
Friday 2 March 2012

And the winner is...............

As some of you are already aware The Rejects made the long drive to Tonbridge (ok 35 minute?), to spend their hard earned dosh at the Cavalier Wargames Show. I made a boo boo and bought a set of Lord of the Rings Rules, "The Return of the King", when I got back home I found another copy of the rules on my bookshelf! so I thought I'd give it away to a needy gamer.
Four gamers put their name into the hat...... but there can be only one?

The 4 were:

No 1 Sean from Sean's Wargames Corner

No 2 Dan from The Command Tent

No 3 Tim from Fidus et Audax

and No 4 Dave D from One Man and His Brush

I threw 4 D6, the roll was 1,1,4 and 5
So the winner is............................................................. Sean!!!!!!!!
If you can send me your address Sean to and I'll get the book sent off to you asap!! Well done to Sean and thanks to Dan, Tim and Dave for joining in too!!!


  1. Congratulations!!!

    And a nice gesture Ray!

  2. Very nice of you, enjoy the rules Sean.

  3. I'm just interested to know why you didn't throw a single D4.. :P

  4. Congratulations and a great prize give away. (Damn I forgot to enter, lol)

  5. Wait a minute... 1, 1, 4, 5. "Don't Throw a One"?!! :)
    Nice prize.

  6. Thanks for the chance and congrats Sean. Generosity like this it what makes the community great!

  7. Sean must rename his site. "do throw a 1" :-P good on you for your generosity

  8. Fix! :P Nah, cheers Ray, this sort of competition is great for the community spirit. Well done Sean

  9. Nice one Ray, more good gestures like this and you may well shake off the bad guy reputation that The Angry Lurker has given you! .... :) Congrates to Sean ! bad luck to the other fellas.

  10. All's well that ends well. Now to rebuild those money bags for the next one, and be careful this time.

  11. Pity you didn't make a mistake on those vikings :-D

    Congrats Sean (but I think you knew he would throw a one! :-D)


  12. Woo Hoo!!! I hardly ever win anything. I also don't know hoe I missed this post, I must admit I was feverishly awaiting the results.

  13. The lesson I'm taking from this is that there are wargamers out there who are happy to play GW games without 'needing' the newest, shiniest version of the rules. Fair play to you, lads! :)
