
Friday 26 April 2013

Anne's figures for the 400K Giveaway

I'm in a bit of a painting fug at the moment, I seem to be making any kind of excuse not to pick the brush up, trouble is I've got so much stuff still to paint that I've just gotta keep plodding on.
Anyhow whilst in the middle of this hazzy fug I've managed to paint up Anne's 3 figures that she sent me after Monty gave away his prize in my 400K Prize Giveaway.
The figures all come from Thunderbolt Mountain miniatures and were sculpted by Tom Meier. The first two are from his FIW collection and are 1/48th scale around the 40mm mark. For the Woodland Indian you had a choice of weapons I chose the two hand to hand combat weapons instead of the musket, I thought it look more dynamic?? I also chose not to give him any warpaint, the face was sculpted so well I didn't want to slap loads of colour all over it and spoil the effect.

The second figure is of an American Frontiersman, I went with green and blue for his dress, influenced by pics of Rogers Rangers. Unfortunately he was a complete bugger to photograph, I had to alter the shade and highlight the photos quite a lot just to try and see his face. I think its the way he's leaning forward as he's running???

Lastly we have a 25mm casting of Sir Percevale from Arthurian legend, I kept him quite simple and painted him all white, apart from his helmet and shield, but was very pleased how he came out. What happened to the foot figures Anne??
These are winging their way across the Atlantic as I type and hopefully will be with Anne in a couple of days!!!!


  1. Like the Indian. How tall is the horse?
    Think Anne will be very pleased with those!

  2. I do like the indian and the knight, really nice!

  3. Very nice figures, Ray. Anne will be very happy with them!

  4. Excellent work Ray, especially on Sit Percivale - all that white must have been a right bleeder to paint :)

    1. The folds on the horse trappings were a pain, didn't really matter what colour they were.

  5. They look the business Anne should be happy but you know women ;-)


    1. What are you talking about? I'm as docile as a kitten.

  6. Great work, my favourite is the knight...well it is always the knight...

  7. Good work Ray!
    my preferred one is the Indian: very good sculpt and dynamic pose (good choice to not use the musket !) and I like the colours!

  8. Nice work. The knight is great!

  9. Rather nice work on these Ray. White is never simple at the best of times.

    Well done.

  10. Woot wooo! I love them Ray! Thank you so much and these will help me when I go to do others from these collections. And having one of your horses means a lot to me.

    I didn't buy the mounted figure. You can purchase with or without it.

    1. That should say, I didn't buy the figure on foot.....

    2. Trouble is with the horse that you don't really see a lot of him ?

  11. Nice job Ray. Sometime the more animated posed figures are just harder to photo.

    1. Your right no matter what I did there was always a shadow over his face.

  12. Hazzy fug. Dosh and all kinds of other groovy words and sayings, that I am learning from you, Ray.

    1. All good South East England sayings Whisk!!!

  13. Great work, Ray! I wonder what rule set Anne will use for these 40mm Indians? ;-)

  14. Not bad at all for someone in a painting funk.

  15. Wow, I just amazed at your talent! I'm painting a little again. My wife got excited about writing a scenario for D&D. I've tried priming in black but it is the same as my gray primer. I read one blog who uses layering from dark to light, but I don't have that many paints!

    I just tried using the towel strips for thatch and must say that it is better, but I goofed by not noticing that the towel's back was mote fluffy till I had the roof done and started painting. I'll be posting it on my site when I figure out how to make a ladder.

    Again, nice painting!

    1. Glad to here you've got the brush back out!! You can always mix the paints, just add white to lighten and a darker blue (or whatever colour your using) for darker shades.

  16. Great looking trio, Ray. Hmmm, it's interesting that I'm currently working on similar projects - FIW and Medievals (well actually WHFB Empire). Best, Dean

    1. Yeh, I need to get some of my FIW figures out again, after painting these for Anne, trouble is I'd have to drop other stuff!!

  17. Great painting Ray. The colour scheme for the knight looks excellent

  18. Those FIW figures are lovely sculpts - they look like miniature Troiani paintings...

  19. Thats a very nice paintjob on them Ray

  20. Very nice, Ray! I like the Native best!
    The knight wouldn't see him coming! He would wake up with some lumps wondering where his horse went! ;)

  21. love that sir Percival figure, Ray!

  22. Great painting on these Ray.

  23. Woah these are cool.. but the last one, mf. And no war point made sense, his face looks so cool

  24. Nice work Ray. I like the lack of warpaint. Sometimes that gets taken a little overboard IMHO.
