
Wednesday 18 December 2013

15mm 4ground FIW Cabins

Just managed to get these and some other bits and bobs finished before the start of Curt's Challenge on Sunday last. These are my second lot of 4Ground items I bought from Col Bill's Wargaming Depot at SELWG. They're the New England Settlers Hamlet set, consisting of 3 buildings for the princely sum of £22
I did have a little trouble putting the things together, it was the instructions really. They were simple enough to follow, but the difficulty was working out which part went where because the numbers on the sprue's didn't correspond with anything at all??? I worked it out in the end, but did make a few mistakes, which luckily you don't actually notice!! Apart from that, I'm quite pleased at how they turned out. I think they look quite nice and fit the period well, I could do with a few European houses for my NYW figures, here's hoping eh?

Small moan about the side of the chim chiminey stack, surly it could've been made
 to look stone all the way around?

Gotta get the decorators in now for the insides????

A couple of pics with some 15mm Frei Korps figures for scale.


  1. Looks like a few campgrounds I've seen in central Pennsylvania. Nice work!

  2. They look like some nice little buildings.

  3. I like the fact that the roofs come off. It makes putting figures inside an option, only to find them again at the end of the game. (I am sure that will ring true with more people than just me!) Nice one Ray.

    1. I do like the fact that the roofs come off, that's quite unusual for 15mm buildings and No its not just you, I'm sure when I get to use them we may lose the odd figure or two!!

  4. Very Nice ray, so that's you now ready to rock and roll

    1. Well? I'm not sure about the rock, maybe a roll............probably a cheese one?

  5. They look great Ray.

    @Clint leave the roof of as a reminder then :P

  6. They'll make for good eye candy on the gaming table. Well done Ray!

  7. Really cool looking buildings Ray! I like too!

  8. Good work on those nice logs ... even if I'm not a fan of the laser-cut buildings !

  9. Cute houses. I imagine the mistakes blend because the real things were far from perfect as well.

    1. Absolutely Alex, that's what I like to think anyway???

  10. These look great, as for the chimney, wood was incorporated, particularly in the southern colonies. Check out the 1771 Tobacco Farm at Claude Moore. If you just don't like the aesthetics, prehaps cover it with green putty and paint. I thought they all worked well in your last battle report!

    1. Just checked out the Tobacco Farm website, its pretty cool, bit too far for me to visit though. Its not the wood effect I called into question on the chimney. Its the MDF sides, which probably through the size of the actual building cannot be hidden?

  11. Even though they are 15mm scale I do like them. Nice find, Ray.

  12. They look very good value for money, but I can't help thinking that having a wooden hearth isn't a good idea.

  13. they look very realistic, Ray

  14. Ray. You are now going to be my go to person for questions when we start finishing my daughter's doll house. Those look great!

  15. Wonderful! I do love 4Ground's laser cut buildings.

  16. Cute little lot. Nicely done!

    1. Not sure about cute, but thanks all the same D4.

  17. Nice little buildings, I recent came across these from a post on TMP

    They are taller than normal but have same footprint, but of course the roofs dont come off!

    1. They're really nice buildings, they fit it perfectly for my NYW figures.

  18. Those look really nice. My one foray into the world of lazer cut mdf buildings left me uncertain as there was absolutely no detail on the building at all. These look fantastic.

    1. The really good thing about some of their items not necessarily these ones, is that they're pre painted, so you just fix them together, if you're a fussy bugger like me you may want to add a dollop of paint or two, but you don't really have too.

  19. Where are the badger enclosures? .. Very nice Ray

  20. These cabins are great. And hey, would you really rather pluck each eyelash out? But it's such a good show. I'm jealous that you get to watch it as it airs. I have to wait.

    1. Well I suppose I wouldn't really, but I can't sit and watch it, there's no killing in it after all!

    2. Oh man. No killing. You crack me up.

  21. What's not to like about those Ray, splendid additions Sir.

  22. Those look way better than I thought they would!
