
Friday 17 May 2013

La-Bibbida-Bibba-Dum & other stuff!

 If your a Walking Dead fan you should enjoy this!!! Its quite funny and extremely silly. Right up my street!
I can't remember where I found this? I'm sure it was linked from another blog??? Just remember


I'm sure most, if not all of you have either read or heard about  Tamsin's massive and mad blog giveaway.  Tamsin's having 5 givaway's to celebrate her blog reaching 100k visits.
Day 1's prize is a box of 28mm plastic WWII Late War Brits from Warlord Games
Day 2's prize is either £21 worth of GZG figures or a £25 gift voucher for Baccus 6mm figures!!!!!
God knows what she'll be giving away over the next tree days!!!!!
So get your butts over to her sight and sign up, or don'rt and give me a better chance of winning!!!!

Talking of winning???

I've only gone and won a prize in Seb's latest Giveaway, his blog Back to the Minis 
is celebrating its 2nd birthday
I won some unpainted Venexia figures
These will go well with my collection of unpainted Venexia figures!


  1. Congratulations on winning those figures, Ray!

  2. Nice one... That picture of an orcs nest bag has been appearing all over the blogosphere. It's fast becoming a meme...

  3. Nice win. Go to the Perfect Captain's website and look at the Spanish Fury:Actions rules. The figures you've won would make a nice command for that system. It's what we use for Renaissance games here in Bloomington.

  4. Congrats on the win Ray!

    And thanks for the pimp-out! :)

  5. Nice one Ray. I have now put the talking dead link on the Zombie Bloggers Association forum..... that should get me into trouble!

    Grats on the win. All the best mate.

  6. Congrats on the win and thanks for the funny video. I always knew that fish could hear your thoughts just before you sneeze.

    1. I never knew that before I saw the video, strange eh?

  7. Congratulations Ray!

  8. Still laughing at that vid, awesome!
    Contrast on the win mate

  9. That is a wonderful link, Ben 'Rosbif' alerted me to it the other day and very many congratulations on your win too; let's hope Tamsin's is as fruitful.

    1. That's who it was!!! I couldn't remember where I'd seen the link!!

    2. You couldn't remember where you stole the idea from you mean and it's site not sight!

    3. Tee hee! Share the love, I say!

      Congrats on your win, too.

  10. Hilarious vid Ray, stolen and FB'd (it was from You tube btw)

  11. I have to bookmark this so I can watch it on Tim's computer. Loved your blog post title. Too funny.

  12. Congratulations on the win Ray!

  13. Congrats! And great find on that video. I was really needing a laugh. Thank you sir!

  14. You lucky B and that is a great vid

  15. so many months separate us from the new season of WALKING DEAD :(
