
Sunday 11 March 2012

RP No58 FIW Woodland Indians

I posted these chaps on the Annalouge Painting Challenge last month, I've had the figures longer than I care to remember!!!! But the painting challenge has really got me going on some of my long forgotten figures. These are all Frei Corps figures, sold in the UK by QRF, they will add to my ever growing French Indian War collection. They rather generically painted and will represent any of the tribes that fought with the British or French during the war. The bases are from Peter Pig and are metal, most my FIW figures are based using these bases, because I intend, to make magnetic movement bases for the all the units, as my rules are skirmish and it would be a pain in the posterior trying to move al the figures individually.


  1. Very nice Ray; always a period that catches my eye, but I must resist; at least for the time being!

  2. Really beautiful figures, Ray. I like a lot the Indians, and yours are very nice.

  3. Great job, Sir...Put a feather in your cap!

  4. They look great. I asked about them on tmp before I thought of clicking at the link.

  5. Very nice. Great idea with the metal bases to

  6. I can just imagine the theme tune from "The Last of the Mohicans" playing when these guys hit the table.

    Nice work Ray!!

  7. Nice, I like the face paint detail.

  8. Metallic bases, why not? A great work, these figs are really nice and varied. Love the hairstyles!

  9. Great job on these! Nice variation in the paintjobs, bases look great and you even included warpaint. Outstanding!

  10. Very nice work yet again Ray :)

  11. I like them!!
    Those eastern tribes are not my favourite ones (they don't have horses!), but you did a good job on them!

  12. They look very good. Nice one, Ray!

  13. Magnetic base. Effin' awesome.

  14. Wow! Really impressive! Super cool!

  15. These are nice pieces Ray and you';; be using Ray's Rules too. What is magnetic movement in a game? I've not heard of this before.

    1. Its not magnetic movement Anne, the bases are made from metal, so I'll buy some magnetic sheeting and glue them onto card or MDF, so you can place 10+ figures on a base and move them all at once.

    2. Okay that makes sense. I was picturing you guys batting the figures around like in Air Hockey and thinking "Whooo, sounds like fun!"

  16. Really nice looking Indians. I'm looking forward to hearing more about these rules of yours.

  17. wow just like Last of the Mohicans...

  18. Are these 28mm figures? good painting examples i have a ton of indians to do!

  19. Well done. Very impressive.

  20. Great job. The FIW is another era I look at and say "if only I had the time..."

  21. nice job, what's that terrorist?

  22. I foresee hours of skirmishing fun with these guys :-)

  23. They are sweet figures, Ray. Well done. Makes me scalp all tingly, like, just looking at them.

  24. nice job. I may ask is is accurate for all of them to have guns? I know liitle about these people

    1. Probably not, but I've also got loads of others painted up already with spears and hand weapons.

  25. Nice work Ray, these Injuns are looking good.

  26. excellent work Ray !!!

    I realy like woodland indians, my favorite minis for my own AWI project.

    Best regards dalauppror

  27. Is their any period you don't play? LOL


  28. Really nice work there Ray.

  29. Very nice Ray!! I can't decide which project of late that you have done that I like more between the F&IW and Russian/Japanese war as both are very cool!
    I'll be doing F&IW for 28mm in skirmish using a variety of rules, but I want to try it in 15mm as well, but more regimented. problem is I'm stuck on what to use for rules and I've been thinking of F&F or Black Powder. Do you have a suggestion?


    1. For me there is only one set of rules for the SYW, Age of Reason, its perfect for 15mm, you only need 12 figures per regt, they are a little complicated at first but give a great game and a great feeling for the period. You'd need approx 12 units per side to get the feel for the game. Another good set that is a little less complicated is Koenig's Krieg, we've used them several times and had some great games with them.

    2. Thanks I'll look into it!:-) By complicated do you mean game play is slow? I prefer to spend most of my games on the table and less in the books.;-)
      I prefer the wars in North America during this period over the European and I was curious if it handles it well?


    3. They do tend to slow down, the bigger the game, basically each side divides the army into brigades, these are then numbered and randomly drawn out for movement, so sometimes for large games, you may get brigade 4 come out before brigade 3, problem being brigade 4 is directly behind 3, hope you get the picture. But for smaller games this shouldn't happen. Just remembered another set of excellent rules "Habitants and Highlanders", I've based my rules on quite a lot of ideas from these. They are a FIW specific set and are very good, they include a campaign and several scenarios as well. If you only going to do the FIW, these should be your first port of call, IMHO!

    4. That's right I'm looking for F&IW specific rule set and "Habitants and Highlanders" really sounds the bill and is exactly what I have in mind! Like I said, finding skirmish games for this period is easy, but finding anything above that is difficult. Thanks a bunch Ray!!


    5. Just put in my order to Caliver Books for the rules and picked a pack of the fantastic Blue Moon's(under OG) F&IW 15mm French Marines and Indians. If you haven't seen these then you really should! Of course you might rue the day I pointed it out as the range is awesome and will drain your wallet!


    6. You'll enjoy the rules I've no doubt. As for the Blue Moon figures, take a look here

      I've already bought and painted up the Marines!!!

    7. Why am I not surprised!!(LoL) They look great btw! It's just such superb period and easily in my top 5 after ACW which is king in my court.
      Really looking forward to seeing more and seeing your rules evolve.


  30. Great figs as ever love the combo of face paint and (ex)army tunics on several chaps.

  31. Great little indians!

  32. Nice job, i have an English army to play this war, with some indians too.

  33. These look great! I like the red paint on some of their faces the best!
