
Saturday 4 January 2014

Another 2013 Review!!

Well that's 2013 done and dusted, its been a bit of a crazy year, what with both me and Fran being made redundant from our jobs and then having to find a new ones. We've said it before and I'll say it again, we were very lucky, being able to paint at work for the majority of the last 2 years we were there. Back in June we joined the ranks of the normal gamers and painters, painting when we could, which for me was not very often and Fran's only just picked up the brush again and that's only because of the Challenge.
I had, what most would call a reasonable number of figures painted up during the year, but they were drastically down from the previous 2 years.
             2011             2012             2013
15mm   1546              2351            1013
20mm     119                 40                  0
25mm      24                  41                26

Buildings     0                 14                 12

My favorite unit of the year has to be The Earl of Levan's foot regt for the NYW.  (In the pic above) It's a Scots regt which you probably guessed due to their bonnets. Unfortunately its not been on the battlefield yet, but hopefully that will be remedied this year! I've added a WIP in 2013 page above, so if you're interested give it a look.
I counted up the number of games I had this year and was quite surprised that it was a lowly 13???? Which I'm very disappointed in, If I was to make a New Years Resolution (which I'm not?) It'd be to get a few more games in this year, and to put on more myself.
My most memorable game was back in January the ACW game The Battle of Snake Hill, the Union gave the dirty Rebs a sound beating, Fran being a dirty Reb made it all the more delightful!

My personal highlight of the year was The Rejects game The Battle of the Boyne at Broadside in June. It was a lot of hard work, but well worth it.

Another highlight was my and Fran's adventure up in the Northern wilderness known to some as Nottingham for the first ever Blog-Con, there we met up with several fellow nutters, for a weekend of fun, pi$$ taking and games! Also loads of Badger baiting!!

Not many down sides, I've already mentioned the loss of our painting heaven job, the only other was me and Postie having figures pinched from the Bring and Buy at Cavalier in Tonbridge back in February.......not a happy bunny!!

Plans for 2014

Afraid there are no real plans for 2014 except, get as many figures painted as I can! As you may have read now own Richard's NYW French army, which will be expanded, and will hopefully be finished by March. I'd like to get my Flodden army and FIW skirmish figures completed, but I won't hold my breath!!. I will be buying the new League of Augsberg skirmish ruleset Donnybrook when they're released this month and I may have to bite the bullet and buy some 25mm Warfare minis.....oh my wallet!!!!! I swore blind I'd never buy into another 25mm period, but as its a small skirmish game I may just go for it!!


  1. That's still an impressive figure painting total Ray despite everything! Look forward to catching up in person at one of the shows. Have a great 2014!

  2. Nice to hear that it has been more good stuff than bad stuff.

    This year maybe you and Fran should keep a total of who wins most against eachother?

  3. That was neat I love the idea of posting the photos from your favegames, a real remembering treat. Thanks and good luck for 2014.

  4. Nice souvenirs...let's go to 2014,and good luck for you!

  5. Keep smiling in 2014.All the best mate.

  6. A good wee reflection post Ray. Bot a bad years slog I think. All the best for the upcoming year.

  7. That's a good list from 2013. You should definitely go for the Warfare Minaitures figures, the new editions really are lovely sculpts. Good luck for 2014.

  8. Impressive tally for the paint brush Ray! All the best for 2014!

  9. No 6mm? honestly some people ;-)
    Been a bit of a difficult year for you in a lot of ways so good to see it finish on the positive


  10. Not a total loss for a year, Ray. Ya got yer health, good friends, and a job! Three good ingredientsfor a great wargame hobby time! Just gotta find some more hobby time in it! Since moving to days, my hobby time has fallen really short. I barely have time to keep up with my kids and the honey-do list grows. At least I can play with power tools again in my waking hours. When I was on nights, my wife did not approve of saws and hammers at 3AM...3PM is okay though! ;)

  11. I'm just pleased you and Fran found work... our hobby is a great one, but shekels in the hand at the end of the month makes all the difference! Have a good 2014, and paint what you can when you can!

  12. Ray, be afraid of the "small skirmish games" in 28mm... they have a tendency to grew! The better has been to know you and Fran have found a new job, and then, to re-read about those very nice games you have had.
    I´m very interested too in the new "Donnybrook" rulebook; it sound interesting!

  13. A great review Ray and your total was still pretty darn good if less then the previous two years for obvious reasons. Good luck with 2014!


  14. Here is wishing you a fun time with the Rejects, paints and minis in 2014,

  15. Impressive total Ray, even if it is lower than previous years.

  16. That's quite a haul of painted figs sir, even if it is down on last year. Good that you both found work and can still find time for some painting, gaming and mateship as well. Without that last the other two are not nearly as much fun.

  17. Ray, that still is a load of painted figured for the year. For me, your BatReps are not to be missed. I enjoy every one of them! Boyne was especially well done.

    Hope to see more in 2014.

  18. Not being able to paint at work made a difference, but it was a great advantage while you had it. You did do a lot more buildings last year though.
    Whatever 2014 brings, may it rock!

  19. Fantastic pics Ray. Love that Boyne game.

  20. Good luck with your year. I hope it turns out better than you expect!

  21. Have a great 2014 and looking forward to seeing more of your NYW collection.

  22. Only 13 games?!!? Lucky so-and-so, I only managed two.

  23. Last year started out looking pretty grim for you, but it ended up well. Not as many figures painted, but so many good things to balance that out. Have a good year Ray!

  24. Ouch, both being made redundant is a bummer. Trust things smoother in 2014.

  25. Good luck for this year Ray.

  26. It was a good year, all in all, and I bet you'll be able to top your games played in 2014. Good luck with the new year, Ray!

  27. Does seem like a fun hobby to do all this painting, but I would be afraid of the price tag.

  28. Late again, sorry Ray! Always room for one more review of the year.

  29. Still an impressive amount of miniatures painted for 2013, even though it was less than previous years. Good luck with the painting and gaming in 2014!

  30. Excellent review Ray! Impressive load of painted figures!


  31. That is an impressive total of figures there Ray and it is nice that Mrs PK is on the picture too.
