
Tuesday 26 February 2013

Cavalier 2013 - On tour with Posties Rejects

Well after the Bring and Buys shenanigan's in my last post, I thought I'd better get on with the better side of Cavalier!
Fran and BigLee have both already posted on this years show so you may have seen the pics or something like them before.
It was great to see 5 of Posties Rejects make it to the show, myself, Postie, Fran, BigLee, Ian, Smiffy all made it to Tonbridge along with several Reject friends, Vince, Dave Cook, Bob Cordery,Clint and Steve Dix from NorseyGamer blog, with his pal Steve 2. I also met up with  John Lambshead, who gave me the Dark Age Saxons I unknowingly bought from him on ebay! John told us about his new book he's got coming out soon, which sounds very interesting.

Postie, Steve Dix and me

We lost Postie, here's in there somewhere?

BigLee taking some pics!

Reject Ian minus his son little Ian otherwise known as H. I think H 
made more of a dent in his Dad's wallet than Ian did himself!

Still can't find Postie, come on we want a cup'o'tea!

An excellent looking siege game from West Kent Gamers.

Maidstone Wargames - Operation Deadstick 1944

 Ah, there's Postie!!

Southend Wargames Club - To The Beat Of Drum 
A Seven Years War game using Maurice rules, I had a long chat with Richard Partridge, from the group, he very kindly went through some of the rules mechanisms with me, I gotta admit I'm sorely tempted! Posties got a massive &YW collection that we haven't used in years that are begging to be played with!
Cheers Richard

Not the best pics I've ever taken, but there was always a crowd around this 
table, a simple but very effective looking game.

Who's that sticking their head in the way?? Answers on a postcard....

Old France New England

Another great looking game, what a great looking bridge too!

Friday Night Fire Fight Club - Operation Unthinkable, Patten's Charge 1946
A what if, the Russians kept going past Berlin game.

My pick of the games at the show was this one A Very French Civil War - from SEEMS ( South East Essex Military Society) I had a long chat with one of their members, sorry I didn't get your name.  Very stupidly I didn't get any pic of the whole set-up, the Seems lads built the terrain on a raised platform around waist height, it saved them bending and left a ledge for their rules drinks and sarnies to sit on without getting in the way of the game, what a bloody good idea!!!
The pics speak for themselves!


  1. Some nice setups.
    So how big of a dent did it make in your wallet?

    1. Only around the £70 mark, shhh!

    2. Well, I hear you didn't eat at McDonalds, so that's a plus. But 70 pounds sounds like a lot of dough. Bad Ray, bad Ray.

      PS: Does the head belong to Postie?

    3. Yes I'm afraid so, that is Posties balding head and £70's nothing, I remember a few years ago Postie spent over £800! Granted his mrs was away for the week so he had plenty of time to hide all his goodies!!

    4. Over 800????? Holy crap. I think I'm breaking out in a rash.

      As for the skeleton legs you asked me. I dunno know why I forgot them. I also forgot the neck and shoulders on the skeleton cover.

      I dunno why.

  2. Nice one Ray. Glad you had a good time despite the B+B. The photos look good and surprisingly I did not see Postie all day! If you do play Maurice, send me an invite! Cheers Clint

    1. Lucky you not bumping into Postie! As for Maurice, I'd have to buy them fist, I may have a word with Postie and see if I can badger him into buying them since he has a rather large 7YW army.

  3. Wow - lots of great pics Lee. Sorry again about the B&B disaster.

  4. He won't admit it on here incase the missus is watching!

    Great pics Ray.

  5. I am jealous. You seem to have quite a few cons available to you where you live. Here in this part of Ontario, I think we have... two.
    Great pictures!

    1. We are lucky England's not a very big place, our next show is Salute in April.

  6. Great pics
    Love the Op Deadstick table
    And go get Maurice ya wimp, you know you want to (plus its a great game) !!


  7. Lots of nice pictures !

    Best regards Michael

  8. Wonderful pictures here, Ray! Thanks for sharing some beautiful tables...I can nearly smell french wine!

  9. Ray, looks like it was a good show, shame I wasn't able to come along.

  10. Thanks for the pics, Ray. I like that Medieval siege game. Lots of vendors I see. Would love to have been there. Best, Dean

  11. That VFCW game did look cool, I'll have to go look at the others pictures to see if I can make out the table showing the ledge.

    1. BigLee's got a pic on his Cavalier post, take a look there.

  12. Loving the siege game! Great pics Ray.

  13. That WW2 game Operation Deadstick 1944 looks great.


    1. Yeh it did, the chap I spoke to rambled off the names of the Russian tanks on the table that never actually made it on the field during the actual war.

  14. That is one heck of a good looking show there Ray and I like the Very French Civil War, wonder where they got the idea from, lol

  15. Great eye candy, thanks for sharing! Lots of hard work went into the event and it shows.

    I saw you mention Maurice. Maurice is the most fun rules we're playing right now. The ability to play a card from your hand to mess up your opponent's move/turn is genius!

  16. Really a great report; some of the tables were fantastic!

  17. Apart from the unmentionable seems you had a good time


  18. I ended up £130 quid down, gulp. I agree the VFCW was the pick of the games.

    1. £130!!! And you had the mrs with you!!!! Good lad.

  19. I love those boards, especially that more modern one at the end.. modern.. heh

  20. Fun stuff! Glad you could enjoy yourself after you mugging.

  21. Thanks Ray, great pics. FYI you can download a free "lite" version of Maurice and try a game. I downloaded it and it's a great way to make an informed decision.

  22. very nice games! I like the very French Civil war game also. good day and well done for only spending $70

  23. Wonderful work on the camera Ray! Some great looking games there!

  24. Wait, wait, wait!! Onager and siege tower from HISTOREX??? How, when, who, where???? I want it!!!

  25. Well, you got some excellent pictures out of it!! I'm impressed!

  26. Thanks for sharing Ray. The SEEMS game looked superb.

  27. Sorry I'm late Ray. The Hubby had to go to hospital yesterday.

    This is a great lot of pics here. Some really nice terrain here-great eyecandy. You really kept your spending down too.

    No pictures of Fran smiling then. I was very much looking forward to one :(

  28. For the longest time, I thought Postie was a thing not a guy - sorry Postie!!

  29. Looks like a cracking day out. Sorry I missed it. But going by some of the manufacturers who made it, my wallet isn't sorry at all!

  30. Many thanks for these photos and report !

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