
Friday 13 September 2013

PoorLee's (aka BigLee's) Dice Challenge!

PoorLee, wearing his crown.

As some of you may have read on my and Lee's last batrep The Battle of Holland Farm, Reject PoorLee as he is now known, broke all the conceivable World records on throwing crap dice. He's actually proved Einstein talked a load of old cobblers! that Archimedes was a hack! And as for Newton? Forget about it!!!!

PoorLee decided to test himself, here,  throwing 10x D6, 10x D10's and 10x D20's, jand then working out the average dice throw. They were quite dismal, he averaged
5.1 on a D20
3.3 on a D10
2.6 on a D6

I'm sure you'll all agree that is some real crap throwing??!!??

Anyway I popped round Posties the other night, (there was a double episode of EastEnders on) groannnnnnnnn!!!!
After he fell about laughing again, about PoorLee's dice during the game, I told him about PoorLee's dice test, so we decided to try PoorLee's Average dice test ourselves.
Here's our results
8.8 on a D20
6.6 on a D10
4.3 on a D6
And my results
11.1 on a D20
6.5  on a D10
3.9  on a D6

Our scores beat PoorLee's quite easily on all counts, but his sets of scores are so bad, can anyone throw worse???????

So the Challenge is set
Your Mission, should you choose to accept it is...
Not to beat PoorLee's, my or Posties throws but
see if your throws are worse.
Can you take the title from PoorLee?
To be crowned....


Lastly and definitely not least is, Ian's blog givaway over at The Blog With No Name. To celebrate his 500th post and his blogs 2nd Birthday, Ian is giving away lots of goodies, so if you haven't already get on over to his blog and sign up. I for one have my name on the brushes, trouble is so do lots of others!!!

They're mine! Mine I say!!!! Mha ha ha ha !!!!!!


  1. Those are really bad throws. I'm at work - when I get home tonight, I'll dig out my dice and let you know the results.

    1. I look forward to your results Alex!

    2. Sorry, didn't get to it until this morning. Here are my results:
      12.2 on D20
      6.5 on D10
      3.3 on D6
      Not great with the D6, but if Vegas was tossing D20's I'd have a shot!

  2. Replies
    1. "Not fair! not fair!. It isn't fair, my precious, is it, to ask us what it's got in it's nassty little pocketsess?”

      "A set of Rosemarysess painting sticksess, that's what its got in its pocketsess!"

  3. 8.4 on the D20
    6.7 on the D10
    3.2 on the D6

    And that was throwing with my left hand, which is unluckier than my right! Sorry PoorLee, looks like the crown is yours.

    1. And it's Friday the Thirteenth!

    2. A good try Paul! I think its gonna be hard for Lee to lose his crown.

  4. Sorry pal but I got my name on them there brushes!!!

  5. Mock me all you like, but I bet you'll laugh on the other side of your face when we next get paired up on the same side. In fact, I think I'll put in a request with Postie to make this a priority next time we have a game!

    1. I've already spoken to Postie, your going to be on Fran's side forever,.

  6. No d10's handy But here are my results.
    D20- 4,4,9,9,19,3,4,9,16,20 For an average of 9.7 (so below average.) Rolled in 2 lots of 5 dice.
    D6 - 6,6,5,4,4,3,2,2,1,1, For an average of 3.4 (again just below average) Rolled with 10 dice in one roll.

    So nothing special with me on the first attempt! I do not consider myself to be either particularly gifted in the luck department nor indeed deficient with the dice gods.

    1. Pretty low rolls Clint, but I think his titles safe!!

    2. I rolled a natural 20 and as many 6's as I got 1's. In my book that's a result!

  7. Those are exceptionally horrible dice throws. Although there are some night where I think I could challenge those low scores.

    1. Me too, when I first stared gaming, I was the same. I had to endure years of ridicule!

  8. Einstein developed the theory of relativity and unless those dice are being tossed at the speed of light I think his theory stands. It's Bernoulli you'd be disproving and your sample size is just too small to toss the Theory of Large Numbers on it's ear.

    That said, have fun boys!!

