
Tuesday 6 January 2015

The 2nd Battle of Leignitz - A SYW bat rep

Back in December you may remember we put on a game for Fran, his final game before the git moves back to Ireland. Fran had the choice of game and chose a Seven Years War game using Age of Reason rules. You can see the batrep here.
Well, it seems we were a tad premature about Fran's last game, we have infact sneaked in another game before he buggers off!
Reject Richard suggested after the Battle of Leignitz game that we play it again on the same table using the same armies BUT using Koenig Krieg rules. Lee has already done a report on the game here.
So the game was afoot...............................

We had exactly the same people at the game, apart from our former Cavalry commander Tamsin

Richard and Postie both umpired the game, as Postie hadn't reffed the rules before.

Fran and the Austrians like in the last game had to set up first. their set up was very similar to the last game, with a few differences. The main one being their Croats, were no longer in 1 brigade. they were split and each acted independently. Which as we later found out was a right pain in the butt!
Fran also placed 2 units of Hussars on his right flank, while the rest went on the open left.

We the Prussians decided to have our main attack on our left, matching 4 ubits of Horse against Fran's Hussar's, including the Prussian Guard, (the 2nd unit in the line above)

The plan was very similar to the last game, Surg would attack the right side of the hill, in more of a holding attack, while my main attack would be on the left of the hill.

Prussian Cuirassiers

As we were outmatched in Horse, we decided to fight a defensively. Instead of going out all guns blazing, we'd form a diagonal line and force them to come to us.

Dave and John massed Horse
and Smithy's infantry.

Fran attached an artillery piece to a Croat unit, a very wise move!!

The Austrian defence. The unit on the left was our main target.

The 3rd Prussian infantry brigade.
Would perform a holding action next to the woods.

We matched the Austrian Croats and placed our Jagers to contest the woods.

After the 1st move

John's Horse can be seen in the background, while Lee's Hussars set up next to the trees.

Fran's well placed skirmishers, kept up  a steady fire in our flank. So although I didn't want to I had to turn a regt of Cuirasseirs and charge the edge of the wood.

Things were going well, Lee had all his Cavalry waiting in line, It was going to be difficult for them to attack us without leaving a flank open somewhere.

Fran's Croats didn't stay around for the charge and buggerd off, I changed formation into column, so I could gain back some control next turn.

Now here's where I need to tell you a little about the rules. Each turn you have to throw for iniurtiative, if you win, you may chose to either move a brigade or pass that movement onto your opponent. 
Now this was extremely important, as we kept losing the throws, so the Austrians basically moved and fired when they wanted to and forced us to move and fire when they wanted us to. 
This was extremely frustrating as you can imagine!!! 

Here's where Surj lost the plot and turned a Fusilier unit into the flank of the Croat unit in the woods??
Now I can understand why Surj did it, but for Gods sake the Austrians were only a move away from his now open flank!!!!!!!

We placed 2 units of Dragoons out in the open, to try and force the Austrians to attack them and hopefully damage them for the coming rounds of melee. The melee ensued the dice didn't go our way. But then we found out that the winner of a melee only loses 1 figure, while we lose the difference. The Dragoons failed their morale and ran off table, never to be seen again!

Things were going a little better over on the left flank, I moved two units up the hill and gave fire, before the Austrians could do so, as in the rules the Prussians can move and fire in the same turn.
The Austrians only need to lose 2 more figures and they'll flee.

The Guard Cuirassiers charged in, but had already taken heavy casualties due to that bloody Croats unit and the attached artillery!!!

John's victorious Cuirassiers turn and face the Prussian Horse.

What a mess!
My Hussars also charge as does Dave's Dragoons, who started the game at the other end of the table, but as they were in column and more than 15 inches from any enemy they could move 3 actions in 1 turn! Didn't know that one either at the start of the game!

Fir some reason Surj halted 
But I had a lucky die throw, I threw 3 dice and got 3 6's and Fran's heavy gun was no more!

Dave took a chance as it was the last move of the turn and moved a unit across the front
of Lee's Hussar, he was hoping to win the next first turn and charge the Cuirassiers.

But for a change we won the 1st turn
So Lee very eagerly charged, straight into Dave's flank!

Now it was our turn again for dodgy dice, my Guard Curiasseirs were wiped out, 
(Frederick would turn over in his grave)
This now allowed Fran to charge both his units at my Hussars
Damn it!

Lee sent Dave's Curiassiers packing and followed up, he hit another unit, but then threw bad in the melee, forcing him back through our other Hussars unit.
We were wavering....
then it was announced that we'd reached enough casualties to test for army morale.
Richard said Don't throw a 6....

And you know what I threw!

