
Thursday 27 February 2014

Cavalier 2014

Only 4 days after the event itself but I'm probably one of the last bloggers to post about the show! Anyway some of the Rejects made the short trip to Tonbridge to hopefully spend some of their hard earned dosh!! I bought basically what was on my list although their were a few bits I couldn't buy and plenty of bits I hadn't planned to buy as well!!  
So all in all in was a successful show until we left the carpark when I slowly drove over a ginormous hump in the road, now the fact that I had Ian in the back of the car didn't help one little bit. After hearing the godawful bang and scrapping sound my car sounded like a 1970's Dragster car. Nothing I could do but drive home the 25 odd miles like it. We were all quite deaf the time we got back and the next day I was £430 lighter!!!

Anyway on with some pics of the show............

TWWS - Blitzkrieg - Early war FOW

Maidstone Wargames - Somewhere in Belgium 1914

Jazz Hands....cha cha cha!

Friday Night Fire Fight - A Crusade's Game

Essex Warriors - Reconquista 1450

A Great looking Castle!

SELWG - Welcome to Valhalla!

Battle of Fraustadt 1706 - Crawley Wargames Club

North London Wargames Group - Kohima, The Stalingrad of the East

Stains Wargames - Schweinfurt 1943

The Stains lads came up with another great participation game.

Gravesend Gamers Guild - French and Indian War Skirmish 

Tabletop Teasers on Tour 1709 - SEEMS

Sunset Over Shimushu 1945 - Deal Wargames Society

My Game of the Show!

Arrgghh! Its Al from The Wargame Shed
We always mange to meet up at shows and have a good chat, I'm glad to say
that my blog has influenced his decision to buy the new Donnybrook rules he he!

Field of Glory 1813 - Southend Wargames Club

Had a good catch-up with Richard and a frank dicsussion with his pal on the 
merits of Wargaming Widows, bless their little hearts!!

                                          Battle of Cape St. Vincent - Tonbidge Wargames Club

The Rejects
Richard and his son Little James, Postie, Clint & Big Lee
Not sure where Ian was???


  1. Some impressive scenes there! So much work.
    What came loose that cost you that much on your car? Sorry about that.

  2. Great looking games; bummer about the car damage - hopefully you have some change left over to get it repaired. Best, Dean

    1. Big bummer!!! I had a few pennies left after the show!!!

  3. Nice pics old boy, sorry to hear about the car but you did put Ian in the back!!!!!

    1. That was Posties fault, he refused to get in the back!

  4. Nice pics. Where is the loot pic?

    Ouch intrigued as to what went on the car?

    1. I'll get a loot pic up later and the bloody cars exhaust and Cat was want for a better word fukededed, and the main problem was they had to move most of the engine just to fix in the bloody Cat!!!!! Aaaaaarrrggghhh!

  5. Great looking show! Hope the outing was worth the auto bill.

  6. Nice shots and info on the show.. will have to put it into the calendar for next year and hope it doesn't collide with Smogcon again!

    1. Its not a bad little show, well worth a visit!

  7. Great thank you, I love the convention reports. Brill.

  8. A very nice report. One picture lets it down though.
    I am told that your car bottomed out because you bought so much lead that it couldn't get over the speed bump.

    1. It was more to do was slim in the back me thinks!

  9. Looks like a fun day out, speed bumps suck, would like to see your haul/loot.

  10. Excellent photos. It's only about an hours drive from me I should try to get there next year!

    1. Yeh, do try the show out, especially as your that close.

  11. Good post. Haven't made it to one yet, but shows at this time of year certainly break up the New Year doldrums.

  12. Many thanks for sharing Ray, love the castle and the naval battle especially...

  13. Nice pics Ray! I like that Castle a lot.

    Sorry to hear about the car and the expense.

    1. The castle does look nice!! Wonder who makes it????

  14. I really like the look of the Tabletop Teasers game with the WF plastics.
    Thanks for the post Ray.

  15. Nice pics Ray (all but one anyway!). Good to chat at the show - see you at Salute next? Sorry to hear about the car - that sounds like a nasty pain in the wallet!

    1. Yeah the group shot of the Rejects was unnessercary!

    2. Yeah Salutes next on the calender! The wallet was indeed wounded severely and may not survive!!! Clint you should be glad I didn't post the first group shot I took, you look like Emmett Brown out of Back to the Future!!!

  16. Some amazing tables and top notch terrain on show.

    Period-wise, something for everyone there - thanks for sharing, Ray!

  17. Worth waiting for my good man! Looks like a cracking day out.

  18. Great pictures of this show! thanks for sharing!
    Sorry to hear about the costs you had on your car! Could have spent that money on more figures! :-D


  19. Wonderful eye candy. There is so much talent in our hobby!

  20. Greate pictures Ray ! Thanks for sharing !

    best regards Michael

  21. Gods balls £430 !!! Did they fit a gold plated exhaust?!? Surely thats more than the value of your car! Seriously, putting more than two rejects into that little silver rikshaw of yours is just asking for trouble.

    Great pictures of the show. You said you bought everything on your list but didn't mention all my money you also manged to spend vicariously by pointing me towards stuff on various stalls. Nice one!

    1. It was a bit more than I'd hoped it would cost!!!! It did think about scrapping the car, but I would never have been able to buy another one in a day. I needed it to drive to work, as it was I had to ask poor Postie to get up at 4 and take me to work. Poor chap was shattered!

  22. Great photos Ray! Looks like a very nice time apart from the car!

  23. Some nice games at a decent looking show.
    £430 repair !!!!

  24. Good piccies of the show, but the joys of motoring must have been a bummer.

  25. Well, well those are some nice looking tables!


  26. Great photos, Ray. Those games all look amazing. And Big Lee's jazz hands are inspiring.

    1. Ray has a nack for taking some god-awful pictures of me. I'm no oil painting but Rays camera must have a special "bulldog chewing a wasp" setting.

    2. I know exactly what you mean! :-)

  27. Looked like a good day out. Ouch though £430... You could have got a lot of toys for that...

  28. I always love so much of the scenery. I mean, that river!

    I don't know about you, I'm usually glad to lose a little weight but..

  29. Those jazz hands are funny. Big bummer about the car.
