
Saturday 1 June 2013

A visit to Gravesend Wargames Club

Myself, Postie & Fran took the long long drive up to Gravesend Wargames Club last Wednesday, ok it was about 2 miles?? The lads there have been asking us to come along for a game for quite some time. We finally made it and had a great time. I spoke to Phil and Reece who gave us the choice of a Napoleonic game or a Muskets and Tomahawks game. I suppose you can guess by the pic above I chose M&T for the three of us. We were all M&T virgin's, so didn't have a clue how the game played, even though I bought the rules when they first came out, I'm ashamed to say they're still in the same bag I bought them in along with Saga??? I know, I know!!!!!!

Some of the lads, setting up 3 of the four tables that was used that evening.
There were 2 FIW games, the 4 guys on the right played a Fantasy boardgame, sorry lads I can't remember the name of it. There was another tree covered game, run by 3 young ruffians. Simon had to go over and borrow most of his trees back. In the end their game ended up on the floor!

Me and Postie were put onto the table above, I picked out the British Regular force, 
while my partner Mac had a force of Rangers and Indians.
Most of the building and figures belonged to Reece, while Mac and martin had their 
own, all painted by Reece I believe?? 

Fran went over to the other M&T gaming table, you can spot the happy camper
being instructed on the rules by Simon.

Opposing me and Mac, were Postie and Martin. Postie had a French force similar to
 mine and faced me, while Martin's Irregular force set up on my left flank.
The aim of the game was a French spy/Officer has been captured, the British are questioning 
him in this small town, the French have to recapture this unfortunate fellow.

Top right, Mac'c troops are advancing through the corn fields. My British line are in the centre
of the town covering the bridge. My Provisionals are mostly hiding in the stockade. 
In the pic above they've just taken a pot shot at Martin's Militia.

The unfortunate French Officer being questioned.

A quick look at how Fran's game was getting on.
Fran was stuck in the woods, every time he poked his head out, he was
 shot and pushed back!

My left flank, my luck was in, I got the first shot in the woods, I only managed 1
casualty. This turned out to be rather costly?? The next turn Martin through a lot of 6's and my 
Indians were no more!!

Posties troops move toward the river, while my Regulars give fire.
Martin's Irregulars are skulking around the edge of the town.

Mac carries on with his advance through the corn.

Postie and my regulars exchange fire, while his Indians can be seen running
 off in the background.

Fran came over for a nose.

This is where things really started to go bad for Mac and me.
The game turns came out in the favour of the French. In a couple of turns of the cards, 
Martin's Indians were within charge range of the French officer!

Then his two Militia units moved into charge range of the French Officer 
and my Regulars. Now this is where I forgot to take a few pics. We were in real trouble

Where've the French gone???
A few good die rolls, ok a lot a good dice rolls and Martin's French
were mostly destroyed!
Leaving just Posties French troops.

Martin wasn't happy!

Meanwhile Posties Regulars fired and destroyed my British line. 

And that was were Reece called an end to the game, a Gallant British Victory.

All three of us had a great evening's fun and will be going back for more that's for sure. so if you're in the Gravesend area and fancy a game, on Wednesday nights goto this link , where you can contact the lads for more info, or you could have a chat with them at their demo game at Broadside on the 9th June.


  1. Very nice pis. But more importantly, did you guys like the rules?

    1. I meant pics. Bloody tablet.

    2. Yep! I did, I've got to dig them out of the shed and read them now!

  2. Lovely looking game - obviously inherent talent wins out regardless of familiarity with rules, period or terrain!

  3. What an enjoyable way to spend a worknight evening! Great looking games.

  4. What a great looking game! Thanks for sharing, Ray!

  5. Fran could walk there next time!
    Looks like a great time was had by all.

  6. looks like you had fun. M&T are a great set of rules

  7. Good looking games which could easily pass as show games and what luck you had...not being teamed up with certain others.

  8. Sounds as though you, Fran and Postie had a good time Ray :)

  9. Some nice looking tables you played on Ray. Nice reporting! I'm ashamed to say I haven't played M and T yet either in spite of owning the game for some time now....


    1. Just like most gamers, I've got my fingers in so many pies, I don't know which way to turn.

  10. I think you chose the right game. I could tell from the terrain right off that it was an M&T game. Fantastic rules - IMO. Best, Dean

    1. Fran's game was pretty open, especially for all the irregular troops he had.

  11. Great report on a great looking game! The only thing missing was beer. ;-)

  12. Sounds like you had a good time! Great looking game!

  13. Good to see that you two boys got out together for a fun play date! Now be honest, did you miss the big fella? Did you hug when you saw each other?

    Good to see you posting, you little weasel:)

    1. Sadly it has been a little weird not seeing the git, we did spend a lot of time together when we worked.

  14. Thanks for the walk thru, Ray.

  15. Great report and photos Ray!

  16. Cool game, nice figures and scenery too

  17. Good report Ray. Nice to see what other clubs are doing. Glad you liked the game. I might have to give it a go sometime myself.

    1. Have you used "Photoshop" to get a double of Fran (In pic 4) but with his back to you. Same build, same hair, same clothes! Two of the Orishman or just Photoshop!

  18. Great Report Ray!! The game board looks ACE!

  19. good set of rules and it looked like a fun game was had by all

  20. Some fantastic pics here!! Buildings are just amazing...

  21. Looking like you had a great time!

    I am always amazed by the number of clubs / groups in your area. I know wargaming is much bigger in the UK than in Germany but the Canterbury - Gravesend - Herne triangle seems to have one of the higest concentrations all around!

  22. A cracking looking game and nice to see the Rejects on Tour - great photographs Ray.

  23. Good looking game and great you got over there for the game


  24. Nice looking tables, its always good when fun is had by all.

  25. Nice batrep Ray, Perhaps if you attend more regular you might be able to badger Clint for some more fudge :D

    1. You never know, but that's not the club Clint attends!

  26. Very nice Ray. Looks like you boys had fun.


  27. Very nice AAR, Ray. It appears to have been a great game, with a fantastic table. Time to read your own M&T ruleset?

  28. gorgeous set, I especially adore the shade of green in it :))

  29. Look great. seems like this is the game to play. Are the buildings as awesome as they look on the pictures???

    1. Yes they are, they're all MDF snapbuild models.

  30. Poor Lurker getting shot and tossed back into the woods.

  31. You had fun. Glad you did!

  32. Looks like a great game Ray!

  33. I have the conquest natives, but I haven't selected British or French troops yet( Perry, Warlord, or both!)
    M&T and Long rifle are two rules I've been thinking of adding to my groaning bookshelves. Nice to see you and Fran still active. I hope the job seeking is going well!

  34. I ran a Hammers Slammers game at Gravesend club some. Years ago. A very friendly bunch of gamers.

  35. Glad to see you finally made it. Long arduous journey was it?

  36. 2 miles ! wow i would love to travel!
    Great looking tables looked like a fum night.

  37. Nice pics, looks like you guys had fun!

  38. Greate AAR Ray !

    Lovely pictures of a greate looking game !

    Best regards Michael

  39. Nice report; those tables look very nice.

  40. Looks and sounds like a good ride and a great time!


  41. That sounds like a fun game Ray. I've got a copy of M&T but haven't got them to the table as yet - hopefully later on in the year (but must stay focused!).

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