
Thursday 14 November 2013

Blog-Con Day 2 - The Return of the Badger

Day 2 of  Blog-Con actually started where Day 1 finished, me, Fran Sydney, Mike and Mike's pal (sorry can't remember your name!) went for a beer at the pub closet to Foundry. It was a bit rough and ready, but sold John Smith's Smooth and JD!!!Me and Fran then hit the local Chinese, which was for want of a better word CRAP! Then we both had a really crap nights sleep, Fran kept waking me up for some bloody reason, and then the heard of elephants in the room upstairs woke up and decided to do the Hoky Cokey for 2 hours!!
Anyway on with the show.......................

Pete "PK" started to set his A Very British Civil War game up.

While new arrival Reject BigLee, Richard, Loki, James and myself settled down for 
another game of Dave's Cowboy rules.

BigLee-The Man with No Name & Sheriff James

Steak anyone???

This time I was the Pinkerton's and I had a plan!!!

The trouble was so did Loki, who led the Ringo Brothers.
His plan was simple.....Get me!

Loki moving the Ringo bros, while Lee makes sure he's not cheating.

A short interval for other pics....

The Man with No Name moves across the road

Being the Devil he is, Loki opened the gate and started a steak Stampede

Very nearly getting run over himself!

There was a titanic tussle in the middle of the road as Sheriff James tried to arrest Billy the Kid!!!
Strangely Billy the Kid didn't live up to his usual reputation and was shot through the heart!!

Now this was clever, I didn't even notice what the colourful stip was behind 
the train, but soon realised it was a map of the inside of the train!! How cool is that??
In the pic are my 3 Pinkerton's , the Man with No Name, a tied up Johnny Ringo and Loki Cowboy who I just knocked out!
Somehow Lee managed to kill all 3 Pinkertons and Loki's cowboys to win the day!!

A quick look at another table, unfortunately nobody had a game with them, they just 
sat there looking pretty for the 2 days.

James' ECW collection.

The last game of the day and infact the last game of Blog-Con

PK's A Very British Civil War

Blazing Dave Docherty troops and even more cows!!

The village tea Party

My troops, led by Lord Charles "Budgie" Smuggler

Fran was looking for a Minotaur figure and was presented with one from Mr Foundry himself!!

Lord Charles "Budgie" Smuggler

And his favourite hound Badger.

Mr PK, running through the rules, remember don't get into any melee!!!

Warlord Paul & Chums!

There were 8 factions, we each had to collect as many boxes as we could and try to survive.
I collected a box straight away, as my mainly shotgun armed troops moved through the crops.

Over the hedge I spied Mrs PK's Morris Dancers, practising a jig!

At the top of the pic Fran's IRA (he had to have them) move down the hill.

Carrying on from his "Get Ray" plan in the Cowboy game, Loki heads straight for me....the git!

The 8

Just as he said he would Loki, jumped in a van full of knickers and tried to
 run my figures over the dirty swine!

 Lucky them and the box dived out of the way.

Me and PK traded a few shot on the right hand side. As Loki upset Mrs PK and shot
 and killed one of the Morris Dancers!!!!

A view from Fran's end of the table.

BigLee and Blazing Dave were having their own fight out side of the town. Dave
 decided to try and smash Lee's Coppers.

Loki then threw a Molotov Cocktail, and to the Get Ray Gang all cheered 
as 3 of my men including the poor Lord Charles "Budgie" Smuggler turn orange and crispy!

Loki then charged and we both lost a few figures in hand to hand combat.

Meanwhile while everyone was concentrating on me and Loki beating each other 
up, sneaky James,collected his 5th box, then attacked a Police van!!!

PK troops moved down the road toward his pal Richard.

I hopped over the hedge with the last remnants of my men

Foundry had some really nice rolling hill terrain.

The Morris Men saw their chance for revenge they jumped over the hedge and
charged Loki's troops in the rear!!! Much to my merriment!

And there the game was called, James had 5 boxes to Richard's 4.
Me and Loki only had two figures left each!

And that was the end of Blog-Con 2013. Thanks to James, Loki,, Foundry and all the 
Guys n Gals who turned up!!!!

Lastly our Canadian pal Curt was a little confused at to what Budgie Smuggler
 were, so I asked a pal to demonstrate


  1. I was going to say thanks for posting the great photos until I saw the last one, which made me nearly choke on my cornflakes. This should be the unofficial uniform for all future Blog Cons.

    1. Sorry about the cornflakes and I agree, this should be the uniform for Blog-Con!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice photos ... well ... most of them... :-)

    The Civil War table is a blast!

  4. Great report and pictures!

    It is funny... whenever I saw pictures of that Wild West game I always felt that this brightly colored platform behind the train looked ugly. Never realized it was a map of the interior... that way it is really cool!

  5. Great photo's of a great day.

    That last picture... I need to wash my eye's out with vinegar. Damn you, we can't un-see it now!!! Well now its in the public domain we should start a campaign to get Fran to use it as his new Profile picture.

