
Thursday 21 March 2013

RP No126 Gripping Beast-Andalusian Horse & The Challenge

Well the Analogue Painting Challenge is now over for another year. I wasn't a winner this year but I'm very pleased with my 4th place. I made my quota of points which was 2500, but as the reigning champ Curt put me up to 3000, so technically I suppose I didn't. I'd have needed a couple more weeks to get to the 3000 mark.
I did originally reach the lofty heights of 3rd place, knocking KevH down to 4th, but I noticed a clerical error made by our sleepy Canadian host. Curt inadvertently gave me an extra 148 points!!! So back down to 4th I go. I'm just pleased I made the top 5, which was both my and Fran's plan.
I've already said it on Curt's blog, but I'd just like to thank him again, its been a hard 3 month slog, but I've got a hell of a lot of figures painted up, some of them probably would still be in my lead draw for quite some time if it wasn't for the Challenge. Its such a great motivator. I do hope I'm able to devote so much time in the next Challenge, but that depends on my job, if I even have one at Christmas that is!!!!
Well done Curt and well done to all the other Ronin, apart from Fran!

This was my entry into the Analogue Painting Challenge on the 14th March, these 12 Gripping Beast Andalusian Horse gave me 122 points to my total. They've been at the bottom of my unloved lead drawer for far too long, I do infact have another almost identical unit all cleaned up and ready to go, perhaps I should save them for the next challenge though????
I gave these figures just a basic paintjob, mainly to match in with my older El Cid figures that were painted years ago. I found the banner online, on the Grimsby Wargames Society website, there are some great free flags, go take a look.
I'll be posting more of what made it into the challenge over the coming weeks, as well as the rest of the Rejects profiles on both my and Fran's blog.


  1. Congratulations on fourth place! Where did Fran finish?
    Nice job on the horses.

    1. One place below me in 5th. Yesterday i worked out my top 10 films but now I see I missed the deadline!!!

    2. Congrats on fourth. That's the best number. But five ain't too shabby either. It's right next door.

      PS: I laugh about the free onion.

  2. 4 and 5 place for the two of you? Very nicely done! And I quite like your Andalusian horsemen. Now that the contest is done, what will you do with all of your free time?

    1. Paint some more before we go and download porn.

    2. Can't you do both at the same time or do you need two hands available to paint?

  3. What do you mean you noticed, I shamed you into owning up!

  4. You did a real nice job on your entries Ray. And it was a real stand-up thing for you to do by telling Curt he gave you too many points.

    Did you get my email?

  5. Well done that man a great result and a wonderfully sporting gesture on your part to reinstate Kev to third. Love these horsemen Ray, great job.

  6. Great looking entries, but I'm biased on the Andalusian front. And congrats on the fourth place, not too shabby given the stiff opposition.

    1. It was a lot of fun and damned hard work!!

  7. 4th place isn't so bad. It was just weird seeing -you- in 7th. It was 7th, right?

  8. Congrats on three things Rsy:
    1) your #4 spot
    2) for being an honest chap and pointing out Curt's error, dropping you from the #3 to the #4 spot
    3) on officially (the poll has closed) being the Imperial High King of Sandbagging!
    As for the last, whilst you may be a sandbagger, you are a lovely, decent, honest one and more importantly - you're ours! :)

    (still waiting to see that 1:1 Roman legion in 6mm you're secretly painting up *lol*)

    1. Oh my god!!!! I think Tamsin's a little worried??

  9. Strewth, logged on and thought I'd got the wrong blog! God's scale figures and TamsinP's eulogy convinced me it was someone else's. Fran's post put me right though!

    Congrats on the 4th place. Those 200 figures I did for you must have helped eh?

    Oops, sorry, our secret!


    1. *whisper* I'm sucking up to him in case he wins the coin toss to do the intro post for me ;)

    2. I'm gonna rig it so I win Mwa ha ha!

    3. Huh! I thought with a new Pope and a new Archbishop of Canterbury you'd be top line for something ecclesiastical, but you've just blown it. Moriarty has a rival . . . .


  10. Well doen Ray!

    All I could muster is 10th! but that was a lot of minis for me to paint

    1. Nowt wrong with 10th Miles. I'm sure others would have pleased with that score.

  11. You're a good sportsman Ray. Big kudos to you for doing the honourable thing. I'm sorry for the slip but they only keep me in this job for my looks, not my brains...

    1. No need to apologise Curt, it was the right thing to do and I've spoken to your boss and he agrees with your statement above.

  12. Nice one Ray, well done on all acounts.

  13. Fine job, Ray! These troops are ready to ride off the table!

  14. It was only fair, Kev H deserved it. Most of the stuff had only just been finished. The basing on the NYW cavalry unit was still wet when I took the photo's

  15. Great looking cav unit, Ray. Impressive and inspiring work as always. Dean

  16. Great work Ray, was great to see you Fran and Tamsin fighting away for Postie bragging rites
    See you at Salute
    Peace James

  17. Congrats on being in the top 5 mate good painting.

  18. Hi Ray,

    a nice paintjob once more!
    And a very sportsmanlike and noble gesture to point out Curth's miscalculation. An well... Top 5 in such a competition is aweseome.

    Congrats Ray and Fran!


  19. Congratulations on your 4th place and your sportsmanship.

    And I knew you were good at 15mm, but you prove you're good in 25mm too


  20. Great job Ray on both the challenge and these Moors!You did a super job in representing and defending your title with a 4th place finish.


  21. Congrats Ray! Looking very very nice!

  22. Congratulations, Ray! Fourth place is outstanding!!

  23. Great looking figures and backdrop and well done Ray with your 4th place.

  24. Nice work! Your "basic paint job" makes my best work look amateurish by comparison.

  25. Fantastic, Ray. They are very nice.

  26. Well done on the challenge Ray. Love the Andalusians. I should really get my Perry Normans/Crusaders painted up as Spanish for a game -but half the army is still in Glasgow! I'll need to bring them down.

  27. Congrats on placing 4th! Good show of sportsmanship, and congrats on reducing the mountain of neglect! you room for more mini minions! ;)

  28. At my opinion, you should be the 1st price winner, in each case! I learn on every post by your mastery!
    Thanks for sharing that with us!

  29. Amazing work! Thanks for sharing :)
