
Wednesday 14 December 2011

Recently Painted No 42NYW Dutch Horse regt Heyden/Ittersom

Guess what??, yet another  two squadrons of Horse for my NYW project suddenly appeared in the finished box the other day, much to Richard's annoyance! Poor Richard is having trouble keeping up with me painting his French NYW figures. Which is not his fault really coz I get a lot more time to paint then he does, also his other projects have been calling him, "finish me finish me". So I think its a 25mm French Hussar unit for the Revolutionary wars first for him or maybe re-basing his Franco-Prussian armies that he's been promising himself for the last 3 years.................
Anyway on with the figures, these fine looking fellows represent the Dutch Horse No1 Heyden/Ittersum.
The regiment was originally formed  in 1665 as a regiment of Judges they were dissolved in  1668 and reformed in 1671 and were maintained by the state of Gelderland. In 1683 they were commanded by Frederick Willem, Baron de Heyden, after his death at the Battle of Fleurus in 1690, Henrik van Ittersum tot Nieuenhuis became their commander, finally in 1696 Frederick Christiian van Reede, Baron Aughrim became their commander.
The regiment was included as part of William III's invasion force and was sent in Ireland, they were present at The Battle of the Boyne and the Battle of Aughrim. After this date it gets a little sketchy, but they were definitely at Steenkirke and Fleurus.
Once again the figures are Essex, and bases from Warbases, they are based up for the excellent Beneath the Lily Banners 2 ruleset. The blue flag is from Warflag, while the oval shaped one is from Warflag with a little help from me!! Both flags date from 1696 while the regt was named Aughrim, as there is no info on previous flags, I've had to use a little artist licence, so apologies before anyone says anything!!!
Hopefully next week myself and Richard may get together for another test game, pics to follow as and when.



  1. I like the colors on these, a lot. Though I hear you're not allowed to paint at work.

  2. They look sharp, can't wait to see them in a game setting.

  3. Love the detail, especially on the flags.

  4. I do love the horses you do. I think they're my favorite so far. You must have a huge library at home because you have all the historical info here. Your consistent inclusion of the history is important. Some people may not realize just how much you guys have to know to participate in these wargames.

  5. Ray,
    Another masterpiece! I like the way you place a flag for each squadron...genius! I always wanted to place multiple flags on cav units but couldn't figure it out. Didn't want the main command stand to look too busy. Nice job - will give my guys a go with the two flags.

  6. Very nice, hard to beleive these are just 15mm. Looking forward to seeing them in action


  7. Superb work - some of the best 15mm I've seen. Hopefully they'll perform as good as the look on the tabletop!


  8. Wow this is really well done. Spent a few minutes just watching over the detail in colors, must be great to finish these up. Very nice!

  9. Lovely looking unit. Always especially nice to see horses painted individually and not looking like they've come of a production line.


  10. These figurines are so small! How do you get so much detail? Hats off!

  11. Very impressive looking unit!

  12. Very nice Ray,
    Interesting colours and period (ie. 1 I know nothing about!).

  13. Great job on those. Each unit seems better and better. I guess practice does make perfect.

  14. Great job as Joe says they seem to be getting better and better mate

  15. Very nice unit, the colors are great. Are you going to left something for the Contest?

    @Anne: Hello. You are right, and you are also the first person I read/hear saying we are, virtually, walking Military Encyclopedias.


  16. Very nicely done Ray, as many have said nice colour choices.

  17. Amazing!
    The period is very interesting, and painting, as always, superb.
    Come to France to fight with these figs!

  18. Awesome Ray. These guys look fantastic!

  19. Just commenting on the regimental name :)

    Ehhhmm..the name of the regiment was "van Rechteren" which probrably translates as "regiment of Judges" but was really the name of a actual person, namely "Zeger van Rechteren".

  20. Thanks everyone for your comments!!!!
    @ Greg - I like having a flag for each squadron, it just makes them look better, and if you've got the flags and the inclination, go for it!!
    @ Phil - I'd love to, but I'd have to bring the rest of the Rejects and the Mrs and kids!!!!
    @ J. Leeuwensteyn - That's Google translater for you!! Thanks for the correction.

  21. Man these look really awesome! And the colour scheme on these figures is so good!


  22. another regiment completed and nicely done at that!

  23. More top work Ray; do these count towards your tally for the competition?

  24. fuck yeah, riding a horse while weilding a pistol, like a bause.

  25. Lovely figures, great paint jobs and wonderful flags. Top work.

  26. Really like the figures. I've been discussing what scale to do BLB in with a couple of mates but seeing these has certainly pushed me towards 15mm. Can you tell me what size bases you use please?

  27. @ Richard - We use 40x40 for all Cavalry, 35x30 for infantry, 35x15 for pike, 30x40 for artillery and various sized round bases for commanders. There are some fantastic 25mm figures out there, but I couldn't afford to buy the units what I'd want to get in 25's. 15mm is the way to go!!!

  28. Another great job with this post. I'll echo earlier comments and agree that two flags is a very nice touch.

  29. Thanks Ray. Most helpful. Keep up the painting and posting!

  30. Another great looking unit. Nicely done Ray!

  31. Very nice work on a nice and obscure subject.
    I especially like the srong highlights on the base really.
