
Tuesday 11 June 2013

Posties Rejects "The Battle of the Boyne" @ Broadside 2013

This is a looong post, so make yourself a cuppa and settle down for the evening.....

Its Monday evening and I'm still recovering from Sunday's show, I don't think I've ever talked so much!!!
As most of you know Posties Reject put on a demo game of "The Battle of the Boyne", using Barry Hilton's excellent rules Beneath the Lily Banners.
We only had time to playtest the game once which resulted in a very surprising Jacobite victory!!! So a few tweaks with the scenario and all was ready for the show, or so I thought???
A big thank you to all the Rejects for turning up at the show, and helping out, especially Reject Richard who umpired 99.9% of the game as I was busy chatting to people, I've got to admit to being quite amazed at how much attention our game got, which was the most pleasing aspect of the day for me.
I did mange to get a few pics of other games and I'll post them later in the week.

Also check our Fran and Lee's posts about the game if you haven't already that is.

Dave and me setting the table up

Smiffy and Surj helping out

Postie came up with a great idea for the roads, at Reject HQ we usually use bought road sections, but we both thought they'd not really fit the scenario, so we drew the roads in chalk on the boards then sprinkled flock over the top, it was really effective and extremely cheap!

The initial set-up
The Jacobites are on the left, while the vastly superior (in numbers!) Williamites are on the right.

I wanted the game to run as close to history as I could, so their were a few restrictions for the Willaimites, otherwise they'd just swamp the poor Jacobites. Ginkel's brigade, the cavalry top left in the above pic & the half hidden troops behind them, were not allowed to move until I said so, as you can imagine this frustrated, William and his chums!! 

The three battalions of the Garde te Voet (Dutch Blue Guards) cross the Boyne at Oldbridge ford.

Caillmotte's and Hanmar's brigades both start to cross the Boyne

The two Brigades of King James' Footguard move toward the river.

While the Earl of Antrim's move toward Oldbridge village.

The Duke of Schomberg is leading from the front as he did in the real battle. 

Wonder how deep the water is??

Ginkel's are still waiting for the tide to turn, its just too rough to cross.

That's a lot of troops!

The Earl of Clanrickard's are flying the yellow colours high while defending Oldbridge, but 
could they hold the village and for how long??

Two pics of Ginkel's brigade still waiting to cross the river.

King James' Lifeguard, patiently waiting for an order to move.

Cambon's Huguenots lead the way and are first to reach the opposite side of the Boyne.

The Blew Gardes move to deploy and attack Oldbridge.

King James' Footguard advance toward the river and give fire!!!

Henry Hyde aka Mr miniature Wargames/Battlegames mag takes some pics of the game.

Its not looking good for King James!

The Earl of Clanrickarde's wishing they weren't positioned in the village. 

The Williamites are getting in a little trouble, some of their units aren't able to form 
into line, there's just not enough room.

James' Footguards give fire once again and kill the Huguenots brigade leader Caillmotte.

The yellow markers are disorder markers.

Boissleau's two Jacobite units both move forward, to the road.

The Williamite infantry line 

Overkirke's Anglo/Irish join the front line, they were supposed to move 
around the back and cross further up stream, but the players were getting too overexcited!!!

The Willaimite infantry brigade commanded by Slangenburg await to cross the river at mill Ford. 

The Danish Horse finally get an order to move toward Yellow Island.

Facing the Danes across the river are the two Dragoon units under Lord Clare and Dongan.

Anglo/Irish units St John's, Hamilton's and Tiffin's cross the Boyne in column.

Nassau Saarbruken's fire their 1st volley into the 1st KJ Footguards. 

The Jacobite Mounted Piquets are the lone unit holding the Jacobite right flank.

The Blew Garde charge and take the perimeter of Oldbridge. Clanrickard's Battalion
 commander falls in the melee.

The Jacobite infantry line fallback, (not technically allowed in the rules, but he ho!)

Hanmar's and Nassau Saarbruken's can both be seen wadding back over the river after
 catastrophically both failing their morale checks.

The Jacobite Horse finally get an order to move.

Hamilton's move in column over onto the road, a very brave move as its just infront
 of the Jacobite Horse.

Ginkel's troops finally start to cross the Boyne at Mill Ford. The Mounted Piquets 
flee immediately the Horse start to cross the river.

Clanrickard's are beaten for the second consecutive turn and flee Oldbridge, leaving the 
3rd Battalion of the Dutch Guards as the sole occupants.

Lord Clare's and Dongan's Dragoon's spot the front of Ginkel's Horse crossing 
the river and halt their move forward in terror!!!! They sent a runner to the King, saying the flank was gone.
This caused an army morale check which the valiant Jacobites failed.
King James then led his army off the field.......


  1. The result you wanted, needed and eventually got gitface!

  2. Saw Fran's post earlier. Great setup, especially the water. And excellent photos, Ray!

  3. Really good to see all those painted units in action and on such a nice table

  4. All that hard work and the payoff is how wonderful your troops look on the tabletop. Nicely done, Ray! The terrain is aces too!

  5. I know how hard you worked on painting all those figures up Ray and they look grand on the table. Like everyone else, I'm impressed with those water effects and would like to know what you used to get them.

    Oh and my favorite part of all the posts are the pics of you with your pressie from Tamisin. Honestly you don't look a thing like it. He's ever so much more handsome that you:)

    1. We bought the river from "The Last Valley" a terrain maker over here in the UK. I'm not 100% sure how he made the water effect, but I think its just gloss varnish painted over a muddy brown river bed.

