
Monday 9 July 2012

Good Grief!!! What have I gotten myself into now????

I've been challenged to a Painting Competition by a Mad Irish lady. 
What the hell I hear you ask? and why is there a picture of a Mouse Wizard on your blog???

Anne from Anne's Attic, fancied a challenge and chose poor old me to be her arch nemisis.
One of her conditions was that she'd pick the figure and after a blog vote, that horrible Non-Historical figure above was chosen, would you believe over a nude figure, boobies and all, 
what are people like???

I do believe I've got as much chance as England winning the next World Cup, as Anne's followers will vote for her out of pity. 
I know my erstwhile colleague Fran will certainly not be voting for me, just to be a git.
So there you go. 
When the figures are painted, Anne will be putting up a Poll on her blog for you to vote on, 
the loser has to paint a figure for Fran of his choice, I've asked him what he wants 
and will paint it up at the same time as the mouse!!!!!!


  1. Just think of it as a Warhammer Skaven model and go with that....

    1. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

    2. Lol!!I think Justin has given you inspirational advice Ray so don't forget to make that lantern light green....heh..heh...


  2. Now that the thought is stuck in your will keep thinking about it over and over again as you paint that model. Don't worry, no matter what it looks like, I'll vote for you...unless Anne does a much better job at painting her's, of course. :) :)

    Good luck, Ray!

  3. It's in the bag my old mate..........

    1. Let him beat me Fran. The high from winning the Analogue Painting Challenge has worn off and he needs another fix. I'm a nobody, I can afford to lose. And do you really want to listen to the sound of his sobs for months on end during the graveyard shift if I win. No, you don't. Vote for Ray!!!!

  4. Who knows, Ray, maybe you'll really get into painting anthropomorphic animal figures. Soon your blog will just be full of bunnies and hedgehogs and kitty kats... :)

    1. What about the squirrels???

    2. Just think Ray. It could have been full of naked women. You could have had naked twins on your blog. Just think of how popular your blog would have been with naked double-mint twins on the banner.

    3. I can't believe the wizard mouse, won over boobs.

      Good luck to you both.

  5. Go Ray!

    If you can paint a musketeer, you can paint a mouse.


  6. Kudos to you guys for shaking things up! Maybe with a little green stuff, you can add boobs to the mouse and surprise everyone. Then again, maybe that won't be a surprise at all.


    1. I like that idea, not sure Anne will go with it???

    2. Creatively you can do anything you want Ray. I didn't put any limits on what you can do. And that's the point. We all get to see you break out of your mold and use the creative skill that you bring to create your flags to bear on a figure that is unlike what you normally do.

      To be absolutely honest I concocted this whole shenanigan for that very reason. I want to see what you will do with this figure that has no rules regarding it's uniform or it's color. No history other than the one you choose to create for it. Reach inside you Rousell, the guy that creates all those flags from scratch is going to kick my arse all over the blogoshphere. And I'm going to have a grand time learning from you while you do it.

  7. I am totally looking forward to this...and I promise that one of these times, I will be on your side!! Maybe this one...or maybe not...

  8. There are no words to express my feelings at this time.

  9. Yes! I voted for the mouse too ;)
    Look on the bright side, you won't be as distracted with this one as the other ;)

  10. I with you on why in the world the mouse won. I didn't vote that way, it was the topless chick all the way as far as I was concerned. I'll vote for the best painted mini, even if that O'Leary character threatens to smack me around. I'm just happy that you will be painting in the manly 28mm scale this time around (yea, well I guess the mouse isn't that manly but he is bigger than your puny little 15s!).

    1. Puny 15's???? They're the best!!! Perhaps I should post the mountains of 25mm figures I've painted over the years??

    2. Now look at what I've started. I do believe I shall sleep the sleep of the damned tonight.

    3. Yea, puny 15s! So let me count 'em up. Have to ignore my ACW army, oh and can't count my Napoleonic army (eh I could provide both sides for Wargram using Napoleon's Battles at one point) shoot can't count my FOW armies either. Ummm, here we go; new ECW army (wait primed but not painted), two LoTR armies (those are small though), WWI Marines, WWII Marines, WWII US Airborne, Fantasy Dwarves (lots), Napoleonics (lot more than I thought, where did they all come from?), AWI, Wargods ...I need to sit down this is making me tired. A rough count gets me to about 3000 25/28mm painted on the shelves and in boxes. I'm not even sure what the total number of 15s is especially since I have done Napoleonics and ACW armies twice now (I'll never, ever sell another painted army again, well except for maybe these Normans).

