
Thursday 9 February 2012

After the Battle - The Truth

After reading both my and Fran's blog, some readers were a little unsure of who had won the Battle of Mackenzie Heights, propaganda being what it is! 
I should point out BigLee's blog again, he was on Fran's side and in his post confirms that the Russians actually lost the game.

Below are two video clips I took after the game. 
There is a little swearing in the clips, so apologies if it offends anyone. If you are easily offended by an Irishmen swearing, don't watch it!!!

I suspect this may remind all gamers of their own after game analysis, or as like to call it
 arguing and taunting each other like kids on a playground!
Oh what fun!!!
I'd just like to avoid anymore confusion, typically I missed the actual part where Ian, Fran and BigLee
gave up the game. Postie then works out the points to see who would have won at this time if the game had ended, which was the Russians, but it was all to late  for the losers by then.
And yes, I like to win!

Lastly just like Fran has done recently, I've had to delete my Blogroll, due to some blogger problem,
and I've lost quite a few blog address, so bear with me over the coming days, and I'll try and get everyone back up.



  1. Thanks for the video. I always find it interesting to see and hear people you interact with on the blogs in a video. They are no long just words in a comment book but have a voice now as well. That isn't creepy is it :)

    Btw I like BigLee throwing Fran under the bus behind his back in the second video :)

    1. No creepy at all.........well maybe just a little?? And Fran does need throwing under a bus, and he's the only person I know who's bee run over by one too!!

    2. LoL! Nothing like a unified command to ensure victory!

  2. Now Ray has this been tampered, sorry I mean edited, with as well and this is only one truth? Great vid.

    And you have missed out on my free flag offer on my blog too, lol.

    1. I just about worked out how to get the thing on, as for tampering ........forget it??
      Free flag? I'm on my way!

  3. Ahh propaganda! History is made my the victors but writen by the people with the loudest voices! Glad you have the fotage to back your story! Congrats on the win!

  4. I never let facts get in the way of my beliefs! ;) And you should have said "If you are easily offended by an Irishmen swearing" F*** OFF!!!

  5. This is great. It's good to see the Rejects in live action.

  6. Does Fran know you're posting this Ray? That was only mild swearing coming from the big Irishman though. This was the best 3 minutes of video I've seen in weeks!!

  7. That was a great little video. Great comradarie around the wargames. Funny too!

  8. I LOVED THIS!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for this post. Tim watched it with me. Great stuff.

    Loved it. So great to hear you guys and see you.

  9. That was a good video. Fun after action discussion. Looks to me like you proved your point, Ray. :)

    1. The only person that didn't agree on the outcome was Fran. frankly I think he was smoking something cos the situation (and points position) could only have deteriorated the longer we played. Conceding (or leaving the field) at this point was the only sensible option.

    2. Lee, I think you two should start dating....

  10. You know, those videos were probably just as fun to watch as the actual game was to read. That's a good thing btw!

  11. lol Too funny. I have to say though, if Lurker could have used all those pringle cans you guys had as infantry, he would have won.

  12. Hahahah very funny, gracious winners and losers !!

  13. Great post Ray. Loved the vid's. It sound exactly like a replay of the end of our game last night.

  14. Nice one ray. I thought Fran's swearing was mild compared to normal. Although it has to be said his little f*k-f*k-f*k-f*k-f*k-f*k tirade did make him sound like one of his chickens!

  15. Fav lines are

    "Minor victory my ass!"

    "they love me not you"

    and "General Crapovski"


  16. Very f*#§ ing Funny! It's nice to hear what everyone f*#% ing sounds like. Really f*#§ing great stuff and you should do some f'ß+ing more!


  17. I've been advised by my legal team (Anne O'Leary) not to watch this tripe, As I know you would not have shown what I filmed on your camera!

    1. I cannot possible show what you filmed, because you didn't turn the bloody thing on, did you??? Silly Boy!

    2. I've taken the matter under advisement and after I finish this bottle of gin, I'll be filing some sort of shite claim on Angry's on behalf Ray.

  18. Nice post! Nice to see videos with philosophical discussions! Looks like in France!

  19. So I take it was.......A draw?

    Hehe nice work chaps!!!

  20. Brilliant!!!! Very entertining..I haven´t heard swearing like that since....???..well since the last time I was in the UK..
    What was it again Ray? ...nodody sadi it ? :-D I won´t delete´s evidence

  21. PPSA...why did you all delete your blog rolls!!? I saw at peter´s that the problem was adding to the blog wasn´t working.? Same with mine but all I did was go through the motion of adding got jammed..I ignored it, left it as it was, logged out and then logged back in and it had added to the list. Pain in the backside but it works.

    1. I've not been able to add any blogs to my blog roll since November. Which was slightly irritating!!! I can follow them, just can't add them. But now it's all fine again. Not sure why deleting it and starting over again, made it work, but it does, so I'm not complaining!!!

  22. The problem I'm having is it caps out at 166 followers and won't let me add over that.:-(


    1. Not sure what's going on with blogger, lots of bloggers are having the same problem. I've put back on 121 at the moment, not sure how many more it'll take!! 166 that's a strange number to stop at??

  23. I know it just won't save if I try and exceed that amount.Very frustrating!!


  24. Well that settles it then. Good to see and hear you too - you're all much livelier than I expected. Could gaming be the elixir of youth?
