
Sunday 17 August 2014

The Battle of Loki's Revenge - A FIW batrep

After the debarcle at The Battle of Old Man's Cabin,  Postie very quickly organized a second game. A French Indian War Skirmish. As you may have read in the last post Loki was down for a visit at Reject HQ and we thought we'd give him a chance to try and Not throw just 1's in a game!

Once again the sides were randomly drawn from the hat.
Above are my troops Col Howe's 55th Foot, Loki was on my right leading the 80th Gage's Light Foot,
on my left was Ian who led Rogers Rangers.
Opposite Ian was Rich leading an Indian warband, Dave was in the centre leading a unit of French/Canadian Militia and Fran was opposite Loki with some French Marines.

The game was simple, kill the enemy and if you can collect and take off board the booty laying randomly around the table. The green felt areas are actually open ground, everywhere else is wooded.

Dave and Fran decided to both go for Loki's 80th, which meant I had to split my force to both 
flanks and try and capture the booty.

The first shots of the battle, Loki is caught out in the open!!

On our left Ian's Rangers faced Richard's Indians, probably the best troops on the table 
(if they're in woods that is)

Ian and Richard in melee, the orange markers mean the figure is reloading

Dave sent some Militia over to attack my 55th, we were both dropping like flies!

The Marines move over the hill

A bit of double teaming as I help Ian out killing the Indians.

Things were getting a bit worrying for Loki, his troops were dropping fast.

Out numbered Loki fired but missed with every shot!!

So Fran charged....

Loki gets surrounded

on both sides....

 one of his last 3 figures is triple teamed and killed.

His remaining 2 figures join 2 of my men, who are just rejoining the battle after 
taking some booty offtable.......but the last 2 figures from the 80th withdrew from the field after 
failing their Morale check.

Fran was being rather gobby, so Postie gave him one of his usual nail in the head cuddles, I actually missed that but got a pic of Bad Boy Fran pushing poor Postie away???

It was getting late and the battle was so close, we didn't even know who was winning.
In a last desperate measure Dave charged his Militia Captain against my 55th Foot Colonel. Now all through the battle Dave's Halfbreed was on a stomping frenzy. 
Dave through his 2 D6 and threw an 8, which meant I need a double 6, so I threw and.........

The screams of joy and woe could be heard miles away
a double 6 it was, which meant I won the melee by 1, killing the Monster Halfbreed


Poor Dave did manage a smile, through gritted teeth though
So the win went to the English!!!
Loki couldn't believe he'd won the game and finished without any of his troops left on the table!!
Oh well a wins a win!!!

Finally at the end of the game, Postie presented Loki, with a figure as a memorial of the day
this also allows Loki to be an Honoury member of Posties Rejects!!

And here's a close up of the figure
A member of Monmouth's Rebel army for the Battle of Sedgemoor


  1. Fantastic BatRep! A real nail-biter to the bitter end. Great stuff!

    1. Cheers Jonathan, glad you enjoyed the report!

  2. Great pictures and battle report! Looks like you guys had a wonderfull time!
    Thanks for sharing!


    1. It was a great day, we all enjoyed ourselves.

  3. Great looking game, and it seems that everyone has spent a nice time, so many smiles!

  4. As I was reading, I thought for sure Loki was going to get creamed. One of his pagan gods must have heard his cries of woe and come to his rescue!

    Looks like a fun time was had by all!

  5. Congrats to you Ian and Loki for winning the game. I am glad you all had a good time and that postie set apon Fran, who no doubt deserved it!

    1. It was a well needed win after the lets just say disappointing first game!! Posture loves Fran really, he just loves to give him one of those special cuddles of his!

  6. "Good 'Ole Ray;
    Will save you the Day;"
    hur hur hur, nice batrep Ray!

  7. Winning without any troops - that takes talent.
    Good job on the double six roll.

  8. Brillent report and what a turn around from the first game - double six eh Ray, wonderful stuff.

    1. Must admit, I needed the double 6, to regain my sanity after the first game.

  9. Another great battle report. Such a pity I missed these two games. Glad Loki had a good time though (in the end).

  10. Very well done! I recognize those French Marines!

    1. Hmm, they are rather nice figures aren't they???

  11. A damn good day and a good meal too!

  12. Great read as ever and nice period gamed

  13. Nice batrep Ray, sounds like fun was had by all.

  14. Great report seems you pulled out a win in the 11th hour there Ray. Good move bribing Postise to attack Fran and through him off his game.

    1. Fran does need putting in his place from time to time and who better than Postie to do it!!

  15. Great report, great figures! Been thinking about painting some FIW figs myself. Have some Sauk that are half painted and rangers. I am inspired again!

    1. Its a great period to play, I look forward to seeing them all painted up on your blog!

  16. Great report, Ray.
    Sound like an excellent day and a good game. Many congrats to Loki for the win and admittance to the Rejects.


    1. He only made it in by the skin of his teeth, any more of them 1's and he'd have been out on his ear!

  17. Great report Ray! Good to see the pressure of having to throw a double 6 didn't get to you!! Nice win.

    1. Oh it did get to me, but the look on the oppositions faces was priceless!! he he!

  18. Very entertaining aar - "surrrounded on both sides" -priceless ! Maybe Loki's dice rolling wasn't up to par but your own certainly made up for it and what a great gesture to make Loki an Honorary Reject.

    1. We felt sorry for the old chap really, I mean who throws all them 1's on the trot after all???

  19. The rules in this game are so easy, I might be able to figure them out. Glad you guys had so much fun again.

    1. Thanks Elsie, I'm sure you could and would join in the merriment with the lads!

  20. Great report. And well done to Loki.

  21. Sounds and looks like an exciting game!


  22. Nice game, hope to get one in soon.


  23. Great report and an exciting game too by the looks of it. Nice figure to for Loki and a honorary member too, great show.

  24. Good stuff, love that little figure at the end!

  25. Fabulous report, and what a nice gift for Loki! You Posties are a great bunch.

  26. Sounds like it was a fun game, with lots of colourful units to boot. A great period for those skirmish games.

  27. twas a historical battle... legends to be told of its heroes :)

  28. Great battle report, and fantastic that double six!!!

  29. Sounds like an epic day for the Rejects, and a new recruit as well! Fabulous! I'm delighted that Loki got a win in after his bad bout last game.

    1. The least said about Loki's first Reject game the better!!!

  30. A wonderful game and super report! Loki - that chap's a card....winning with those casualties..... well done to all. Terrific stuff!

    1. Loki was rather bemused....winning a game with no troops left to command!!
