
Tuesday 11 December 2012

3rd Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challange

Ronin number 34 reports:
Curt, over at Analogue Hobbies is up to his old tricks again. The 3rd Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge will be up and running on the 20th of December. Curt's really got his work cut out this time though, with 47 painters taking up the challenge, I'm not too sure Curt's going to have a lot of time to paint anything this time, with the 47 of us, I think his bum is going to be stuck to his computer desk sorting out all our entries!!
I'll be going a little Scottish for the Challenge this year, but most probably not until the new year. I'll be buying 2 Scottish armies in 15mm. The first will be the rather small Scots army for the Battle of Killikrankie in 1689. The other is the Scots army for the Battle of Flodden in 1513, now I already own a Scots Flodden army, but its really a Scots Common army posing as a Flodden army, so it needs replacing!! I'm not 100% sure of what the figures will be, perhaps a mix of Essex, Peter Pig, Donnington and Frei Corps???

In the meantime I've still got some NYW figures left, so I'll bore Fran to tears again and paint more of those up. And I've been trying to glue the Gripping Beast plastic Vikings together as well, oh the joy of it!!!!! I've also got some 28mm, 95th Rifles to paint up at some time too. These and a few others are for Battleaxe, so will be up for sale at a later date, I know Curt would rather have figures just for our own collections, but he has said its ok to add these figures in (I talking to you Fran!!!)

Some of you may recall (he he) that it was me who had the honour to win last years Challenge and I'll do my damnedest to try and retain my title, but its going to be really hard as Curt's changed the points structure, there are less points for 15mm figures this time around, which truthfully is fairer in the 28mm guys, so its gonna be hard slog.

I racked in a massive 4940 points last time, it would be nice to beat that score, but I can't see it myself, so I'm gonna plump for a figure of 2500-2800 points. With my figures mainly being 15mm, that's a bloody lot of figures!!!
Now all I've got to do is find a 25mm Ronin figure from somewhere????

So good luck to all involved, even that lying manure spreading Oirishman Fran!!!!

Talking of Fran, I've been off work for 10 wonderful Franless days, oh the bliss!!, trouble is I'm back to work tomorrow night with you know who!!!!!


  1. You do know Ray or should I say current ruling despot that your days are numbered as many have been honing their katana brushes.

    Seriously though you did a wonderful job last time around and I'm curios to see if you can maintain the same blistering pace you set last time.

    As for me I'll be nowhere near competing with you, but I am hoping to beat my last total.

    Looking forward to seeing you there!:-)


    1. With 47 painters I'm hoping for a top 10 finish and I'll think that will be pushing it! Good Luck Christopher!

    2. I have little doubt you will hit the top 10 Ray as you have a super out put capability, but as to winning again could be hard if a real productive 28mm painter comes along like Kent again. Good luck champ!


    3. Its a shame Sir Kent's not in the Challenge this year, I think he'd run away with it, the speed he paint 28's!

    4. Very true Kent was an amazing spectacle and proved things in 28mm can really get done! However, you were no slouch yourself Ray and that's for darn sure!


  2. Scotsman!!! I love 'em and have been hoping someone would do a big project like this. When PK was drawing his, I was so happy.

    I've been reading the blogs and the comments and they're out for your head Rousell. And I notice that they changed the scoring system to level the playing field so you no longer have an edge of the people painting in larger scales.

    Now do any of us believe that you're only shooting for 2500-2800 points? Not bloody likely. That's more like the number you've got stockpiled this year.

    1. I'll have to sit down and work out the totals properly, I've got a few things up my sleeve........

    2. I really was feeling sorry for you with everyone picking on you like that. "They're just jealous of Ray" I thought. And then you scared the life out of me with that video and I didn't feel so sorry for you anymore.

      Good luck to you though!

  3. Best of luck Ray, I know you'll put in a blinder like last year! Just check your paint brushes for Dettol-like signs of sabotage before starting ;-)

    1. Will do, everyone's gunning for me, can't think why??

  4. That's a lot of entries!
    Go ahead - bore Fran to tears.
    Good luck, Ray!

  5. Good Luck Ray, considering how many people wants to take you down... Well, I am sure I can use some.

    Ni. Ronin #30

  6. I'm penciling you in at 2800 pts then? I dunno, it seems an odd number. Why don't we just round it to a flat 3000, eh?

    Do I hear 3000 points? C'mon Rousell, you're the champion, put the hammer down.


    1. Ok we'll go with 3k, but I'm not promising anything!

    2. Good! Now you're going head-to-head with James. Now get your game-face on!

  7. You're the one to beat, Ray!

    I still reckon you had indentured labourers chained to their tables in the basement churning out the figures for you. ;-)



  8. Good lord, 4940 points? You set the bar rather high last year when you could have just pulled up at the finish and glided. Good luck and remember, pace yourself!

    1. I seem to remember that there was little time for gliding to the finish line, right Ray?

  9. I hope to be taking Kents place pushing you on to bigger things Ray, although I guess its all about walking the walk not just talking big
    Peace James
    Exiles Painting

  10. Best of luck, Ray, I'm betting you get at least 4000

  11. Hi Ray enjoy tonight with Fran. (You love it really)
    4940 points.... I was planning to enter next year, but come on nearly 5000 points that's ridiculas. I might manage 500 points! (if I am lucky!)

  12. I'm not sure I'll be able to reach that goal, but you never know.

  13. Good Luck Ray, I think you have some stiff competition this year but Kent has not joined this year so maybe just maybe. I think the scoring is fairer this year even though I will also lose out as I have a pile of 15's to do again this time, though I also have plenty of 6mm, 28mm and 20mm. Not sure how I built up such a pile to be honest.


    1. I've very nearly run out of figures to paint! And if you believe that, you'll believe anything!

  14. Here comes the favorite. Good luck although I'm sure Fran is going to give you a really bad time!!!

    1. Fran always gives me a bad time the miserable git!

  15. 47 entries! Good Lord man, that's a ton of competition. I wish you the best of luck!

    1. Thanks Elsie, I think I and the others will need it.

  16. So good luck Ray!

  17. Best of luck Ray, I suspect that at a point the competitive drive will assert itself, I suspect that you will be the man to beat.


  18. Best of luck mate. I´d like to take part in the comp but I´m way too busy with a bleedin Management course ...feckin boring it is too.

    1. Too bad Paul, I'm sure you'd have had a great chance to win, with the figures you get painted.

  19. No doubt you'll have some devious plan to try and win. Look forward to watching it all unfold.

  20. Best of luck Ray, and a competitive sounding target! Certainly looking forward to the challenge of trying to stay on task for that long!

  21. Good luck with this Ray, you're really up gainsy it considering that the propaganda against you has already started.

    1. I know its terrible is'nt it?, everyone ganging up on me!!

  22. Good luck Ray! Did you find that Ronin figure? And is it a 1/72 scale figure? If the answer is yes, please take contact with me. I can help you then.


  23. 10 days without Lurker? Wow.

    Good luck in the competition.
