
Friday 21 September 2012

Skirmish @ Sidcup, 2 questions and a funny!

This Sunday, The Rejects, (well some of them) are off on their travels up the A2 for a fleeting visit to Sidcup for the Wargames and Military Modelling show "Skirmish". I've not been for a while due to work commitments so I'm quite looking forward to it as a warm-up for SELWG in October!
So my first question is, are you going????

For some time now I've been thinking about starting a Painting and Modelling Service, there are stacks of small and large companies out there already to choose from and I know most of you reading this already paint figures for yourself, so I'd just like to gauge the interest and would appreciate some feedback from your good selves.
If you could afford it, would you be happy to commission me to paint figures for you?

Lastly, my daughters found this clip on You tube, it made us all laugh, its bugger all to do with wargaming but give it a quick look, I think you'll find it funny!!


  1. I'm going and bringing the 'clan' with me as well. Both Wife and Daughter are coming along to see why I rave about this little show.

  2. Yes I will be running a game at Skirmish, as you well know. Personaly I would rather paint my own figures than get them painted by another (I know I am a weirdo!)

    1. Will see you there Clint, and yes most people do paint their own figures, including moi!

  3. One of the best dog clips I've seen in a long time, Ray! It had me laughing. Poor puppy, I hope he got a steak after all that.

    Have fun this weekend. Who am I kidding? I know you will.

    1. Cheers Elsie, it did make me laugh and sadly does each time I watch it!

  4. Very funny dog...damage that my English does not allow me to understand everything unfortunately....I hope he will learn to speak French soon!

    1. That's a shame you couldn't understand it, I have heard he's learning French!! he he!

  5. If I were going to hire somebody to paint for me, you would definitely top my list. You seem to do a quality job in a pretty short amount of time.

  6. Ray, that video clip had me crying with laughter. Just sublime, mate!

  7. My responses:
    Skirmish - unfortunately not as I'm going to be away the following 2 weekends and the one after that it's SELWG (see you there?)
    Ray's Painting Service - I do like your painting and would consider it if I could afford it, although I do prefer painting my own stuff

    A funny from your funny - one of the ads that came up while I was watching that vid was for Purina cat food!

    1. Thanks Tamsin and we'll meet up at SELWG I'm sure.

  8. As usual it's down to cost I paint to play games not particularly for fun but generally find its too expensive to get stuff done for me. My own style is base coat and dip/ink/wash.

    1. Thanks for the reply Sean, your right, it can be expensive and its not for everyone.

  9. As usual it's down to cost I paint to play games not particularly for fun but generally find its too expensive to get stuff done for me. My own style is base coat and dip/ink/wash.

  10. Skirmish tooooo far for me.
    Painting service? I do prefer painting my own,Also turning your hobby/past time into a part time job has the risk of putting you off painting your own and what would you do for your pastime then? Just my 2p :-)


    1. Yep your totally right Jason, I would be taking a chance, I don't want it to take over my life.

  11. No gig for me, but I am going to Derby, did I mention that?

    I agree about turning your hobby into work, has it's pitfalls. I m trying to paint for at least 5 hours a day at the moment just to try and puch myself but assoon as it stops being fun I would slow down. If your doing minis for others you don't always have that choice. But yes I would be happy to have figures painted by you, though inreality I like to paint my own


    1. I'm sure you've mentioned Derby a few times Ian, he he! Cheers for your comment.

  12. Contact Foundry Ray. You're figure painting is sooooo much better than their staff painters. And really Essex ought to hire you as well. I say offer your services to some companies and see what happens.

    I've had a couple of shite days in a row Ray and this video made me laugh. You boys have a good time on Sunday and drive carefully!!!

    1. Glad you liked the dog Anne!! And that may be an idea about Essex??

  13. I've loved that video for a long time.

  14. A painting service..why not? The one thing I would say, you´re probably asking the wrong people...about 99% of us paint ourselves. Best idea..paint up a regiment (one that you could use if it don´t work out but can happily let go for money) and advertise them here or on E-Bay.
    Ok..E-bay has it´s faults but I´m working on an idea that might get around that one ;-D I´ll let you know when it´s "sorted"

    1. That's exactly what I'm going to be doing very soon, I've got a few armies that haven't seen the light of day for a long time, so they've gotta go and I recently painted up some 15mm zombies and survivors that will be up for sale as well.
      I'm intrigued about your idea too???

