklet, "The Danish Army 1699-1715. Again the Orange flag, (I seem to have a thing for orange at the moment), may be a little late for the NYW, but it looks great to me, so I may use it anyway!!!!!!!!


  1. Ray, You do very nice work, no question (signed...John from Canada)

  2. I would go for the green/orange combo, simply because I think it looks better on the table. Nice multitasking BTW, the flags look great, esp the orange of course.

  3. The flags look great! Maybe when I get a new computer I'll be able to try making some. Someday...

  4. As always great looking flags...will be using these guys soon. Thanks for sharing!!!

  5. I wish country / state flags were as badass today as they were back in the day.

  6. Green coats, orange cuffs and the orange flag Ray.

  7. Very nice flags Ray!


  8. Orange for me too, just looks more impressive!

  9. knowin me, knowin you! follow!

  10. No way, Ray Jose, go with the blue as a prince's regiment, it was the Fyn regiments that liked the green. These are a prince's regiment with the blue. Go blue.

    Also the 1 and 1 Chicago Bears wear blue with orange, and it looks stunningly good with some white on it. The Packers have green, to hide the grass stains when they get flattened.

    If your wife was the princess of England for the past seven or eight years would you still be putting a Dannebrog on your flag, even when...whatever, you can't give away things free for some people.