  11. You will beat me you silly goose and you know it. I gave you control over the voting to make sure that the voting was fair and unbiased. Ha so it is truth you fear!!!

    And you seek to turn these men against me, a mere woman, a woman known for her gentle kindness and her sweetness. You are truly vile, and despite your flawed character I gave my vote for the Hastings book over to you on Kingsley's blog.

    Now you can't let an inexperienced female painter and a mouse beat you Rousell. Find your spirit man, find it and destroy me!!!

  12. I'll be intrigued to watch this, and I second lucky joe, clearly your blog needs more anthropomorphic animals. Perhaps you could start playing flintloque, that'll fill your requirement for historical stuff.

  13. Now I've got to say you might well think you are on a hiding to nothing here Ray, but from what I've read so far Anne is giving you some great advice with regards to shaking things up! Creativity has to be the way forward either way it will make great reading for both your blogs! By the way, if you think this is bad you should see what is in the post from 'Awdry Towers' heading in your direction! ;)

  14. This is a great challenge for both of you! Do it!

  15. I#m sure you can do it and maybe you'll find a kind of inner talent for painting this kind of stuff?

  16. I really like that mini actually. Good luck to create the same effect that's on the hat^^.

  17. Ha ha ha, you got to paint a mouse. Mind up I am painting Chibi Anime figure so Good luck there

  18. Oh Ray - what have you agreed to?


  19. Looks like a marvelous miniature to me mate, think about what you can do with designs on the hat and robes! Wizardly symbols are only a little removed from all that heraldry you paint on historical stuff...

  20. We'll make a fantasy wargamer of you eventually!

  21. You never know Ray, you might surprise us all and turn out to be a closet fantasy gamer.

    Believe me it doesn't hurt!

  22. Come on Ray! Keep the flag held high! BELIEVE!!!
    The best you can do is try your best!!!

  23. Good luck Ray. I would paint the mouse in all girlie pinks with flowers and stuff. Then give it to Fran. He'll hate it, but have to thank you for it.

    "When you eat poison remember to like your plate!"

  24. One to watch... although I would have loved the nude mini better! ;-)

  25. Good luck Ray

    But you're going to lose. Unless you are very sneaky and get us all to vote for you regardless of figure quality.

  26. Marvellous, simply marvellous. This could be the start of a whole new gaming period for you....mouse-wars. Believe can happen!!

  27. Best of luck, Ray. I think you're going to need it.

  28. This is going to be an interesting challenge. Good luck Ray. For the record, I voted for boobies!!

  29. Erm... It's a mouse Ray.
    You're aware of that right ?
    Please close the door and turn the lights off after your sanity leaves the room.

  30. I am sure there is a man or mouse comment in here somewhere?

    have fun! pass the chesse

  31. Give me 60 quid...I´ll not only give you my vote but I´ll paint the naked lady fig myself :-D
    PS..For 70 quid I´ll paint the mouse :-D

  32. Aw you poor thing. You've already given up! I'll be fair, I promise!

  33. Oy vey! "Thy fame is thy undoing!"

  34. Your approach is quite sensible as you are doomed as doomed can be.

    Smile, and think of England. :)

  35. I can't wait to see how this turns out! Sounds like a fun challenge you've been issued! :)

  36. LOL, Best of lucky and enjoy!!!

  37. It sounds that you're just to lazy to paint a figure that is bigger as 15 mm :-D

    I'm really looking forward to this challenge!


  38. Ray, I think you're in trouble messin with the Irish Lady.

  39. To make it fair you and Anne should put pictures of the painted figures on a post and not say which is which. Then have people vote on who wins, not knowing who they're voting for! Then, if you're worried people will just vote for Anne out of loyalty, just paint your mouse really bad so people will think its hers!

    1. hhmm? I quite like that idea, not the bad paint job, but the don't tell who's is who, I'll speak to Mrs O'Leary!!
