
Thursday 7 May 2015

500 posts = Mega Blog Giveaway

No1 Hasslefree - Michelle & Pals

Well my 500th post has been and gone, infact No 500 was the collection of Salute photos that
 I posted last week. 
And as a seem to win my fair share of Blog Giveaway's (I'm sure some of you will agree??)
Talking of which here's my latest win from Nate over at 
Cheers Nate!!

I thought it was about time I did another, since my last was back in 2013. Now some of these bits and bobs were going on ebay, but I thought I'd share them with you lovely lot!!!

There are 18 items to giveaway and you can enter and try to win as many as you want.

To enter all you have to do is....

1. Be a Follower of this Blog.
2. Comment as to which items you'd like to win.
3. Also in your comment I'd like a link to one of your favourite posts from my
 blog (idea nicked from Loki's blog)
4. If you want to pimp the Giveaway on your own blog, let me know after you've done it and I'll add your name in twice for each item you want to win.
5. Closing date is Friday 15th May at 12 o'clock.
 Winners will be drawn from random on the weekend of the 16th/17th May.
And you can enter from anywhere in the world!
I think that's it???

no2 Ainsty Casting bases....I think

no3 8 x Victorian Gentlemen, various manufacturers
Some of these are characters from Ironclad minis
no4 8 x Foundry Cowboys + 5 seated figures and 1 poor chap who's missing his coffin.
no5 Heresy - Not K9
no6 17 x Foundry Indians
no7 4 x Ironclad Miniatures - Evil Henchmen
no8 4 x Ironclad Miniatures OOD05 - Armored Police
no9 7 x Victorian Ladies
no10 7 x Victorian Gentlemen
no11 12 x Peter Pig

British Packs
158 - 8th Army dead x2
157 - 8th Army Command
139 - LRDG Vehicle crew
255 - Engineers
156 - 8th Army Bren Gunners
260 - 8th Army Desert Drivers
German Packs
118 - German Assault Engineers
213 - German Tank Mechanics
129 - DAK dead
127 - DAK Command
124 - DAK Rifles
no 12 Ground Zero Games - 6 x Freetraders & Ravagers
no 13 GZG - Not sure what these are???
no14 Judge Dredd - Female Judge
no15 Foundry - Dismounted Cuirassier
no 16 Not sure of Manufacturer- 25mm British Officer Sudan Wars
no 17 North Star - Robyn Hood
no 18 Not sure of the make - 20mm WWII Late Wars Russians


  1. Congratulations! Will pimp your giveaway on Wednesday but not to win anything. Mailing something to the States would be expensive for you.

    1. I'm expecting some of the winners to be from the US and other far away places!! My poor wallet!

  2. Hi Ray

    A good post was

    Put me in for 8, 10, 14, 15 and 17 please

    Very generous give away I must say


  3. Hoi Ray,

    First of: congrats on reaching the fabulous Five OO, quite an achievement! You really want me to choose one post I like best? I'd rather tell you what I like so much about your blog in it's entirety.
    - First the tales about all the Rejects characters; it really feels like we get to know you all, well a bit at least...
    - The humour with which you write your posts is very funny and agrees with me a lot. The bickering to and fro with Anne and Fran, back in the Good Ole Days is dearly missed and makes your blog so great.
    - Your comments and replies on this blog (and on my own at that) is much appreciated as well!
    - last but certainly not least I like the way in which you provide background information, flags and colourschemes for the units you've painted through the years.

    If I get picked you can choose whatever prize you want I have no preference.
    Now on to the next 500 posts!

    Cheers Sander

    1. Thanks for the kind words Sander. Fran is much missed, hopefully he'll be back online soon!

  4. H Ray,
    Just a comment to say you 'congrats', 'bravo mon ami'. Nothing to win for me, my wife thinks I have enough figures!
    All the best,

    1. You can Never have enough figures Phil???

  5. Congrats Ray. I think my favourite blog post of yours has to be a joint one with Fran, where you asked the 10 questions. I still think about some of those questions and wonder if you will do another 10 questions. I hope you do

    I will not pimp your blog! Not that I do not like you or indeed you blog but I am sure that anyone who looks at my blog must already look here.

    Should I win anything I will suggest;

    no5,no6 or no7

    As all being something I can or will use.
    Cheers Mate.

    1. Opps 20 questions (I had my shoes on)!
      And also No 1 would be of use should I win anything. Added to my other choices.

    2. We did plan to do another set of questions, we even wrote them all down, somehow we never posted them though??? Not sure why, Fran may still have the next lot of questions??

  6. Many congrats, Ray and what a great idea for your giveaway prizes.

    If I win I'd like any of 1, 4, 5, 9, 10 or 14.

    My favourite post of yours was this one -
    where you and Fran answered twenty questions. It inspired me to answer them and it was loads of fun to do. I'd like to re-answer the questions at some point as quite a few answers will change.

    All the best.

