
Monday 11 June 2012

Broadside 2012 - The story

Well I'm the last Reject to get my Broadside post up and running, Fran and Lee both got there posts in earlier today. So I won't bore you all with too many of the same details that the lads have already written about. We were all up nice and early as the doors opened at 8, for clubs and traders alike. We were a little early, arriving at around 730 and after a little confusion as to where to park, we found the Wyvern Hall and started to unload all the gear....The Rejects have arrived!!!!

The lads getting a telling off from Postie, as they took out the terrain boards from the wrong end of the box.
 "Look, It's numbered like I said"  Bet you all guessed who the main culprit was??
We made some boards to go under Posties tiles, we gave them a lick of paint, BIG MISTAKE!
Next day they were like bananas. Lesson 1, learnt, use an undercoat or oil based paint!!!!
Hhmmm? What to do???
 It didn't take us as long as we thought to setup!

I had a great chat with fellow bloggers Whisperin Al from The Wargaming Shed and Tamsin the Wargaming Girl, made an appearance as well, she's loaned me 4 books on Viking Sagas so, I've got a lots of interesting reading to do!
  Here are a few photos of our game at the show "The Battle of Amiens 1918". I'll post a short write up and more pics on our game at a later date, I must agree with Fran and Lee, at being both shocked and extremely pleased to be awarded joint second in the game of the show competition. It was unexpected but a fantastic honour for all the Rejects especially Postie himself! well done to all the Rejects!!!!!!
The Canadian 9th Brigade advance.
Richard's "Willie" bites the dust! ( I know!) The first of many Tanks to be destroyed.

A view of the German trenches.
It's Sylvia's turn to go to Tank heaven. Note the broken down tanks in the rear.

The French advance in rather a neat line??

Two armoured cars explode.
The Canadian's are over the trench.....leg it!!!!!

Here's some pics from some of the other games at the show, after looking at BigLee's pics, I've realised somehow I missed quite a few of the games. So apologies if your not here.

Milton Hundred's Rapid Fire WWII Game

Not sure who's game this was, but what an excellent looking game. I want this!!!
"The Storming of the Alamo 6th March 1836"

Congrats to Maidstone Wargames Society who won the Best display game for their WWII 6mm game 
Operation Deadstick - The Coup de Main at Pegasus Bridge

Had a couple of great chats with Clint from Anything but a one who made all the terrain for one of his clubs the Rainham Wargames Club. The game was a Modern Force on Force skirmish. He's a very talented chap is Clint, not only did he make this terrain, but as Fran mentioned, he worked on the film Aliens 2 making a gun rack, but his real claim to fame are the models he made for everyone's friend, Thomas the Tank Engine!!!!

Clint said everyone loved his goats!

My personal favourite game at Broadside was Southend Wargames Club's The Battle of Benfleet, a massive Saga game. I had a long chat with Richard from their club, I mentioned I'd never heard of the Battle of Benfleet, he explained that there's not a lot of info about it. Infact it only gets a 2 line mention in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles and most of the info for the game came from Bernard Cornwell's novels, and why not!!!!!

Another great game, this time from Shepway Wargames Club entitled  Romani ite Domum, (Romans go Home) North West Germany II IIIX AD

A Franco-Prussian game from Real-time Wargames, unfortunately the time I got around to taking pics of this game, they had started to put the figures away, so I didn't get many pics or any info.

The Battle of Oudenaarde 1708 from Tonbridge Wargames, a great looking game, using Beneath the Lily Banners. The two guys hosting the show for Tonbridge both live in St Albans and drove down for the show, now that's commitment!!
I loved their Gunpowder clouds, which actually lit up and flashed, I tried to get a pic of the flashing, but that was as hard as getting Fran to buy a packet of crisps!

Lastly a few pics of some Zulu War era guns and Zulu weapons.

A Peaky looking white helmet, otherwise known as Fran!


