
Thursday 23 August 2012

The Battle of Viewpoint 1777 a Fictional AWI Batrep

What the hell were we thinking, it was 180 degrees and there were 7 of us stuck in Posties shed at 10 o'clock in the morning! I should have been down the beach with the Mrs and the kids, but no, we were there for a days gaming, now that's what I call dedication!
I tried to keep the post to a reasonable size, but failed epically!!!

The British have landed in Delaware on the east coast to set up a fort to guard the mouth of the Delaware River, to stop the American's re-enforcing Philadelphia by sea.
The Americans have come up with a cunning plan to try and catch the British off guard. Thus the scene is set as the Americans make their way through the woods as quickly and quietly as possible. Speed and surprise could give the Americans a vital victory over the Redcoats.
It is now early morning as the Americans arrive, some British troops are starting to stir from their beds others are still fast asleep while some are already starting breakfast.
The Redcoats have to throw a D6 to see if they've heard the Americans in the woods.
1-2 British hear nothing
3-4 British roll 1 D6
5-6 British roll 2 D6
On any 6 rolled the Americans will be discovered

The game started well for the American's myself, Fran and John, the Brits Surj and Dave only threw a 2, meaning the Brits didn't hear a thing!! Good!

The Brunswick camp

The Viewpoint Harbour 
The Governors Mansion.
The British fort, Fort David, garrisoned by British combined Grenadiers.
 English Frigate HMS Stuart
The American's starting point. All units are in skirmish order.
The 1st and 5th Pennsylvanian regts
The 2nd and 7th Pennsylvanian regts
The 2nd Conneticut and the 3rd New York.
The American advance still in skirmish order.
The right flan of the American army consisted of 4 Militia units, from Rhode Island,
New Hampshire, Maryland and Pennsylvania.
The Brit Grenadiers leave Fort David , was this a wise decision?
The American Militia advance to the bridge, while a unit of combined Light Infantry man
 the river bank and a mysterious wagon heads toward the bridge???
Nice!!! re-enforcements already!!!!!
I had to throw a 1 or 2 to get them on, which I did he he!
The arrived in column behind the Militia brigade on our right flank.
Whisper, whisper????
Postie gives the Brits a helping hand!
The American centre, my troops the 1st Brigade
The Militia moved away from the bridge to allow the newly arrived better quality troops to
try and attack the bridge. We now realised the wagon at the bridge contained explosives.
The Brits were trying to blow the bridge!!!
The Pennsylvania Militia fire on the flank of the Grenadiers. 
Fran races to get to the fence line.
The  Brunswicker's trying to move into a better position.
The 2nd Maryland charge the wagon and kill all the would-be bombers , who
have failed to fire the bridge for 3 turns on a 50/50 roll.
A fire fight ensues in the centre.
And Fran's 1st Pennsylvania Rifles get their first fire. At last!!
The New Hampshire Militia race to the bridge, while the rest flank the 8th Foot.
It's not looking good for the American centre. The 4th New York and the
 2nd Connecticut both rout due to musket fire!!
Fran moved the  7th Pennsylvania to flank the 55th foot.
The 8th foot turn and move toward the Militia showing their rear to the American's.
What a mess! The combined British lights look a little worried after being surrounded.
The 8th hit the Maryland Militia in the flank, after the Rhode Island
had evaded to the bridge.
The 7th Pennsylvania wonder where the 55th foot have gone???
They failed a morale check and fled back.
Surj spent the entire game trying to get the Brunswicker's into position
What a pretty line!
At this point me and Fran both had near death experiences, we couldn't go on anymore. It was toooooo hot!! I took the last three shots of the game and went to stand in the kids paddling pool for the 10th time that day! It was bliss.

After totting up the points it was decided the game was a draw! Me and Fran both thought we'd done enough for the win, as we'd took two bridges and the port, but it wasn't to be.................did I mention it was hot????


  1. ...and not the good hot you paddling pool git!

  2. And that is an epic post! I love it. What a remarkable gaming table - the models, the terrain, the buildings and that frigate are incredible!