    1. Yeh, some of mine would change as well, could be a plan??

  7. Congrats Ray! Please put me in for 4, 12 and 13.

    I don't have any one favourite post on your blog, so I can't do that part. what I will do is say that I always find your AARs entertaining and following your progress on long term painting projects (like your 9YW stuff) is a pleasure.

    1. Thanks Tamsin, hopefully I'll be gaming with the 9yW figures..............soon?

  8. A very generous giveaway! Congrats on the 500!

    I always enjoy your AARs (read in conjunction with those by the other side), but I'm going to point to the Donnybrook Brawl as a favorite -

    As to prizes - 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,16.

    I've plugged it at

    1. Thanks for the plug Edwin, I do like the Donnybrook brawl myself!

  9. Congrats on reaching 500, I've just hit 6 which if I continue at this rate means I will never catch you up but I do thank you for your comments. As a recent follower I won't pick a blog favourite, although I have now enjoyed the 20 questions. Please put me up for 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Ta
    Heres to the next 500

    1. Cheers Martin, you'll reach 500 in no time at all!!

  10. Hello Ray, No 7 are these guys if its any help

    I'll sort out a true reply later

    1. No. 4 & No. 6, please.

      Thanks to Anne's link below I've now found all the posts featuring "The Lurker" and have found them all to be very funny :)

      I'll go and post a couple of links to this over on my two blogs.

    2. Cheers Roy and thanks for the link to the Ironclad site.

    3. You're welcome. I'd just been on the site to sort out some Steam tanks, that's how I recognised the models.

  11. Congratulations! My most recent favorite post must be this one Items of interest: 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 12 - 14


  12. I'll have a go.. no. 11 please... and any of your NYW posts will do for me - I like unit histories, and those traditional looking Essex figures...

    1. I do like Essex minis, you'd never guess would you?

  13. Congrats Ray - Huzzah Indeed.
    Please put me down for 3, 7, 11 and 16

    My favourite blog series have been your SALUTE round ups over the years, so we antipodeans can drool over the event and be envious of your bloggers' get togethers!

  14. Ray.. I bet you win your own give away.. but in case you don't ...3 7 And 9mfor me! .. Oh and well done on to 500!

    1. Hmm Favourite post... Budgie Smugglers... Ahh that may have been one of Frans!

    2. I'm sure I could win 1 or perhaps 2, them Indians look tasty?

  15. Wow that's quite a milestone. My fave of yours? A series: the NYW collection, such dedication and each post with some great history for those of us less familiar with the era.

    What a motley giveaway, you must have more varied tastes that we do you credit for. I'll go in for 1,3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 if I may.

    I've pimped you on my last post:

    1. It is quite a collection? A lot of them were Fran's old figures.

  16. Wow! 500! Great! I would like the prizes 1 or 5 or 7. my favorite posting

    1. Just had a look back on that post, i'm now crying with laughter and the mrs is wondering why?

  17. That is some milestone. Count me in for 6, 12 and 13. As for favourite post, any from your NYW collection o El Cid, though possibly this unit is my favourite

    1. They're one of my favs! Just need to use the buggers!

  18. Congrats on passing 500 posts.

    PS: Millet, like the birdseed, but for humans.

  19. Congratulations on achieving 500 posts

    Take care


  20. Congrats Ray... 500 post is indeed Impressive.
    I be happy with any of the 28mm Victorian lots :)
    One you past posts I enjoyed was this
    You know me sucker for LOTR ;)

    1. They nearly went into the giveaway, but I'll probably flog them off on ebay.

  21. Congratulations on 500 posts!

    No. 12--the Peter Pig figures.

    Favorite Posts: Anything F&I or Pike & Shot era. If I had to choose one: (

    I will be sure to mention the contest in my weekly recap of interesting Blogs and New Releases at



  22. Congrats mate, that really is something special! I have duly p1mped your amazing achievement thusly:

    In terms of entries for your Obligatory Act of Generosity, please put me down for 4, 6, 12 and 13. Many thanks!


  23. 500 posts. That is an incredible achievement on top of the body of work you post about. Happy to thrown my hat into the ring for Numbers 7, 8, 9, and 10. Looking forward to reading the next 500.

  24. Congratulations Ray. Not asking to be entered for a prize because I have enough toys and Canuckshire is a ways away. Keep up the blogging - I love visiting yours and don't do it enough.

  25. Wow, what a great give away! Congrats on the milestone, and congrats on winning the prize. People may shout at you winning lots of stuff, but how can they complain when you pay it forward in such a generous manner.

    My favourite post on your blog is any where you show pics of shows, as I'm not able to make any, at least on your side of the Atlantic, so keep em coming!

    If you'd be so kind as to put me down for the following:
    1, 6, 9, 10, 14.