  1. Wow! Great pictures. Thank you for the low down!

  2. Excellent pics a great game and a good looking show

  3. Super looking tables all around! Looks like it was great fun!


  4. Great pics and commentary, Ray! Your guys' game looked excellent and congratulations on getting second in the show. Its especially sweet as it seems that were many very nice looking games in attendance. I envy you Brits with all of these great little shows scattered throughout the year.

    1. We are quite lucky I suppose, with lots of shows quite close to us.

  5. Beautiful photo journal, Ray.

  6. Looks like you guys put on a great game at a solid show. Well done!

  7. Congratulations on a great contribution to the gaming community - putting on a demo game is demanding on time, attention and money. Without people like you doing it, we wouldn't have newcomers into the fun. Well done.

    1. Got to admit it was a lot of hard work, although Postie himself did the brunt of the work.

  8. Great report Ray, and well done of the Rejects performance!

  9. Congrats on the 2nd place, Ray!

    Posties Rejects first step on world domination; first the blogosphere and now the UK convention circuit! MWA-HA-Ha-haaaa!


    Great pictures too!

    1. Has Fran been letting you into the Rejects secret plan??????

  10. Fantastic looking games all around; that Alamo game looks very nice. Great looking Zulu Wars artifacts too. Fine looking convention! Best, Dean

    1. We saw the Alamo game at another show, I did take some pics but these are a lot better.

  11. what an awsome place! HOPE YOU HAD FUN

  12. Some very cool looking games.

  13. I want to make it VERY clear I did work on the TV programe Thomas the tank engine... But did not work on any of the rolling stock or engines. Just some of the track side and buildings. So nothing too exciting.

    Thanks for such a great show report. Brill photos, good day, Nave you recovered yet?

    1. Your a very clever chap Clint, you must be very proud to have worked on such iconic films and tv shows, I know I would!!!! And nope not yet recovered!!

  14. Great report Ray, Love your table lay-out looks like a great play!

    Cheers Sander

  15. Ouch! Really, really impressive!
    THanks for sharing, it's a real pleasure!
    I think my favourie table is the Saga one, but all of them are wonderful!
    And, yes, congratulations!

    1. The Saga game the battle of Benfleet was top notch!!!

    2. Ray,

      Firstly, can I thank you, Fran and Lee for the very nice photos of our Battle of Benfleet game, and for the enjoyable discussion with you. Amiens is a game that I wanted to put on sometime myself, but i don't think anyone could better your display.

      Our reasons for going to shows are very much the same as yours - discussion on rules, talking about the period, and passing on tips and tricks. I think the first thing i did once I got home was to sink a pint mug of tea.

      The games next outing is at Battlegroup South at the Bovington Tank Museum on the weekend of 7/8 July. If you've never been I can recommend it, and the craic at the Saturday Hog Roast and the military history quiz is great.

      If we don't meet before, we will be at SELWG in October. Once again, thanks for the encouragement

      Richard Partridge,
      for Southend Wargames Club

    3. A pleasure meeting you Richard, praise is where praise is due, Southend's game was excellent, treading through my comments a lot of people agree!!!
      I've never been to the Bovington show, it sounds like a lot of fun, unfortunately I'm working nights both the 6th and 7th, but maybe next year:0(
      So I guess we'll see you again at SELWG then. Keep up the great work!!!!

  16. Again, great showing, and great photos. Between all the rejects, I think most of the show ( if not all? ) was covered? Congrats on second once more..

    1. Cheers Mr Lee, I think your probably right!!!

  17. Well done mate! It does seem you all had a good time with this project?

  18. You mean piece of faeces, you drank everybody's minerals, brought nothing yourself sponger!

    1. Yes I bloody did you git, they just didn't get opened and are now sitting proudly in Posties shed!

  19. Good report Ray. I didn't get as many pictures as normal this time so I was replying on you and Fran to get some good'uns!

    Still aching today but also still psyched about our 2nd place. So whats next Ray?

