
Monday 13 May 2013

The Boyne at Broadside 2013

The Rejects got together yesterday for what will be our one and only practice game of The Battle of the Boyne, for our demo game at Broadside on June 9th. I did want to try and run at least one more game but work, kids, work and general life have all got in the way, (you know what its like?)
The game worked really well, I tried to make it as historical as possible but the dice gods and the Rejects soon changed all of that!!! The Dutch Guard seen above eventually managed to take the village of Oldbridge, but at a huge loss, the Duke of Schomberg was also killed. But that's as far as the history went. The Williamites were way to cautious, which led in the end to a fighting victorious retreat for King James and the Jacobite's. Fran was very pleased!!!!
Look out for Fran's post and Lee's already posted on the game.
I must admit I'm very pleased at how the village of Oldbridge turned out, I wasn't really sure how to make it look like an old 17th century Irish village, but I think it turned out rather well ( blowing my own very large trumpet ....of course!!)

So if you'd like to see a little more of the game, come and find us at Broadside on the 9th, if you can't make it to Sittingbourne then look out for all the pics a couple of days after the 9th.


  1. If that's like the rest of it, it'll be a great looking board. I'd like to come to more shows, but it's a bit far. We will just stick you with Brian instead.

    1. I've already got the poor lad painting NYW figures!!

    2. Pfah Andy! What makes you think you'd be invited!

      And yup, I've got three more regiments, two squadrons, a field piece and some generals arriving in the post tomorrow.

      For Savoy though, not Ireland. Although interestingly the Duke of Scomberg who died at the Boyne has a brother (another Scomberg) who is the Colonel of one of my Savoy regiments!

    3. Pah, you know you'd love for us to come down and bring our fabulous demo board :p

      And it would means Ray and Fran wouldn't be stuck with you all the time. Have they given you a nickname yet?

    4. Nothing polite anyway.... at least not that I know off.

      Although I suspect I've earned one relating to headgear.....

  2. You seem happy that Fran was pleased..... what have you done with the "real" Ray?

    I am glad the game went well and at least you have had a practice game so it's all good> I Shall look forward to seeing the game in the flesh next month.

    1. I was shocked by the result, happy with Fran? ??? Never!!!

  3. Looking forward to the Batrep as that's as close as I'll get! :(

  4. See you and the game at Broadsword

  5. It was a great game Ray, even if we managed to overturn history! LoL.

    I didn't realise you had scratch built the village...nice one, It looked really good.

    1. Not entirely scratch built, the buildings are from Hovels.

  6. That´s teasing ..onky the one piccy!
    Everytime I see the Name hovels it makes me think of this;

  7. The village looks real nice Ray, top effort.

  8. See you guys again at Broadside.

    Nice teaser pic and I hope the game goes the same way again!

  9. As mentioned, nice teaser and looks a cracking game. I love it when wargame recreations overturn history. Hopefully i can make Broadsword.

  10. Ray this really is a clever way of telling people about Broadside and getting them to attend. I will gladly visit each blog to see how this game turned out. Have a lovely day kind sir!

  11. Wonderful village Ray. Bit far for me to get to Broadside!

  12. Blow away Ray, that ville looks fantastic!

  13. Wish I could come see it in action!

  14. Are you offering to fly us out there? he he he

    Looks like you guys are going to have a great time!

  15. Nice job on the village. I notice you're using the unit cards with the pegs in them. Those look very good, too. Good luck at the show.

    1. They not actually supposed to be used for the rules, but it just makes it easier for the Rejects to know what regts what.

  16. I think on this occasion you a perfectly entitled to blow your own considerably sized trumpet! ;)

  17. Looking forward for your AAR...nice picture yet!

  18. Sounds like it was a great time. That lone picture looks very good (love the town). Good luck with Broadside, but you won't need it as I know it will come off famously.

  19. That's one great looking village, with enough detail to make it interesting and still a very wargame friendly piece of terrain.

    Looking forward to the write-up that'll follow.

    1. Cheers, I'm very pleased at how it turned out.

  20. Love your village Ray. Spot on. Looks just like the one in the Battlefield Britain episode about the battle. It's on youtube if anyone is interested.

    1. I looked for some medieval stone buildings, that would have been my prefered option. But i couldn't find any, well not any that wouldn't cost an arm and a leg. But I'm very happy at how it turned out anyway.

    2. Too bad there's no coupons for gaming stuff like this.

  21. Losing to the Jacobite 'Catlicks' how dare you !! :-)

    Figures and terrain look really good

  22. The village is really nice. It looks a fantastic game!

  23. Very nice Ray and the village looks great!


  24. The terrain is really good; looking forward to some more pictures.

  25. Enjoy your terrain and the show and the burgers.

  26. Great looking village Ray, look forward to pics of the show!

  27. Great table and minis! The village looks great too!

  28. Excellent terrain, Ray!
    All scratchbuild?


  29. The village looks good. Have a great day and I look forward to seeing the pictures.

  30. Sounds like you guys had a good time. The terrain is really marvelous and sets off the battlefield. Best, Dean