  3. Fantastic looking game Ray! Love the Frigate.

  4. Sweet job ,Ray, for a sweaty guy. The salt water drip didn't hamper your photo and battle write-up at all. From start top finish this post is a winner!

  5. Great AAR Ray! It probably wasn't the best of weekends for 7 of you to be filling up Postie's den...

    1. You really wouldn't believe how hot it was in the pit of despair!

    2. Looks like it was worth it!!


  6. While this is a nice batrep Ray, I have to say that once again the big Irishman has outdone you as his is better! This is a nice looking table you guys put together though and that frigate is aces.

    The ban on spending has been lifted and I have acquired Lord Ray's privy. I've also got you a cook and she's a real looker as she's only got one mole and it's only a bit hairy!

    1. Its just coz he's ginger you love him more!!! looking forward to the hairy mole!

  7. Great looking game! One of my favorite periods!

  8. Superb game Ray! This is awesome.
    I want more 28mm games from you guys in the future!

    1. This is the first time we've played with these in over 2 and a half years, Posties got triple the amount of figures on show for the AWI.

  9. Sounds like our epic January games where the shed can get oven hot while we drip all over the terrain!

    Postie's got some lovely figures and terrain. Love the frigate and the fort!

    Excellent batrep, thanks Ray.

  10. The 2nd Maryland charge the wagon and kill all the would-be bombers

    Go Maryland! Yeah! That's my home,, you know what I mean (ahem).

    After totting up the points it was decided the game was a draw! Me and Fran both thought we'd done enough for the win, as we'd took two bridges and the port, but it wasn't to be

    Aw, man, you guys were robbed by the referee!

  11. Excellent BatRep! Nice to see the Pennsylvanians doing something besides drinking birch beer, eating summer sausage, and engaging in mutiny! Great photos, too!

    1. Summer sausage and birch beer....sounds nice!

  12. Lol 180 degrees. At that level I'm surprised the heat didn't melt your decision making skills?

  13. After reading both of the posts you and Fran did, I still don't know how you guys did it!

  14. An awesome AAR! I only presented some armies in the blog in july and august, and I didn't play...this post makes me really want to play, with a wonderful terrain, and great minis...the pisture with the charge of the 2nd Maryland is my favourite!

  15. Great looking game, was it hot?


  16. Great looking game and set up, surprised to see 28mm being used thought the Rejects only used 15mm.

    We needed a photo of the pool though to complete the image.


    1. Between us all we've got thousands of 25mm figures, for some reason they just seem to stay in their boxes!

  17. Excellent BatRep Ray. Sorry I missed the game but considering how hot it was I think I made a good call! I was utterly exhausted on Saturday after getting back from our our holiday late the night before. In between unpacking I spent most of Saturday floating on a rubber ring in our pool with a cold beer in my hand.... bliss!

  18. Super pics figures and terrain always

  19. This kind of setup makes for a really interesting game, land and sea operations rock!


  20. That is an awesome looking game Ray and excellent report too.

  21. Wonderful! Wonderful! More AWI games please! Stunning table and great report! Seems my first comment wasn't published.


  22. So what was the weather like that day? Just kidding!

    Great battle! I agree with you its a definite win for you guys!

    1. I don't think I've ever been so hot in my life!

  23. A great looking game, report and period. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Cool stuff know what I mean! What rules were you using?

    1. Forgot to mention that!! We used Warfare in the Age of Reason.

  25. A lovely report Ray, really nice looking set up.

  26. Great looking game there, They look larger than the normal 15s you play with?

  27. My goodness what an epic looking game Sir; credit to your dedication!

  28. Very good AAR Ray !!!

    Greate pictures of a stunning game !

    Best regards Michael

  29. Very nice batrep, shame of the result I so hate draws!

    1. Me too, if we'd have played another turn or two, I'm sure we would have had the win.

  30. Superb looking game and a cracking report. Nice one!

  31. Beautiful game. You are one lucky guy to have a group of players share similar interests. I love the blog as well.