So that was the end of the game. I've gotta say I really enjoyed the game, the rules were very good, even better than I remembered, we last played these around 20 years ago??
The main thing I like is that you're kinda forced to play to the period, rather than the usual set of generic rules with bits and bobs added to them to make them fit.
I shall look forward to playing these again!


  1. What a game there Ray and lovely looking battlefield. Who know this still might not be Fran's last game with you all

  2. It was a good game and I liked these rules a lot more than Warfare in the Age of Reason. I'd like to try the rules again, but maybe with a different battle...twice is enough!

    1. The rules worked really well, Rich and or Postie will be umpiring these quite a few more times this year!!

  3. I can see why you needed two people for the rules - I was confused.
    Next time you plan, there will be no Fran.
    Or will there...?

  4. Lots of great pics today Ray! Glad to see Fran got one more in with you boys!

  5. Super glad you got in another with Lurker. Very cool.

  6. Great report dude! Lovely pic's. Good to see you get another game with your brother from another mother. Tell the old fecker to blog about it.

    1. He's fell out of love with blogging at the moment, I suppose when he's all set up in his new pad, he'll be boring me shitless once again!

  7. Outstanding BatRep, Ray! I was surprised to see Fran in the game photos but you explained it. With your photos and dialog, I could follow the action easily.
    Last time I played KK was probably 15 years ago so you have me beat on times between playings. Oh wait, my clock is still running...

    Well done!

    1. Postie seems to think we played the game around 5 years ago??? I think he's losing the plot????

  8. Nice looking game once again
    Ref KK I like a lot of stuff in the rules but the deal breaker for me is the Prussian move and fire ability. I know it is to simulate the supposed superior Prussian musketry but as a defender sitting in a hill watching the Prussians advance then see them come up the slope and shoot whilst your blokes sit in their asses doing diddly squat just does not gell with me.

    1. Different armies with different advantages. Bigger Austrian battalions and more Croats to cause problems evened out some of the Prussian advantages. Plus how you play the initiative is vital. I do agree that if Frederick was given his full bonus for initiative then the Austrians may have been struggling, this certainly needs to be kept a bit more balanced.

    2. I see your point Sgt, but can't comment much more than Richard has already. But I'm looking forward to a Brit v France game!!

  9. Great aar Ray and a game very reminiscent of a lot of KK games I played about 20 years ago too.
    So how many going away do's is Fran going to have ?

    1. He's Oirish? He'll no doubt have how many the greedy boy wants!

  10. Great looking game and hope to see Fran do more last game's.:-)


    1. He says he's coming back over for Salute this year, so we may get a game going for then as well.

  11. Nice AAR Ray. I think you really needed a cavalry commander on the right wing with dash, elan and red hair :)

    1. Red??? I thought you were as follicley challenged as Fran ie Ginge??

  12. Good report and great photos! I always enjoyed KK and that was my SYW-rules-of-choice until moving to Ontario. We played Age of Reason but we've switched to Black Powder for the most part. Nice to see those old rules in use.

    1. I've not played Black Powder, Richard has and says they're quite good.

  13. Great game rep sorry to hear that Fran is leaving your gang

    1. I'm genuinely gutted Paul! He on the other hand.................

  14. Great looking game Ray, the miniatures and even the terrain, so many miniatures.

  15. Thanks for that, Ray, it is encouraging me to get my Austrians up to scratch.

    Happy New Year,


    1. Glad to hear get that brush out!

  16. Fabulous report Ray, he's had to get rid off that Francis! ;)

  17. This mass of beautiful cavalry is really, really impressive! Great report and great looking game....

  18. Great report Ray! Wonderful looking troops!

    1. Thanks Rodger, glad you enjoyed the report.

  19. Great game -- sounds like an exciting battle!

  20. Great AAR, Ray! Really good looking units and terrain!!! Thanks!


  21. What the what? Fran moved to Ireland? I missed that last month. I'm glad you had one last game with him. Hope you're doing okay. (I know, such a chick thing to say, right?)


    1. He'll be gone before the end of the month, the shitbag!

  22. Great pictures and battle report! And you will miss Fran a lot on that gaming table, don't you Ray? Don't you?


  23. High-class battle report and - I am so envious - it should be a very nice and funny evening, wash´t it?

    1. It was a great days gaming, even though I lost!

  24. What an extravaganza! Nice work.

  25. As said before, not a period I know or enjoy. I have played the KK rules once before though and in my opinion do flow better than Age of reason.

    Most importantly glad you had a good game and it's very nice of you to Allow Fran the win as it may be his last one on the mainland.

    1. I thought I'd better let him win, you know he'd sulk if he didn't.

  26. It's great to be able to use existing terrain, figures and scenarios for different rule set. Nicely done by all hands.
