
Tuesday 15 January 2013

RP No113 Killiecrankie Scots

My second entry into Curt's Analouge Painting Challenge and earning me 178 points are the 6 Scots Jacobite units that fought and won the Battle of Killiecrankie on the 27th July 1689.
Now I swore to myself that I wouldn't and shouldn't diverse off again from my original English/Dutch army of Flanders. I already did adding the Irish Jacobites and more allied units that fought there, now I've put my foot it it and bought and painted these buggers!!! Of course this means I've got to paint the other few units that fought for Viscount Dundee in the Battle, but the question is,  do I now paint up the English/Scots that fought on the losing side? or do I just use units that are already painted, now these won't have the right flags or uniforms and will leave me with a bad taste in my mouth...............what the hell am I going on about of course I'll paint the bloody things up!!!!!!

The figures are from Essex, the bases are from Warbases and the flags are by me!. Now I swore I ordered enough figures for each regt to have 15 figures, as per the rule for warband troops in Beneath the Lily Banners, but I ended up short??? So some of the regt have fewer figures which isn't to bad as the McLeans and the mixed clan unit were quite small, so they ended up with only 12 figures but will count as 15 during a game.
BUT, yesterday I found the missing figures, that I didn't even know were missing, in a box all painted up shiny and new! So it's decision time, do I leave them in the box or get my knife out and base them on the units????? I really wish I was a little more organized..............


McDonald of ClanRanald             

McDonald of Glengarry, who also carried the Scottish standard

Locheil's Cameron's

A mixed unit made up of Clans Grant, Chisholm, Fraser and Graham.
The flag is that of the Grants.

McDonald's of Sleat


  1. Nice looking units and flags Ray!

  2. So you've got flags that don't match and figures that need to be added? Can I recommend clones to get everything done?
    This group does look good!

  3. Nice stuff Ray, a great mob of Scots there!

  4. A fierce looking bunch of clansmen there Ray. Great work.

  5. Damn you Ray! Hahaha this was a project that was on the back burner for me behind my GNW stuff. Your show has influenced me to bring that project to the front burner this weekend...thanks...I think. Excellent work as always Ray. Since I don't know anything about the flags you used...these are valid? Or close to it? I would like to reproduce what you use.

    1. he he he! The flags are the Coats of arms for the various clans, they may not be correct but they should be damn close!

    2. I wanted to ask the same question, but you answered it.

      Nice job on those hairy warriors ;)

    3. Ray, Does it matter the tartan pattern to the flag/clan? I guess I should get off the behind and look at the book I got about Killiecrianki.


    4. No Greg, any Highlander can where any tartan, the specific Clan tartan's was a Victorian invention.

    5. Nice, you've made my day...again!!!

    6. Ray,
      Will you do Cannon's Irish and Wallace's Horse?

    7. One's already done and the others nearly there!!!!

    8. I just mounted four highlander groups. Will takes pics later today and post to the forum. Any Idea on what type of troops to use for the mounted unit? The Irish, with or without bonnets?

    9. For the mounted I used the normal Essex Horse, but painted them non-uniformed. For the Irish (Cannon's), I'm using some dis-mounted Dragoons with hats rather than bonnets.

    10. Got ya! I was thinking the same, thanks for the confirmation. Looking forward to your creation.

  6. I think you should strip them all and start again as the ones you found will never match. :)
    I cant believe how good your Tartan is on 15mm figures. Looking forward to more
    Peace James

  7. Looking good Ray! If it helps, I would have had no clue about the flags if you hadn't said anything.

  8. You know you will buy the units for the other side Ray. Go ahead and do it!!

  9. Impressively painted & based, as always. Also a goodly amount too. Best, Dean

  10. Very, very nice, Ray. My wife - a MacGregor - would be so proud!

  11. Looking realy good Ray !

    Best regards Michael

  12. Start organizing to make things better for you in the future! ... base 'em!

  13. Nice work here mate, and impressive start once to another army! And don't worry.. we all need more armies than we know what to do with.. it is ok!

  14. Nice job that man:-)


  15. Wonderful to see the Scots Ray. I have a fair amount of Scottish blood in me and it is mostly Macdonald too!!

  16. Cripes these are good Ray, I envy your talent at this mate.

    Flippin' great.

  17. Geat work Ray on more of they Bloody jacobites :P


  18. Goodlooking clannies Ray.
    I took part in a reenactment of Killiekrankie many years ago and the Scot mostly had variations of the saltire there. Your flags look great even if they're anachronistic.

  19. Love the kilts! And the basing makes them look just a bit wild and irregular. Well done!

  20. These are some great looking units. Nice looking banners too.

  21. I'm always partial to the Scots, and those looks great Ray! The composition of your bases are great with so many different poses working together.

  22. Totally need to devise some kind of organizational system!! And they look really great!

    1. Yep, just too much stuff in too many places.

  23. Fantastic Ray, just fantastic stands! Love the banners and the kilts too!

  24. Excellent looking units! Painting tartan on 15mm figures, I can't imagen that you enjoy that.


    1. They weren't my most favourite paintjob Peter!!

  25. This was just an amazing entry - top job Ray.

  26. McDonald's of Sleat's flag was my favorite! The important thing is that you found more stuff, right? Right!

  27. Very, very nice. I love your banners Ray. You should get yourself a printer and some transfer paper and start selling them on the Battle-Axe website.

  28. Very nice, Ray. An impressive entry!

  29. Fearsome Scotsmen! :) Nice work there Ray. You are introducing some historical aspects I wasn't even aware of! Truly inspiring. :)

  30. Superb looking units and the flags really stand out.

  31. Fantastic work! One day, I will resuscitate my Monmouth Rebellion project. Your Nine Year's War Stuff is top-notch.
