
Saturday 28 December 2013

Secret Santa a belated Happy Christmas and other chit chat!

Well that's Christmas over again for another year, I had the 3 important Christmas days off work,Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day but now I'm paying the price, I swapped the three shifts with a co-worker, which now means I'm working every day until the 10th January!!!! At least the place is closed down  for the holidays and I can get a little painting done.
Apologies if I've missed any of your posts recently, like many of you, Its been a little too busy in the Rousell household, what with Christmas and work to even look at the computer for too long. So a belated Merry Christmas to all.  But now I'm back at work so I can once again bore you all to tears with my NYW figures!!

I've a few nearly bits and bobs nearly finished for Curts Challenge, I had to send an emergency plea for supplies to Warbases, just before Christmas, as I only had a few bases left. (Thanks Martin!!!!) I spent so much time getting figures ready for the Challenge I didn't even think about the damn bases!!!

As I already mentioned in a previous post, my main aim in this years Challenge is to get the French NYW army completed. I've been sorting through Richard's Horse units, to save himself money he only bought 1 command pack per regt of horse, now me being the particular plum I am, I've got to add the missing command stand and flag to all the second squadrons, which will leave spare figures which I'll then add to, to make new units. So I'll be posting a few 12 man units that I only painted a few figures for, so you'll have to trust me on this one!!!!

Thanks have got to go to Ian and Cath for organizing the Secret Santa plan. And thanks to my not so secret Santa, Dave D, who sent me the most excellent figures in the pic above, they're 2 Essex minis wagons to go with my NYW figures, I do plan to get these sorted for the Challenge, Thanks Dave!!!!!
I hope my Secret Santa liked his gift, he was a right bugger to by for, I searched his blog for what seemed like an age to get some ideas, but in the end gave in and emailed Cath, who sent me a nice long list of goodies to buy from, that made it a lot easier.
I also got three wargaming gifts for Christmas, which I don't usually get, as the Mrs R seems to think I spend enough money on figures and stuff throughout the year. She may have a point????

The Fort William Henry Osprey

War & Conquest Rules 

And finally John Childs newly re-printed The Nine Years War and the British Army 1688-1697
A must if you're interested in the period

Apologies have got to go to Tamsin, I was sorting my shed out, making room for more figures, when I found the Sandbags they she most graciously presented me with at Salute. We did think we'd have to use them a couple of weeks ago, as the Thames was going to flood, which I live pretty close to.  Thank God we didn't have to use them after all. When I picked them up a figure fell out of the packet......

Lastly, you may have tried to go to the post I posted yesterday, which infact wasn't a post at all.I was trying to comment on Juan's blog, Jugando con "Munequitos" and somehow my comment turned into a post??? which I deleted as soon as I could, so it's all Juan's fault!
I couldn't have possibly pressed the wrong button....could I????

I hope you all had a great Christmas, plenty of booze, grub and of course painting!!!! 



  1. Glad you had some time off if ever so brief Ray.

    A nice wee haul and surprise as well. Sweet!

    1. Cheers Paul, I was very pleased with the haul!

  2. Glad you liked your SS and Cath is still basking in the glow of it all


  3. hoi Ray, great post! in what scale are you going to do the NYW? cheers Sander

    1. That'd be 15mm Sander, but I maybe painting up some 25mm figures for it soon????

  4. Good to know you are still alive. No posts on Curt's Challenge so we are all looking forward to a monster large submission from you. Probably 601 points all in one go!

    "Freche Dachs"

    1. 601 points I wish???? I have had one entry already but I haven't posted it myself yet.It was my entry into the first bonus round.

    2. Oh yes your "Pole Dancer!" Ok maybe 595 points all in one go then.

      "Freche Dachs!"

  5. A nice haul of books. Glad you a couple days off! I'm in the same boat working fifteen days with the 25th as my only day off. Boo-hoo sad us!

  6. Glad to hear that you didn't need to use the sandbags to defend against a flood, rather than their proper use (ie, filling with painted figures to be submitted on the last day of the Challenge). Not sure where the K9 came from - I'm guessing you must have picked it up at Salute and shoved it in the packet with the sandbags.

    Nice haul of books :)

    1. Stole it more like it, like you've stolen the ideas of others?

    2. Oh? Not sure how it ended up in the bag then??? Oh well? As as for your comment Fran, you rnads and my boot have got a meeting booked up!

  7. Nice haul mate. Enjoy your painting...eeerrr I mean work!

  8. Your secret Santa was good to you.
    You turned a comment into a blog post - nice trick, Ray.
    Been busy with family as well. Didn't even turn on the computer Christmas Day!

    1. Really not sure what and how I did it, maybe its because I can't read Spanish?? And no computer on Christmas day, did it hurt?

  9. Nice to hear you had nice holidays, Ray! And look at all of your presents!

  10. The Secret Santa/Santa Clause was great fun to participate in. I hope they do it again.

    1. I'm sure both Ian and Cath will, at least I hope they do!

  11. Glad you enjoyed it all Ray... I thought I would give your lads something to defend.. The baggage train!

  12. So now in for a long haul at work. But wait? Don't you paint at work? So really, several days of painting ahead?

    1. Yep a few days, I hopefully will be able to paint up until the 5th. On the 6th everyone else is back then I'll have to do some work, boo bloody hoo!

    2. Oh, you poor baby. You crack me up.

      Happy Painting in 2014.

  13. Happy Christmas Ray, and I'm looking forward to more French!


  14. A merry Christmas to you too.looks like you got quite a little hoard this year:-)


    1. I was very pleased with my haul Jason, hope you had a great Christmas!!

  15. Merry Christmas, Ray, and Happy Holidays! I've had to work all the days and wll be working well into next year. My only two gifts were Irish whiskey which I was only able to enjoy for two days...if I want to keep my jobs! I haven't been able to sit at my paint table yet either!

    1. Shame you had to work over the holidays David, we've all gotta pay the bills at the end of the month, at least you had the Whiskey to put you in the Christmas spirit.....get it???? Sad I know!

  16. I'm quite happy to have some news !!
    A bit late to wish you a "merry Christmas" but I'm sure that it was a good one !
    (Don't you think that it's suspect when gifts from our wives are some stuff for our hobby ??)

    1. I did have to give them a few ideas, but at least I got some of the things I wanted.

  17. Nice haul for the holidays, Ray. Looking forward to you wonderful works in 2014. Dean

    1. Hopefully Dean, I can get a little more painting done than I did in the last 6 months.

  18. Very nice gifts. Merry Christmas and a really Happy New Year, Ray!!!

  19. Very nice haul Ray! Merry Christmas!

    1. Cheers Rodger and a Merry Christmas to you too!

  20. Merry Christmas Ray, and thanks for the heads up on the republishing of John Childs' book. A copy will soon be winging its way to me!

    1. No probs Natholeon, its about time they re-released the book, I've wanted it for ages but there was no way I was going to pay £100 for it!!!

  21. Make the most of your down time mate, best wishes :)

  22. When you get time (!), any chance of a view on the War & Conquest rules? Still have an urge to go back to Ancients, but can't decide on a route.

    That Childs book looks good. Probably need to do some shopping ;O)

  23. Glad you got some gaming stuff for Christmas. I don't usually buy anything like that for my hubby either, but, every so often I like to surprise him….as you well know. Happy New Year!