  6. Wow! What a great looking game!

  7. Great looking troops and boards and a thrilling report. Well done to you all!

  8. Great pics and write up Ray :)

  9. From table to minis, everything looks really good! I've read Fran's and Lee's reports too!
    Really jealous of the game and the shows you gents attend!

  10. Wonderful looking game, Ray. No surprise why you had so much interest in it. The road idea by Postie looked great too. Again, fantastic work and congrats on hosting such a great game. Best, Dean

  11. epic and amazing war -game images!

  12. Super effort from you fella's. Well done.

  13. Splendid table, great pictures, and wonderful write-up...Thanks for sharing this kind of report!

  14. Nice one mate. The set up did look good on the day I must admit. If only Hollywood had done some films about it I could probably get really into it. But They haven't and I'm shallow! Still it's better than that rubbish game you put on last year (JK). Makes me wonder how far you are going to push it next year.

  15. Beautifull figures, perfect terrain.
    Simply - great game !

  16. Great looking game, thought Postie's shed was looking quite roomy until I actually read the title.


  17. A great write up of the game and some very nice pictures. I seemed to miss most of the action as I was talking to visitors pretty much all day. I think I eventually got to move one unit and throw a couple of dice at the end of the battle! Thanks to the guys that stuck with the game and moved it along while we were chin-wagging with the public. There were quite a few people that revisited several times during the day to follow the games progress.

    1. Lee, you did a sterling job chatting to the the public. It was amazing the level of interest and admiration that the game received, and very encouraging - a recognition of the hard work that Ray and Stuart put into preparing it for the show.
      You may not have realised (during your various conversations) that a significant number of the guys gaming were also spending an incredible amount of time representing what was done to anyone who passed by - and I think special commendation ought to go to Reject David for his devotion to the game and to the interested public.


  18. You guys did a great job there. And especially you Ray, since you painted the minis ;)


    1. A was very pleased to have them all out on display.

  19. Nice one Ray, lovely story of the battle.

  20. What a tremendous post and I'm so glad that the game and the day went well - a just reward for all your hard work.

  21. Great stuff Ray. Good to see the Jacobites on the losing side again only this time with James leading them off rather than beating them back to Dublin ;)

  22. Great looking game - I think I'll give "Beneath the Lilly Banners" a look

    1. Do give them a go Miles, they really play well.

  23. That's a seriously impressive setup. Good work you all!

  24. Excellent layout, great report and fantastic photos. Very very well done guys!

  25. The terrain is real nice Ray and the minis look excellent all lined up in formation, impresive.

  26. Great looking game all round, terrain and figures both look superb.
    I'm quite surprised you managed to play a full game at all during a show.

    Congratulations to the Rejects

    1. We did have plenty of time and the first few moves were over quite quick, we actually had to slow the game down or we'd be finished too early.

  27. Great looking game you put on gents. Top job.

  28. Most certainly picture heavy but nice pics and great layout, congratz!

  29. Beautiful Ray absolutely jaw dropping, gut smackingly gorgeous. Well done you for all the effort and well done to Postie for his stroke of genius. I really wish I'd been there on the day.

    1. Shame you couldn't make it, would have been nice to meet up again.

  30. Outstanding presentation! Terrific layout, figures and BatRep.

  31. Has Jimmy the Sh1t EVER managed to win at the Boyne?!

  32. Thanks for sharing Ray! Wonderfull table and painted figures!


  33. Two words... absolutely lovely!

  34. Spectacular table. A really great AAR; thanks for taking the time to post all the pics. It's a tough scenario for the Jacobites.

    1. Yep, extremely difficult for the Jacobites, just as it should be.

  35. Very nice Ray. Another period tempts me away from South America ;-) I've always wanted to do the Battle of Aughrim myself. I got to visit the Boyne several years ago, and the river looks spot-on.

    1. I may give Aughrim a go myself, after all I've got most of the troops, a little scaling down should do the trick.

  36. Very nice game and AAR, Ray, perfect to follow the battle. And the terrain is wonderful.

  37. Great layout looks like a fantastic game. I have BLB somewhere in my shelf and was wondering if it is better then Black Powder.

    1. In my opinion...Yes! BP is more generic, while BtLB is specific to 1680-1721 and you get the flavour for the period.

  38. Wow, that's one fantastic looking game Ray. Well done fellers!

  39. Excellent work, Ray et al!

    That's what wargaming at it's best is all about: wonderful scenery, lots of figures and a lot of fun!

  40. Great looking board Ray and a superb AAR! I find using natural material on boards for roads is the most effective and yours look great!


  41. Now that's a game and must have been great to get all those figures out at last too


  42. Best battle of the Boyne ever, will those pics make their way into Miniature Wargames? It's about the best river too, and eyewitnesses are saying it looks right. A bit disappointed you didn't ford it yourself that one time to be sure. Brilliant effort by the whole team, everyone picking up the slack in important ways that all of them needed to be done by someone, and someone did. You can all take pride in this one. I was just waiting to hear more of the slaughter done by the Irish Horse somewhat to the right of their center, doing 250 % maximum effort on the day.

    1. It'd be great if a pic makes it in the magazine. The guys want to play the game again, but this time playing it straight, with no restrictions. I can't see the Jacobites winning but they'll definitely get to use their Cavalry.

  43. You put on an excellent game and your relationship with the punters was brilliant as always. I've got some pics on Flickr showing your game at Broadside at

    1. Thanks for the kind words Henry and thanks for the link to your photos, they're all excellent pics!