    1. Perhaps Ray was thinking of Bose-Einstein Statistics in terms or probability distribution? If so, Ray could be a lot smarter than he looks!

    2. My job at one time was based on Bernoulli's Theory of Large Numbers. The sample size is definitely to small. I wouldn't consider it valid until at see at least 100 dice being used. Get out the buckets!

    3. What Warlord Paul said!
      And remember this is just a bit of fun.

    4. How about we cool the moving dice to absolute zero and see if they lose their individual identities and become a single, coherent mass.

      Ray, this is having fun:)

  9. Those are bad throws, will carry out the test tonight. Oh and by the way I think I am winning those brushes

  10. I think it just shows that its all about technique rather than randomness. I'm sure it must be to do with the muscles in your right hand/wrist....... :o)

  11. Replies
    1. No no, he throws like most pretty average dice!

  12. I just had to take on this challenge. Had some bad luck with the d20's and d10's but did okay with the d6's. I don't seem unlucky enough with the dice to take the crown from Poor Lee.

  13. he is fit for a king, give him a realm to rule...

    1. Its all his Dez, nobody really wants to take the title.

  14. OK, here are my results:
    D4: 3,1,2,1,1,3,1,2,1,2; average = 1.7
    D6: 3,6,2,1,3,3,6,2,6,5; average = 3.7
    D8: 8,2,6,1,8,2,5,2,8,2; average = 4.4
    D10: 6,2,6,2,1,1,4,5,9,6; average = 4.2
    D12: 3,6,1,7,6,11,9,11,11,10; average = 7.5
    D20: 20,12,17,14,9,7,3,18,13,14; average = 12.7

    So, some a little above statistical average and some a bit below. However, given the low n number the stats need to be treated with a very healthy dose of salts.

  15. I'm bound to win the brushes because I don't have to roll any dice to win.

    1. Ahhhhhhhhhh! How sweet, he thinks he's got a chance to win my brushes!

  16. Unfortunately the sample size is not significant, perhaps throwing about 100 dice would give a better sample size 9and it doesn't take that long - honest).
    As for my own efforts, I've always felt that I'm pretty lucky with dice and wouldn't want some random test deflating my dice-throwing ego !
    Stupid American rules where ones are good and sixes are bad really throws me though.

    1. The thing is he didn't really need to test himself, he already knew how bad his throwing is.

  17. You have your name on the brushes... So you are actually called Rosemary! :-P

    1. Tell me it's not true!!!!

    2. Well I could deny it?........but I couldn't possibly comment!

  18. I cannot agree, they be mine, mineeeeeee!

  19. Keep your thieving mitts off my brushes!

  20. Not enough trials to determine if BigLee is truly a "crap roller" (in a statistic sense).

    Ray, I have MY eye on the brushes...

  21. ooohhhh how hard is this......come on nobody is that bad at throwing dice...
    One advice. Build an altar for the dice gods. Use blessed water to clean them and send a prayer to heavens before rolling them......and if this does not help use them as hit dice...

    1. I think he's tried al that kind of stuff already and nothing improved!

  22. Challenge accepted! Although I don't feel that my luck comes even close to being that bad statistically.

  23. You want people to admit they're that bad. What!?

  24. Right Lucky Jim, here're the results of the Salford jury for the dice experiment. I've not put down all the individual scores cos I'm far too lazy for that, but I have included average dice (anyone remember them?) and D100:

    Average Dice: 3.7

    D4: 2.4

    D6: 3.5

    D8: 5.1

    D10: 5.2

    D12: 6.1

    D20: 12.9

    D100: 43.1

    I think the Average Dice (marked 2,3,3,4,4,5) score is pretty decent, but the rest aren't very impressive, but around the 50 - 60% mark. The D100 is pretty poor. However, very roughly the same sort of scores as as Tamsin's.

    We really ought to run this over a larger set of results and with more rolls for each type of die, but is it really worth it? if we stay statistically ignorant, we can still blame rotten dice scores . . . . ;O)

  25. I don't understand a thing about those dices, but those brushes are coming to Belgium! :-D

