
Sunday 29 April 2012

My Salute Loot! - Salute 2012

Just a quick post today, I thought I'd share my Salute Loot, (the title was pinched from BigLee's blog).
As you can tell by the pic, most of my money was spent on the Gripping Beast stand, I finally bought the Saga ruleset and two packs of dice, the Normans and Anglo-Saxons, unfortunately they'd sold out of the Viking set, so I'll make my own, hence the blank dice. I also bought the new Muskets and Tomahawks set of rules, which flicking through are remarkably similar to the set I've been writing myself!! Lastly I bought a pack of LBMS shields for the Gripping Beast plastic Vikings I bought at Cavalier in February.

Away from the Beast I picked up my order from Essex Minis, several packs of NYW 15mm figures to add to my ever expanding army, after examination I found they'd given me two packs I hadn't ordered instead of the ones I wanted, it was an easy mistake, not sure if it was mine or Essex's, but a quick phone call sorted the problem out, and a couple of days later I had the packs I wanted.

I also picked up two books from Osprey I'd been after for a while, even better I got one, Tomahawk and Musket for a fiver!!!

My last purchase were two sets the rulers and counters for Saga sold by Warbases, just gotta read the rules now!!!!

Lastly I met Honoury Reject Seb and he handed me my prize "Starlingrad" by Antony Beever,  that I won from his online competition a couple of weeks ago, so that's another book I've got to add to my reading pile, cheers for the prize Seb!!!!


  1. Nice swag. Thats a lot of SAGA goodies!

  2. Don't. Tell. The. Wife.

    Nice haul, pal!

    1. Shhhhh! No don't tell the Mrs, I'll be in trouble alright!!!

  3. A decent haul of swag you have thier. Plenty of new rules to learn then

  4. Nice passel of treats you have there. I'm interested to hear what you think of 'Tomahawk & Musket'.
    - Curt

  5. Nice haul! If you're getting into Saga, I'd definitely recommend reading some books like The Prose Edda, Volsungsaga etc - they are available in translation, but it does take a while to get used to the the way things are written. They're also quite long-winded but make for some great scenario ideas. If you'd like, I can dig out a couple and lend them to you.

  6. Nice Haul Ray. Good to see you have started down the slippery slope that is Saga! And you managed to get Anglo-Dane dice!!! Hopefully GB will get their new stock in soon

    1. It broke my heart spending £12 on a pack of dice! :0(

  7. Good pile of stuff! Saga certainly seems to be the game of the day. Enjoy.

  8. Nice haul and I'll be picking up a copy of the Muskets and Tomahawks pretty soon, but I'm not in the biggest rush as I'm trying not to get distracted from my Samurai project.


    1. Come on Chris, everyone needs a distraction!!

  9. Nice looking haul. I keep being tempted by saga but I'm shying away from larger games at that scale due to space/expense. A food rule set though.

  10. Good stash you have gathered there Ray. Haven't made Salute being based in Scotland, but its Carronade next weekend so a happy day shopping and looking at some games.


  11. Good haul. As I understand it (being from the States, and not having attended the show yet) SALUTE is primarily a trade show sort of thing, where you can buy all your goodies, and less of a gaming convention, where you try out all sorts of new games and rules and such.

    1. Its a bit of both, there were loads of games you could join in with or just stand and admire other games, the trouble with this was it made you realise that your painting is crap! Check out my previous post for a few pics of some of the games on show, the Corunna game was simply awesome.

  12. Nice stash. The STalingrad tome by Mr Beevor is a cracking read.
    Are those blank dice I see ? if so for what ?

    1. I've downloaded the Sags Viking die page to cut out and stick the faces on the dice.

  13. nice one ray, can't wait to see them painted

  14. I have yet to fall prey to Saga, but it looks sorely tempting. Muskets and tomahawks? I've heard mention but don't know much about it.

  15. I picked up a set of the rulers too - and have used them already - very useful.

    I'd be interested in what you think of Muskets & Tomahawks.

  16. Great haul there Ray; so it's all about Vikings then! Can't wait to see results and of course a picture of Fran in a horned helmet! ;)

    1. He's already got a massive pair of horns, the git!

  17. Very jealous. I hope you let us know how you like the Saga rules

  18. You did say that the blank dice are for seniors...didn't you! :)

  19. Lots to read! Start with stalingrad, its awesome.

  20. Good looking pile of loot! I need to buy SAGA!

  21. that's some awesome loot!

  22. Nice Haul. I had my first game of SAGA yesterday. Took a little while to understand it at first, but then it was on with the fun. Its a fun skirmish game, with some interesting tactical choices to decide each turn from a starting dice roll, using the results to pick choices from your 'Battlecard'.
    It suits its name :-)
    Stalingrad looks good read, I may look that one up.

  23. Those are rulers? Oh, I thought they were Popsicle sticks. ;)

  24. I don't know if I should be jealous or not. Guess not then.. hm

  25. I think you showed remarkable restraint for being at Salute Ray. I expected this pile to be bigger actually. I've been seeing some nice Vikings out on the blogosphere over the last couple of weeks and am looking forward to seeing your's painted up.

  26. You seem to have something to work with.

    Now get working!!!!

    Hehe nice loot pile mate

  27. Ι've read Beevor's 'Stalingrad'. You'll love it mate!
    Happy playing and reading with the rest!

  28. Many SAGA things, Ray, you are ready now for the Dark Ages. "Stalingrad" is the best book I have read from Anthony Beevor.

  29. Good haul. PLease let us know how you got on with the musket and tomahawk stuff as it is an era I'm keen to expand into. Cheers.

  30. Awesome haul! I once read the Stalingrad book by Beevor. As I recall it was an excellent read. I hope you enjoy it!

  31. Well spent money ! I assume the little plastic bag was empty :)

    Best regards Michael

  32. Great haul you got there Ray. Just a few things for Saga I see. Keep you out of trouble for a while or at least until the wife finds out!

  33. That's because you have so much money git!

  34. Muskets and Tomahawk has been out for about 2 years now in France, and the people I know who played had a blast each time. You should enjoy it I think.


  35. I so nearly picked up SAGA and Muskets and Tomahawks at the show but I resisted....for now. Look forward to seeing how you get on with them.

  36. Nice swag there Ray. Looks like you are getting into Saga in a big way. Great game.
