
Tuesday 20 November 2012

RP No 103 28mm Warfare Minis Generals - For Sale

General No 1

At SELWG back in September I picked up a few packs of Barry Hilton's new-ish range of League of Augsberg 28mm figures. I must say they are very nice sculpts and were very nice to paint. They are painted up as English, but could be used as Generals for any of the sides that fought during the war of the Grand Alliance.
Both figures are up for sale on Ebay at the moment, for the princely sum of 7.99 each, so if you fancy a bargain,  here are the lists for the 2 figures.
General No 1 Ebay link
General No2 Ebay link

You may have noticed the new look colour to my blog? There's been a discussion over on the TMP forum about how useless black backgrounded blogs are? Most people think they're hard on the eyes? Now I quite like my old black blog, but I thought I'd give it a little makeover.
So what do you think? Is it easier to read?

General No 2


  1. Nice looking figs and no I like the old version best


  2. Nice figures. The color change was quite shocking at first. I personally prefer to read white text on black background but my own blog is black text on a white background so go figure.

  3. Seeing as my own blog is black text on a white background I heartily approve of the change. Plus it makes your blog look a lot different to Fran's!

  4. MUCH easier to read. White on black is plain nasty on the eyes, IMO.

  5. Very nice figs. I don't mind either black on white or white on black (using the latter) but yeah, my eyes are still pretty good, not sure of the long-term effect especially as I spend too much time at the PC reading/studying etc.

  6. Really like the new banner. Very clear and simple. Looks Great!

  7. I really like the miniatures, keep my fingers crossed for the auctions, Ray!

  8. Like the blog makeover...did you and Fran have nothing better to do on your last shift by any chance?

  9. I prefer black text on white, but maybe its all a bit too white now?

  10. Nice looking figure Ray! The header looks great too!

    A white background with black letters is easier to read and the overall blog is softer on the eyes. However, I think pictures show up stronger on a black background because of the contrast. Both look nice.


    1. Totally agree the pics do stand out more with a black background.

  11. Nice job. The pictures are very good with the background.

  12. Ok, two things - First, I am sorely tempted to buy one of those figures. Very nice painting. Second, I do enjoy your new blog layout white background, a big improvement I would say.


    1. Only one Jonathan?? Go on buy them both!!! You know you want too!!! Thanks for the kind words!

  13. Nice work on those Ray and now I expect to see a lot more 28mm stuff getting painted by you! I like the posts themselves on white, but I think you can still go with a colored background on the rest of the site to breakup the blizzard like affect you have going now.

    1. Yeh, it is a bit white, I may have another play around! More 28's to come!

  14. I quite like the first fellow. Stylish do.

  15. Ooh lovely work Ray, best of luck with those. As for the Blog, it certainly feels fresher, but at the end of the day it is your blog and if you want it black, then leave it black!

  16. Nice and clean looking unlike that dirty boy Fran!

    Nice looking

  17. Those generals are looking very nice...on this new background colour...

  18. Ray, are you breaking ranks by painting up 25's? BTW you site looks very refreshing...great job!


  19. Fran's off his nut. Excellent work, Ray. The figures I've seen in the past from Hilton's range were pretty nasty but these seem quite nice. Perhaps the sculptor is getting better.

    Black background is bad? Really? Hmm. Do you find mine hard to read?

    1. Yep he is! They are quite nice sculpts. I've no trouble reading your blog or how mine looked with the black background, Fran's of the other hand..........

  20. Nice work!
    And your blog is brighter now.

  21. Lovely figures again

    Blog bit of an eyeball burner now ! :-)

    1. I may change it again. It is a bit bright, perhaps I should supply each reader a free pair of sunglasses??

  22. Just wanted to let you know I have awarded you the Liebster Blog Award! There's a post on my own blog about it. Congrats!!

  23. Very nice figures. I think the white background make it easier to read. But then again I have ass eyes.

  24. These are amazing, Ray. Good luck. Your blog looks better brighter....

  25. Nice job Ray - both the figures and the blog facelift!

  26. You have done a very good painting work in those figures, Ray.
    About the new look of the blog (another one changed!), it is really bright.

  27. Your new-look blog was quite a shock to the system, but is easier on the eye.

    (So who copied who?)

    Nice figure too.

    1. Of course he copies me, he does all the time!

  28. Good job on the mini Ray, very nice.
    The blog certainly has a clean and tidy look now...

  29. Nice work on the aristocracy, Ray. The page is OK with me.

  30. Very nice Ray. Good luck on it. As for the background old and new are both good for me. My eyes haven't started their downward spiral yet either, so I may be in the minority...

    1. Just keep painting and give them time, you'll catch up!

  31. The blog looks very spiffy now :)

  32. I don't find black backgrounds hard to read (though I understand some do). But for my blog, I use the white because of food shots.

    Your pictures look good on the lighter back. But I still think they looked good the other way too.

    Do you like it?

    1. I think its ok, but I think I prefer the black to be honest, but....................

  33. Great looking fig's Ray! Go back to the black. What you can do is change the colour of the wording away from pure white. Something like a pale light grey or an off white. That will make it more comfortable on the eyes.

  34. Ray, I was thinking a little more about these figures last night and I honestly think that your asking price is extremely unfair. They are worth 4-5 times what you have them listed for. These figures are remarkable examples of hand-painted craftsmanship that took time and expertise to create... don't sell them short!

    Anyway, just thought I'd share.

    ~ Jonathan

  35. Love those figures. No technical whatsits but I do like 'em.

    I think the makeover suits your blog. I usually prefer dark background/white text, but that's just because I don't like staring at a light bulb when I read, which is essentially what a white background online is. A bright light with dark words.

  36. Nice Figs and yep got to say the New look is good :-)


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