  6. Why do I get the feeling that some bright spark will try to put on a "Budgie Smuggler" game on next year! You know you want to! But please keep it table top and not LARP!

    Another great post Ray. Yet more proof that I think I missed out big time.

  7. Excellent stuff Ray!! Lovely photos.

  8. Ohhh.... After a sudden blindness when seeing this last picture my eyes seem to recover and I'm able to write again... ;-)

    Great photos - besides the last - and a very entertaining AAR.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. He does look like that in real life Stefan!

    2. I'm sure this photo has very unpleasant light though...

  9. A epic report Ray, well done!

    That Fran is a bit of a worry!

  10. My eyes! My eyes! No!!! Now I have to stay serious in front of the pupils. Damn you badger!


  11. Great wait a minute wtf is that on the last one! I feel as if my eyes just took a double barrelled punch!

    I must admit A Very British Civil War has me intrigued.


    1. Some would consider the pic as internet porn.........god knows who though???

  12. LOL! And I thought the term "budgie smuggler" was unknown outside the Antipodes!! I'm glad Australia is exporting its slang to the Mother Country!

    Looks like an excellent time was had by all. Thanks for the photos and lively reporting, Ray!

    1. Most of us know of Budgies through an advert for Aussie beer, that's shown over here!!

  13. Excellent photos, Ray. Looks like you guys had a good time.

    Though right about now, I'm wishing I were still ignorant as to what a "budgie smuggler" is. :)

  14. there are some pictures that shouldn't be put into the public domain.
    Great photos and report ray.

    1. And that was not one of them, people need to see the real Francis Lee!!

  15. Steak stampede. I will have to remember that!

  16. Great day out Ray , plenty off laughs which is what it was about.

    My god can't you censor that last one... Some of us a sensitive souls you know...

  17. Great report! Sounds like and awesome time!

    That last pic was... disturbing. I would've been happy NOT knowing what a budgie smuggler was...

  18. Most enjoyable read. Sounds like a great couple of days. Terrible shame though to hear Lord Smuggler bit the big one. He sounded like a swell kind of guy!

  19. Fantastic pictures and report, I love the British Civil War table!

  20. Oh, I didn't know Fran looked so good in speedos :PPP

    And those figurines of cattle and cows and horses are just delightful!

  21. Great photos and report Ray. Looks like it was a good two days out.

  22. Great looking figs and games; also nice to see our brethren-bloggers getting together for this. You guys look like you're all having a great time enjoying not just the gaming, but comradery. Love those lords with shotguns too. Best, Dean

  23. Thank you for sharing the great games tables and good times, but for God's sake why the picture of a budgie smuggler!
    I am going to have nightmares! ( but it is good to know what to call them)

    1. He sometimes wears them over his jeans as well????

  24. great photo report, I had a great weekend and am looking forward to putting plans in place for next year

    1. Yep, I'm looking forward to you putting plans in place too!

  25. What a lovely day out! Looks like a smashing success. I'd be so distracted by the amazing collection of painted and unpainted lead in that venue. And speaking of out, now I know what to call that when I see it at the beach.

    1. Just make sure you don't wear any of them Monty!

  26. Looks like lots of fun. Surprised there weren't more fights with so many big personalities there. Love the pictures.

    1. It was Dan!! The only big fights were on the boards!

  27. Looks like a great day, I'll have to make time for the next one!

  28. Fantastic AAR; a very nice place to play!

  29. looks like you had lots of fun then... though that last photo... this blog needs a rating stating parental guidance or an age restriction seriously. if some poor person under the age of dead saw that photo when they weren't prepared before hand...

  30. Great report, and wonderful pics - as for the Fran budgie smugglers pic, I fear that may earn you a kick in crackers from a certain Irish gentleman! ;-)

    1. The only crackers Fran can serve up are Cream ones!!!!

  31. Thanks, Ray. This gaming documentary was a blast to read and watch. Two observations that shouldn't go unnoticed: 1st, the cowboys steps were measured in the old town where cowboy Dave rules; and 2nd, it was a joy to be able to sit the outhouse and watch the ducks frolic in their pond in PK Town. Lovely stuff!

  32. great looking games! I love the rolling hill terrain. I would be tempted to spend all my time and money shopping with all those blister packs hanging around!

  33. Chr*st, now I wish I never asked. That image is now seared onto my retinas. Oh, the horror...

  34. You'll never see Fran in any other light from now on!

  35. Great pictures Ray. Looks like it was a great event, and figs from the man himself? Double bummed that we don't have something like that here. PS - My next post is about budgie smuggglers.

  36. What a great event. Looks like everyone was having fun. The terrain and figures in the games are all first rate. Thanks for the report.

  37. What has been seen, cannot be unseen.


    1. It will stay with you................................forever!

  38. great pics from the show especially the Wild West game...
    I did not know that fran is an underwear model...huh spooky

  39. Look at Fran in those hutnuggers! What a stud! I never know what I'm going to see over here.

  40. OH MY GOSH. This is funny. You are terrible. Lurker might not give you and of his Ding Dongs, now.
