
Thursday 19 September 2013

RP No 144 NYW - Jacobite Militia

Possibly and I do mean possibly my last unit ever for the NYW in Ireland. I've pondering the idea of an Irish Militia unit for quite some time now, and with the hopefully soon to be released Irish Campaign book for Beneath the Lily Banners (come on Barry, I'm waiting!!) coming out soon, they should be of use. This unit unusually for my troops has no name, it represents either a very hastily raised body of men or a very poorly equipped Jacobite Irish unit. 
As you can see the unit is entirely made up of hand weapons with no firearms at all. I was going to make them an all pike unit but as I had a few figures left from my Irish Rapparees, I thought I'd add them to the unit just to spice it up a little. For games they will be classed as an all pike unit. 
I'm not too sure if the Jacobite players will like to have this unit in their army, I can see it being used as support, you don't really want to push these chaps out in front! Mind you they may do a lot of damage to a Cavalry unit if they're daft enough to charge them, of course that's if they stand their ground and except the charge!!!
I did make a bit of a boo boo though, I should have made the flag more generic, then I could have used it for both sides. Its supposed to represent a Holy Banner taken from a church, I think its a little more Catholic looking than Protestant, so it'll probably stay a Jacobite unit!! 

Not sure if there's a glitch on blogger at the moment but my hit count has gone mental since my last post. BigLee's die roll challenge has had 2500+ hits since the 16th???? And in the last three days I've had over 5000 hits altogether?? Not that I'm complaining of course. Has anyone else seen a strange increase??


  1. Nice Work, as usual, Ray.
    The one with the club is a great miniature!

    1. He is a great figure, that's why I put him in the front rank.

  2. Looking very smart Ray. Good job.

  3. Nice looking unit Ray and yes, the flags look Catholic to me.

    No, I've had no unexplained increases. But I've had decreases as my bleedin' blog isn't updating on blogrolls or in Reader. I've posted today, except no one knows it. Oh well, what are you gonna do.

    Your increase is due to your stunning popularity :)

  4. I like the flag. I don't see it as being so desperately Catholic that it could not be Protestant. People were a lot less secular than they are today and religious belief was far more dominant than Atheistic or Agnostic. (At least that's how books and films have it!). So I would use it for either.

    As always a very nice addition to the forces of this period. Hope to see you on Sunday. All the best Clint.

    1. Yeh maybe, afraid I'm working on Sunday, No Skirmish for me :0(

  5. Impressive. Might not have firearms, but wouldn't you hesitate if those guys were coming at you?

  6. Wonderful work Ray, wonderful work!

  7. Very nice Ray!
    You must be chuffed getting near to finishing an army or 2 for a period. What you going to work on next?

    1. I have a secret plan which hopefully will be revealed soon!

  8. Very nice unit, love the guy with the cudgel


  9. maybe you have a secret army of minions which visit the blog 5000 times :P ... why not, everybody deserves minions....

  10. Nice! I love militia troops. They are all too often neglected on the table since they are not the cool units. But the reality is, there were usually tons of them out there. Well done.

    1. I do like putting useless troops on the table, it does give both sides something to think about.

  11. Nice model work,Ray. Appropriatly scruffy.

    1. Yep, lots of browns and dull colours, the heavy inking helps too.

  12. I don't watch my counter. Now I feel like I should. Dang.

    As usual, I love the flag. (Are you tired of hearing that yet?) The minis look great too!

    1. I like to follow the counter, you can give yourself personal goals, all a bit sad really? and nope not tired of hearing about lads and lasses who like the flags!!

    2. Damn, I forgot to look at my counter again. I'm doing it right now!

  13. On behalf of your readers I'd like to say thank feck, this has been so boring for everybody and we all know that you push the reload button like a monkey masturbating in a banana tree!

  14. Nice job Granville! Mixing the figures makes the unit look unique I like the flag I'm not religious though so couldn't really say which it looks like in particular. I'd still use it for both.

    1. Well if I'm Granville and you know who's Arkwright that only leaves Nurse Gladys Emmanuel for you!!! I suppose I could get away for using it for both, I'm sure the Rejects won't mind.

  15. Pointy fellows! Nice work Ray!
    If these are the last, what's next?

    1. A secret project which will be revealed soon.

  16. Nice work Ray. I have had no increase but I have seen the dice challenge on several blogs all link back to your post

    1. Yep that could be it, who'd have thought PoorLee's dice rolls would increase my hits!!

  17. Nice work Ray. I have had no increase but I have seen the dice challenge on several blogs all link back to your post

    1. Yep that could be it, who'd have thought .........hang on a minute I've already typed that???? And off course you pressing the comment button twice always helps as well!!!!

  18. Ray, this is another example of your painting excellence! I specially like the diversity of dress among the members of the regiment and indeed, as many have commented before, the banner!

  19. Great troops there Ray and it is good to see a militia looking like well a militia

  20. Nice looking bunch of ruffians, Ray.

  21. Another nice unit, mind you they do look like a drunken unruly mob!

    1. They've all just been out for several pints of Guinness, so your right!!

  22. God knows how, but you're probably better liked than you think. Or it could be that url Fran keeps leaving on toilet walls . . . .

    1. You could be right on both counts!!! Especially Fran being in them dodgy toilets!!!

  23. Excellent addition and I do love the flag! I wouldn't want to be the guy walking around a musket battlefield with a unit of pike. That can only end badly!

    1. I don't think they'll perform well on the battlefield, but you never know????

  24. They look cool, it's just odd not having an entire history behind them. And the flag looks like it can be used both ways to me, but I'm much less of an expert at these things so, just stick to what you do. Cough.

    I would very much so enjoy having my views increase. None here!

    1. I know what you mean, no history on this unit??? And the increase in visitors is always welcome!

  25. Very cool looking "irregulars" Ray.

  26. Nice way to pretend to be ending this project. Is one unit of militia enough, though. They do look the part.

  27. Great mix of figures, a truly scurrilous looking mob and I'm sure they can be used in both sides without anyone quibbling (certain people apart that is) and quite possibly given their nature they could easily fit in with a number of other wars of the period

    1. You must be talking about our pal Francois Aloysius Lee!

  28. I really dig their little hats.

    So cute.

  29. Excellent painted figures Ray! Love the difference of the uniforms!


    1. Cheers Peter, I wanted them to look un-uniformed, basically wearing their own cloths.

  30. Great work. The one one the far left with the club is great. Love the look of the unit. Thumps up.

  31. Excellent work Ray. I really like the hedge of pikes and the flag is brill.

  32. Excellent work Ray. I really like the hedge of pikes and the flag is brill.