    1. Me too! 2nd place!!! Woohoo!!! I've already had a chat with Postie, he's got some ideas that even I laughed at!!!!

  20. All those men thinking at the same time was bound to end in a cock-up Ray! The table looks great and you boys had a grand time and got second place. A day well worth spending it seems.

    1. I'm surprised the place didn't blow up Anne!

  21. Well done the rejects!That was picture heavy^^. The Saga game looked terrific too.

    1. Yeh, I was gonna post it in two posts, but got a bit carried away........

  22. Thanks Ray fore some grate pictures and a good AAR !!!

    Best regards Michael

  23. Some great looking games there, so a very well-deserved placing for the Rejects in light of that!

    1. Why thank you Jim! I'm still waiting for a punchline though???

  24. Thanks for the Pics, Ray glad you had fun. Those flashing smoke clouds sound good as well as being ingenius

  25. Wow, looks like some excellent games. Thanks for sharing.

  26. Absolutely great pictures and a good read!
    I envy you English for all those great conventions...


  27. Great photos. The last comment made me spit out a mouthful of tea :)

    1. Ha ha, I've been waiting for someone to comment on that! lol!

  28. Great photos there Ray. Looks like lots of wonderful games too. The Rejects game being the best of course!!

  29. Wow, there is really some beautiful gaming going on there. I'm sure you guys had a blast.

  30. looks like a great day out was had by all

  31. Goodness me what a treat with all these photographs. I’m so glad that the day went well and well done to the Rejects for a superb looking game and getting behind the event with the publicity.

    1. Thanks Micael, it was a great day out, but completely knackering!

  32. Nice pics

    Alamo game was by Loughton Strike Force

    1. Cheers Simon, I thought it was Loughton Strike Force, but wasn't sure.

  33. Looks like it was a cracking day Ray. Sorry I missed it.

  34. Wow that's a sweet set up

  35. Great post, super photos. Thanks for the post.

  36. Wow some great looking games. I'm amazed at how intricate some of the scenery is.

  37. I have been looking forward to seeing how the day went. There was some great looking games, so well done with your second placing and thanks for sharing.

  38. Pat on the back to yourself and the Posties for a great display. 2nd is just first reversed mate.

    1. 2nd is just 1st reveresed.........I like it!

  39. Excellent pics and a great reportabout this interesting show. Thank you a lot.

  40. Battle of Benfleet, what a set up, sooooo good it has given me much inspiration for my own board... thanks for the report and pics Ray!

  41. Lovely report and grreat terrain all around! Maybe I should put that one on my callender as well. Dover is not that far way from the venue, so it would be within driving distance from Germany! ;-)

    1. Why not, if you do decide to head our way let us know, it would be great to meet up!

    2. Will do!

      In retrospect... had I had the show more present on my mind, I would probably have gone this year. Had a pretty bleepy weekend at home (still private problems) so going to the UK and a show would have been a huge boost!

  42. Love these. Tried to post from the old computer and kept getting knocked offline. Anyway, the one right above the boat picture is my favorite. Looks like it would be a little movie still.

    Great stuff.

    Though the picture on Big Lee's blog with you and Lurker holding hands is still my MOST FAVORITE.

    1. Holding hands?????? We were putting each others wrist bands on, mind you Fran did mine up so tight, I had to cut it off and get another one!!

  43. Great photo journal of the show Ray, you've shown some spot-on games - thanks for that.
    I can imagine whom you suspect of letting your game down and only acheiving a (well deserved) second instead of a first !

    1. We all know the truth, no names mentioned!! ;00

  44. Great photos -- looks like Broadside was a blast!

  45. really great photos looks like you had a awesome time

  46. The game table looks really awesome. So it won the second place. :-D

    Great pictures Ray! Thanks for sharing!

    Will the Rejects be on CRISIS in Antwerp later this year?


    1. It'd be great too, but I can't see it happening this year, maybe next year???

  47. Congrats on taking 2nd, nice write up, and thanks for sharing all the pics!

