
Tuesday 23 September 2014

Skirmish Toy Soldier and Wargame Show Sept 14

Several Rejects Fran, Postie and me, made the long drive up the A2 to Sidcup, for Skirmish Toy Soldier and Wargame Show, last Sunday, there we met 2 other Rejects BigLee and Mrs BigLee, who can be seen on the left in the pic above and the Newbie Reject Clint, who was playing in his local clubs Sudan game.
Dozy bollox (me) forgot my camera so I had to use my phone instead, so the pics aren't top quality, but there you go...................

We had a good chat with Stu aka Col Bill
For some reason he wanted a photo with us???

Not sure why Posties grabbing poor Scott?

Looks like a WWII Force on Force game??

Herne Bay Wargame Club - Gangster Game

Rainham Wargame Club - Colonial Sudan

Privateers of London - The Battle of Rhium 429 BC. Naval 1/1200 scale

Ashford Model Club (funnily enough?)
A WWII game?

Old Guard Wargame Club - Songs of Blades & Heroes. Fantasy Skirmish Game

Skirmish Wargames - Up Sidcup Creek without a Paddle. Vikings. 40mm

Not sure what the game was and who they were??
Anyone know?

I didn't buy a great deal, just a Foundry Captain/leader for Donnybrook, Queen Cleopatra from
 Col Bill's to use as a civilian for Tangiers, why are there no Arab looking civilians anywhere in the figure world??? and a pack of stools for a little bit of scenery
 once again for Donnybrook.

Last thing was these lovely looking ladies, they're Redoubt Minis from their FIW range
Had a bit of a chat with Matt he paints up some really nice looking figures. 
Postie bought a Ancient Greek sacrifice dio base....very nice!!!

We had an AWI game after the show
more from that later......


  1. Replies
    1. See, now I miss this back and forth between you two goobers.

    2. Yeah, what Spooky Whisk said!

      (what's a goober?)

    3. Yes, you two buttnuts. I miss all the silly stuff.

    4. Matt: Lurker and Ray, but mostly Ray. Okay, both of them. But to be fair, I call my husband a goober too. It's just a silly name for people I care about. And it's fun to say, goober.

  2. Looks like a great day out, Ray. This is the stuff that helps us make it through the workweek!

  3. Like the steamboat. Glad you got to see all the setups.
    I won't say what Potsie grabbing Scott looks like, but it's disturbing...

  4. Nice pics and good looking games there Ray, Cheers

  5. Replies
    1. Its only a small show, but well worth a visit.

  6. Pretty nice loot you've grabbed there mate. Poor Scott looks like he's about to be summarily executed by Postie...

    1. He'd probably prefer that to what Postie looks like he had in mind??

  7. Nice pics Ray. Looks like postie is trying a Vulcan Death grip for some reason

    1. It was a mind-meld........."Give me free stuff"

  8. I think the Unknown game, is the Krush the Kaiser guys, (Paul and Ian) doing some WW2 for a change. Also the First game is not WW2 but African bush wars by some chaps from SELWG using the Force on Force rules. Lastly the Paddle steamer was built by Tim Wade (Frointline Wargaming) for his personal use as he wants to use it for Colonial as well as ACW games in 15mm. I hope some of that helps.

  9. Nice pics Ray. I can't believe that you bought so little. I'm used to seeing you come back with at least 15 grams of lead in your pockets!

    1. He bought some painted figures! That's the hard part to believe. A professional figure painter buying painted figures. The Lazy git!

    2. Saving all my dosh for SELWG next month Anne.....all £20 of it!! And yes Clint I bought some painted figures, its all ok though when I got them home I stuffed them all into the smallest box I could find???

  10. Don't know if these are of use to you ...

    Arab Civilians from Perry Miniatures -

    Part of the Muslim Crusades range, but possibly of use to you?

    1. Aha, I didn't know they sold them!! Cheers!!!

  11. Very nice photos Ray! Thanks!

  12. Nice pics Ray, looked like a fun day out.

  13. Many great looking game photos, Ray! Seems like there is a game show every weekend! Lucky guys.

  14. Looks great! Love the Sudan table...

  15. Great photo review of the show Ray.
    Eureka do some sets of arba civilians, traders, slavers and a harem (!); Foundry may also have somein the darkest Africa and Indian mutinay ranges, Old Glory Chaos in cairo may also contain one or two useful types and Steve barber also has some fantasy Ali-baba types too.

  16. I like that river boat; actually there are a lot of good looking games. Great ideas for terrain.

  17. Looks like a nice little show taking pictures was a good idea that way you didn't have to get too close to potise.

  18. Looks like a wonderfully friendly gathering - with great looking games and toys!

  19. Some of those games look particularly fancy. Looks like you had a blast! Unless the next set ruins it?

  20. Great to see you and the guys again. Please bring Postie back to our stall at SELWG!!!

    1. Will do Col, he won't need me to push him along though, he's after more WWII destroyed building's, wave them in front of him and the wallet will open all on its own!!!

  21. Looks to have been a great day out! Those Redoubt FIW civilians are lovely - nice score Ray!