  15. I won't be attending the event due to distance, but I hope you enjoy yourselves!

    I only paint my own miniatures as that's 60% of the hobby for me, but no question you have the speed down pat as well proven in Curt's competition to be a successful brush for hire, but like the others I'm concerned it could possibly ruin the hobby for you. Either way I wish good luck Ray!

    The video was hilarious btw!


    1. Yeh, it could go tits up, the main reason is sometime soon I'll be losing my job, and they're pretty hard to come by these days. Glad you liked the video.

    2. Sorry to hear that and I hope you find another job Ray. However, if you need to paint for a living then I think you have what it takes.


  16. Hey, that dog lives in Kentucky! Have fun, Sir Ray!

  17. Have a great weekend Ray, we're off to Euro Militaire in Folkestone.

  18. Love the dog! Like some others above the painting is much of the hobby for me, but like Paul says, you might be asking the wrong market. Good luck with your plans.

    1. Totally the wrong market, just thought I'd see what you guys'n'gals said.

  19. I love that video, it always makes me pee my pants. Now I have to go wash my skivvies. Thanks.
    I can't say I am going to Sidcup, I don't even know where bleeding Sidcup is. It sounds like something you'd find at the back of a cupboard, not a proper place. Have fun at any rate.
    As for a painting service, if you think you can afford the time cost of doing other people's minis for dosh rather than your own for pleasure. ... I would say that's the big question to ask yourself.
    Cheers mate,
    Ask bleeding Fran if he'd ever got his bleeding shirt.

    1. Cheers Mad Padre lol! I'll ask his highness about the T-shirt.

  20. Re the painting service. I see no reson why not. Decide some basic rules. What you will or won't paint. Also be clear in terms and conditions - how low it will take etc , and how you will take payment, deposits - paypal etc..

    Oh and don't be afraid to charge the price you feel is right. It's your time being burnt it has to be worth it. One or two better paying regular customers may be worth more in the long run that lots of cheap quick turn around stuff

    1. Thanks Dave, Your totally right, you only need 2 or 3 regulars to keep the ball moving.

  21. Good luck with the painting service Ray. Bear in mind the amount of time you'll spend doing it - say look to earn £12-£15 an hour. If its taking you longer to prepare and paint the models you'll find that you could be earning just a couple of quid per hour - then its not worth it.

    I love the dog video btw.

  22. Personally I have always painted up my own figures but lots of mates buy painted figures. Am often tempted when a project takes too long but then I think of all the stuff I could buy with the extra outlay and then the stuff adds to lead mountain or gets done very slowly.
    Enjoy the show

    1. That's the bane of every wargamer, if I had the money I'd get some other bugger to paint my figures, that's for sure!!

  23. I wish you a very good trip and games, Ray. Enjoy the show!

  24. Dunno if I would hire you, more cause am one of those fantasy/sci fi collectors, and cause I like to paint also.. but give it a go indeed! It's why I gave you and your "other" a shout out on my blog this past week. Agree with Phil though.. set a target for how much you want to make per hour. If you can't make that then the commission is not worth it, or the whole ordeal is not worth it. Oh and get ready to paint things you don't feel comfortable doing, if you HAVE to take the work that is. Otherwise stick to what you like, and those clients will find you.

    1. Once again thanks for the shout the other day. Fantasy figures will/may be a problem for me as I've rarely painted them. I know roughly how long it would take me to paint a 25mm Napoleonic figure, but have no idea how long it would take to paint up the average GW figure or how much to charge, but I'm willing to give everything a go!!

  25. I have wet my pants thanks Ray, lol that is so funny and Mrs PK laughed to. Hope it all goes well at Skirmish

    1. Sorry about the trousers and the chair, but I think it was worth it??

  26. this looks really cool guys, when is the next one would love to come along? Is it open to everyone?
