
Monday 2 July 2012

250,000 Giveaway - We have a winner!!!!!

I had 38 Bloggers and Followers enter my competition, from several different countries, including the UK, USA, Germany, Australia, France, Denmark, Sweden and Belgium!!! Some chose to post about the competition on their own blog and its lucky this person did, because their second entry on the list was number 29, which was chosen completely at random.

Looking at the last post on this person's blog, I'm a little worried at what may turn up in the post!!!!

So to the Winner comes the Spoils of War, and his name is Michael Awdry

Congrats to you Michael and drop me a line at 
so we can pass on each others details.

I was going to have this as the first pic, but I'm afraid the boobs one out in the end, can't think why???

Whoops I nearly forgot to post a link to Tamsin's blog Wargaming Girl, whose holding her own competition, check it out, you may win some Flames of War goodies!!!!

Also check out Kingsleypark's Wargaming Menagerie, for more fantastic book give-away's, but don't ask for the Hastings book, that babies mine!!!!


  1. The boobs were better, definitely.

  2. Well done to Michael, I wonder what he'll want you to paint?
    Er yes... Boobs over Army Butt any day!

  3. Boobs and butts. Now that's funny.

    Congrats to the winner.

  4. Good work Ray, and congrats to Micheal. Your selection of the header pic to the post is well appreciated as well.


  5. Boobs get my vote. And you got 6 boobs. So I give it six votes.

  6. Gratz to the winner! :)

  7. Nice, going the extra mile pays off!

  8. Well done ang congratz!

    Looking forward to what you get tp paint for him!

  9. Boobies!! I'm so very proud of you right now Ray. And congratulations to Michael, he's a great guy and has a way of finding some unique figures. Maybe if we all talk to him he'll send you some fantasy figures instead of military figures. Or maybe I'll issue a public challenge to you on my blog for the title of Ultimate Master Of The Universe. I'll pick out and buy a fantasy figure that both of us can paint, then we'll have everyone vote on which one of us did the best job. The winner claims the title and has boasting rights. The loser has to then paint a figure of the winners choosing and give it to Fran as a birthday gift.

    So what do you say Ray. Do you think you can beat me, well do ya

    1. I think you've just been called out Ray!

    2. How could I possibly challenge the mighty Anne, I wouldn't stand a chance!!!! Sounds like it could be fun, but do we have to give the figure to Fran??? I don't want to? He smells!

    3. No, these figures aren't going to be given to Fran. When you see them you'll know why! The loser has to paint a figure of the winners choice and give that to Fran. So if you win, you could have me paint some ghastly figure and I'd have to paint it and give it to him. If I win, I pick something, you paint it and give it to him. Either way Fran loses by getting a horrible figure for his birthday. That should make you happy!!

  10. Well done Michael! LMAO at that second picture. The first choice was by far the best

  11. Congrats to Micheal. I so hope he sorts out something bizare for you to paint. Do you remember the Games Workshop Chaos loo?

  12. Hoooo boobies... Erm. COngrats Michael ;)

  13. Congrats for Michael, now what's next LOL

  14. A wise choice going for boobies first. Now send those lasses round to me. I need to check that those boobs are real!

  15. Is there another game with the boobs?

  16. We are all winners with the boobs.

  17. Can you imagine the proud fathers of those kids?

  18. Great choice on the lead pic Ray. Congrats to Michael.

  19. Well goodness me! I've just having one of those mad periods at work so have not been paying anywhere near enough attention so you can imagine my surprise when I read this! I'm absolutely thrilled Ray, thank you so much!!! I will drop you a line in the next couple of days to chat about what I can get down - this could be fun!

    1. No probs! I look forward to hearing from you.

  20. Good choice on the thread header and congrats to Michael.


  21. Congrats to Michael. Looking forward to seeing pics of his chosen models!

    And definitely boobies are best

  22. Funny that I found a similar contest from over 100 years ago! I hope the links work

  23. Well done there Michael and nice boobs, not on you Michael

  24. Congrats to Michael!

    And boobs are always better then some guy with his hand up his butt.

  25. I don't know what's going on but I couldnt agree more with that first picture.
