
Saturday 20 October 2012

25mm FIW Skirmish - A Raid on Blackrock

Last week myself and Fran played a  game of Posties new FIW skirmish rules that he's made up, they're quite a simple set of rules but made for a real fun game. Most of the figures are from Redoubt Enterprises and some even belonged to the Lurker himself before he through a paddy and sold them to Postie!

The game started with a duel, the winner could chose the sides, either The Colonials or the Indians.

 The duel finished with Francis laying in agony from a shot to the chest, which he later died from! he he!
And I chose the Indians........

 Fort Howie
 The Colonial homesteads

We've tried a different approach for the report on this battle, it's more story like, 
check out Fran's blog for the Settlers side of the story.

I am Askook the leader of my tribe, more white men have
 invaded our land, they must be destroyed. While my first warband led by my son Rowtag sneaked through the woods his son-in-law the idiot Hurrit tripped and fell, firing his musket. This alerted the settlers to our oncoming attack and our surprise attack was no more.

Rowtag sent the musket armed braves out to attack the settlers as quickly as they could, 
while he led 3 warriors Powwaw, Nootau and Hurritt around the back and side of the first building.

Machk (in the white coat) kills his first ever white man.

I, Askook then led my warriors out to attack on the other side of the village.

Brave Makkapitew was shot and died outside of a barn, while Rowtag and Nootau chased a little one.
Powwaw tried and failed to catch a pig.

After killing his first white man, Machk takes his first scalp.

 Another two of my braves join the ancestors, Brave Abooksigun. and Brave Keme.

It is not going as planned, Brave Makhk is also shot.

The white men are all running back to their fort, but they are good shots, 
Brave Togquos joins the ancestors.

Chansomps and Nosh fire at the white men, while trying to take control of the wagon laden with supplies.

Another white man falls, while Achak tries to kick in the door of a house.

Rowtag decides to leave the little one to Nootau's bow and tries to catch a pig himself.

Nootau, is killed by a strange shaped gun.

 Pajackok, moved to the cover of a tree but was still shot down.

 Finally our shots hit true, two white men fall, as they run to the fort.

 Another white man dies at the hands of my braves.

 The Warband move out to take scalps, and claim another white man's life.

 I fire the building, they will pay the price for killing my braves.

 Kestejoo takes control of the wagon and starts to lead to back to our village.

 After capturing the pig and some food, Rowtag's warband advance.

Segenham and Taregan move up and  Taregan fires his musket.

More Scalps are taken.

 A last white man joins his gods.

We have gained plenty of supplies and killed and scalped many white men, it is true 
we have lost too many braves so it is time for all to return to the village, after the successful Raid on Blackrock.

 Contractual shot of Postie taking a picture of me!


  1. Apart from your cheating and shenanigans it was a good game!

  2. Great report. Its always neat to see the action from two sides

  3. Looks like you've had a blast...or two... ;-)

    Cheers Sander

  4. Sounds like the Injuns had a scalpin' good time. Nice one Ray!

    1. I think I took 4 or 5 scalps by the end?? More next time!

  5. That looks great fun! I found myself completely drawn in by your punchy battle report. I love the Indian names too....Nosh! :-D

    1. Would you believe they are all true Algonquin names, Nosh means Father, bet you thought it meant..........

    2. I thought it just meant he liked his food! (hey I grew up with the Beano in the 70's), my mind is pure! ;-)

  6. Sounds like a great game! Seems like it was really fast-paced and action-packed the way a skirmish game should be!

    1. It was, we played for roughly 3 hours, the time went very quick!

  7. Great report and pictures really like the Story element that you've done. Off to read the other version of events.

  8. Great batrep of what looked to be a very closely fought skirmish.

  9. In Lurker's post, he was happy with his win, although you did kill off Francis. Think there was a little bitterness there...

  10. Saw this over on Lurker's blog too. Looks like you had a fun game. F&IW is a favorite of mine, so I'm looking forward to more of these.

  11. The pictures are beautiful! I really anjoy your farms and the wagon...skirmish can be wonderful!

  12. I like the idea of a dual to decide who chooses sides. A great looking game and report.

  13. Excellent battle report, will have to check out Fran's blog now

  14. Great AAR, now off to read the truth from the other side


  15. Does Fran ever get the better of you? Ha. Seems like every time I read a report all of Fran's guys are laying on the ground followed by you getting called a cheater and a colorful name. Looks like a hell of a fun game.

    1. It was a fun game and No Fran doesn't often get the better of me!

  16. Fantastic game, figures, terrain and AAR, Ray. Really nice, and a victory for you!
    I like a lot your terrain; it is beautifull and not complex.

  17. Nice report, wonderfull gaming table !

  18. A great batrep, enjoyed that! And some nice pics too

  19. Great AAR Report. I cannot wait for the movie to come out!

  20. Just saw this on Fran's site great stuff and the duel is excellent bit of drama :-)

    1. It was a bit of fun, helps when you win it of course!

  21. Great period on a great table with great figures!


  22. Great AAR. I enjoyed this AAR style and the period. Hope you post more of them. Will it turn into a campaign?

    1. You never know, we've not played a campaign for a few years now.

  23. Did you keep scalps to a collection ? :)

  24. Excellent looking game Ray. Love the photos.

  25. Great looking terrain and nice way to do a report.


  26. Fun-stuff told from and photographed from different viewpoints: attempts to alter the state of the objectively minded blog-viewers mind. This being said, I kind-of like mind bending.

  27. Great batrep, I do enjoy Indian ones.I'm off now to Frans.

  28. What a great looking game and a fabulous report; you are making the period awfully difficult to resist.

  29. A great (and dare I say excitng ?) bat-rep, it was a fun read, like something from the Beano (and where was Little Plum?)
    From your write-up I thought the Injuns won !
    Time to throw those dice away then... (in my direction please)

    1. It was a quite exciting game, and the injuns did win!!

  30. Greate AAR Ray !!!!

    Lovely pictures of very nice terrain and minis !

    Best regards Michael

  31. Fabulous scenario! Love the duel at the beginning - very characterful.

  32. Looks like an absolutely terrific game, Ray! I love the terrain and the writeup. Super figures as well!

  33. Great looking game Ray. Like the story approach as well.

    1. Just thought I'd make it different for a change.

  34. If I read it right you didn't take part on the attack. "As a Cook" you stayd in the back and took the scalps they deserved! :-D

    Great battle report and thanks for sharing!


    1. Big chief lead from back, too many fire sticks to be in front!
