
Tuesday 31 July 2012

Postie the Devil

Some of you may already know the name of Postie.
He is the Titular leader of The Rejects.
He is also a git! 

The Little Devil himself

Several years ago I painted up stacks of 25mm Dixon figures for the Battle of Sedgemoor, for the man himself. Postie sorted the regts out in a ratio, so every unit had a different number of figures, at the time he didn't know what set of rules he would use, here's a link to some of the figures I previously posted.
Now comes the Git part......the figures have actually never made it out for a game, so a couple of months ago Postie decided to sell them, I tried to talk him out of it, but as usually he wouldn't listen. He even tried to get me to buy them, now I would have loved them, but  I was already well into my 15mm armies for the NYW, and I didn't have the £1800 he wanted for them as well as the look the Mrs gave me when she overheard me and Postie chatting about it. I decided that I wanted my nuts to stay in the sack, I thought better of it!
Anyway I very stupidly said to Postie, "Why don't you re-base the figures for Beneath the lily Banners Rules?" This got Posties interest as he'd played a couple of games in 15mm and liked the rules. He ummed and arred for a few days and said, no because he'd have to paint more figures for each unit blah, blah, blah, then all of a sudden somehow I'd agreed to paint all the bloody figures up for him for nothing???? I'm still trying to work out how he did it? Did he put something in my cuppa tea, was it really cheese in the sandwich, or has he really got Supernatural powers? I still haven't worked it out?

Anyway I've painted up all the extra figures for the cavarly for both sides, which was around 20 odd figures and now its Infantry time. Here are a few pics of The Queen Dowagers regt, otherwise known as Kirke's Lambs.


  1. I suppouse it was TO easy to lure you in to that Ray... ;)

    Ver nicely painted minis, love to see some finished units to.

    Best regards Michael

    1. I'll take more pics when they're all done, he's got to re-base them all yet.

  2. Postie is one of the nicest people I've ever met!

    1. That's not what you were saying when I was typing this up! Postie would be shocked!!!

  3. You got jedi mind-tricked!

    Nice figs, though.

  4. Postie = the Devil? Hmmm, not quite with you on that one. Mind you he is definitely a fiendish umpire/gamesmaster.
    As for getting suckered into painting the extra figures for him, well, you only have yourself to blame for that one! (OK, maybe you can blame Postie a little bit too)

  5. Oooh, I quite like that red. Colours please?

    1. The red was a bugger, I had to try and match them in with how I painted the original lot, why didn't I write it down? It was 50/50 GW blood red/Vallejo 947 vermilion, over a brown undercoat.

  6. And I've got you painting a mouse. You're just too nice Ray, but don't change because Fran may have some more figures for you to paint up for him.

    1. You never know, it could be his blue lizardmen!!!!!!!

  7. If you are this easy to convince perhaps we should all try and get you to paint stuff for us :)

  8. Ray you are obviously everyone's paint slave.

  9. Very nice painting, Ray. And the sculpts are really sweet.

  10. They are nice looking figures.
    My moneys on the Jedi mind trick angle.

    1. I think I'll go with Lee's toad!!! or it could have been the tea??

  11. So he made you paint them by just moaning a litte?
    Ray, you are too helpful.

  12. Heh.. nice post, but nice thing your doing to keep the older models in the family so to speak..

  13. Ray, we could start a support-group; this kinda thing has been known to happen to me too, I can relate to you mate! Still, nice figures.

    1. Cheers Sander!! But what would we call the group?

    2. The"I'm-being-duped-into-painting-heaps-of-other-peoples-mini's-and-not- getting-my-own-lead-pile-smaller" group? Hell I don't know as long as we have beer and pretzels and time to paint...

  14. Great looking figures.

    It must be a postie thing as I've also painted hundreds of ECW figures for my postie brother.

    I'm looking for someone to invest in my top secret West Midlands gold, oil and pot noodle mining venture. It only requires a £1000 investment - 200% profits guaranteed.


    1. I'm just waiting for my checks from my fellow investors, the Right Honorable Nigerian Minister for Oil and the official Irish Lottery (I must lucky as I never even bought a ticket!) to arrive then its all systems go.

    2. I can't wait!!! I've always been up for great ideas like this!!!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Dastardly! But the figures look good. And anyway you know you love to paint.

  17. Ray, you have been the victim of a very cunning plan...

  18. Postie is not evil. He is our glorious chapter master ;)

    Remember that well, RAy, or Postie will you by painting more free minis hehe

  19. Clever man Postie is! Nice work btw!


  20. Sounds like Tom Sawyer whitewashing a fence... or the old story of "Stone Soup." [The Puppet Master strikes again!]
    Still the figures are nice.

    John G

  21. Very nice minis, Ray, waiting for the base...

  22. Nice work Ray and at least these are a little more familiar to you than naked Amazonian Indians or cute fluffy mice! ;)

  23. Ha! Nice story... and fantastic painting!

  24. Good stuff! Ray your gaming misadventures always leave me smiling. :-)

  25. talked yourself into that one Ray

  26. Were you aware there used to be a Kirkes lambs Re-enactment group? (Founded in Kent).

    1. They never really took off. Was about 10 years ago. Don't think they are still going. There was only 4-5 of them, but did the Odyssy Show once! The brother of one of my friends was involved that's how I know of them.

  27. HA!!! I've got a mate exactly like that and I learned a long time ago to keep my gob shut. I might get in touch and convince him to go for Last Argument of Kings . . .

    Nice figures though.


  28. LOL now you better hope he does not release his legions of the undead on you!

  29. They look very good...well done him for getting them painted...for free:-D

  30. If Postie is the devil, what does that make Fran?

  31. Postie: 1


    Epic Fail.

    What were you thinking?

  32. As if you didn't want to paint them...I bet you made the offer in the first place and Postie simply agreed and accepted it. Come on, don't deny it!
    Nicely painted figures with all these greens and reds! Not my kinda thing, but when you see sth good you must value it! Great work Ray!!!!

  33. LOL, you were scammed!!!

    Exactly the reason I avoid painting for pals. A wargame buddy I know was having bother painting and asked if I would help him paint some Perry Samurai, I painted a few and within a couple of weeks overheard him saying he was goind to be selling off his Samurai!!! Git!!!

    Your friend Postie does seem to have an unnatural power over your painting!!!

  34. Its has to be super powers mate.

    Lovely painted figures btw.

  35. Lovely figures Ray, but you should know better!

  36. Ooooh he seems a right little devil, that Postie! ;-)

  37. ... and now I know what to do to have some figs from you Ray!

    "I want to sell all my collection of unpainted figs... etc......"

    (Great work on the minis!)

  38. Well... At least he did nit get you to paint them and sold them afterwards! ;-)

  39. Lovely work on these chaps Ray. Try and not get into these traps too often Ray.