    Also, do you really REALLY need us to pimp out your blog any more? I mean you do a grand enough job of that as it is. I doubt there's anyone out there in gaming blog land that doesn't already know of you! ;p

    1. Alright, I posted about the giveaway here:

      But only because I'm more shameless in wanting free stuff than you are about getting your face known out there! ;)

    2. Cheers Derek and thanks for the plug.

  26. Can you believSaulute 2015 Blogger Meet-upe 500?! Where does the time go? Congratulations Ray! As to my favorite post its currently Saulute 2015 Blogger Meet-up post; I just loved seeing the gang. Next up would be FIW Skirmish The Battle of Brodie Bridge 1758 The bucket incident made that report!

    Number 9 the Victorian ladies, well actually any of the Victorian lots will suit.

    1. The bucket incident was quite funny, gotta admit!!

  27. OK, I'm in for any of 3, 4, 6, 9, 10 or 14.
    I've really enjoyed all of the battle reports you guys have had, but for some the reason the Russo-Japanese War battles stand out for me, so I'll go with this post:
    Expect to be pimped, whether you need it or not!

    1. And done so at
      I don't feel as dirty as I should...

    2. The Observation baloon really made that game. ta for the pimp.

  28. Congratulations on 500 Ray! And this is one generous give away for you to do. Now since I'm unlikely to be around on a consistent basis for a couple more months I'll not put my name in.

    However I do have a favourite post. It's the one where you won the Rosemary Brushes and it's got a pic of Fran flipping you off. Such a funny post and it takes me back to the days of your bromance.Here's the link

    1. Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I took the pictures because Ian had already told me what he'd done. Poor Fran, but it was so funny.

  29. Congrats Ray! 500 is a pretty darn big number! Especially in the hobby blog world!

    Not putting my name in the hat. I've got far too much to paint anyway so better go to someone who will do them justice :)

  30. Congratulations Ray!
    That`s a massive giveaway, I`m in for the Foundry Indians.

    Keep up the great work!

  31. Congratulations! I liked your Battle of Roye report, I've got a thing for WWI at the moment.

    I'd be happy to relieve you of 12, 13 or 17!

  32. Well done! I’ve given a shout-out here
    Favourite post is ‘Top 10 posts’ from a couple of years ago.
    Excellent – ten posts in one :-)
    Put me in for 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10. Thanks!

  33. HI, I don't comment much, but I'm always reading, my favourite post was your little Zulu diorama you did a few years back.

    I'd like to enter for 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15 please.

    Thanks and congrats.

    1. Thanks, that's sitting in my Dad'a cabinet as I type.

  34. Great stuff Ray and congrats on the 500 :)

    Put me down for 1,3 & 10

    My fave post of yours is the link below. I love terrain building tutorials and i also love FIW so this wins it for me :)

    1. Thanks Iain, that's one of my top ten posts ever.

  35. I would like to be considered for no.1 dude!
    My favourite post has to be Sir Francis Fizzywig or what ever his name was.
    Congratulations on 500 posts. That's amazing, I haven't hit 100 yet.

  36. Ray! Congratulations on reaching the 500 post milestone.

    Please add my name into the hat for the give away. I am interested in the 15mm Peter Pig WWII bonanza and the Foundry cuirassier.

    Pick only one favorite post? In the US, a potato chip ("crisps" to you) manufacturer advertised that "nobody could eat just one." Well, same applies with your posts. How could anyone chose only one?

    Among my favorites are your series of Russo-Japanese War BatReps with this one,
    in particular. Love the photo of BigLee kissing his dice!

  37. Congrats on the milestone!

    Put me down for: 4-5-6-14 please sir!

    Hard to pick a specific post, you do a variety of things which to me is what keeps a blog fresh and interesting.

  38. interested in 4 5 9 and 10 a series of posts but I have borrowed from them for my dark age armies

    I will share this on Fencing frog this week.

    1. Glad you used the flags Adam and thanks for the plug.

  39. Congratulations Ray!!

    As one of your faithful followers, please add me to the draw. My choices in order of interest for me are: 6-12-13-48.

    A post I like... well, I like your series on the Russo Japanese war, ans this post:

    Has the pic of a very nice painting table... (ahem).
    Please note that I posted your giveaway on my blog:

    Good luck to all!! (and for me...)

  40. Congrats on your milestone :)
    Here's mine ad, though I don't post too often on my blog...
    There are lots of interesting articles to read, lots of nice minis from all those shows, but I've chosen the most useful for me: the Indian Longhouse.
    I generally like to read modelling articles to see how the others build their pieces.
    I would be happy for all of them but I'd be most interested in:
    01, 04, 05, 06, 09, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17,
    Thank you for the giveaway!

    1. Thanks for the plug Kadmon and welcome to the blog.

  41. Congratulations Ray! No need to sign me up as these fall out of my interest and so should go to a home where they will be better appreciated.....besides I already won some great dice from you!:-)


    1. I forgot you won the dice, I hope they've bought you some luck??

  42. Congratz and good luck on the give away :)

  43. Great milestone and a great giveaway! Bung me down for items 2,5,11 please matey!

    My favourite post (and I may be a little biased) was your batrep for our 6mm Alem Halfa game

  44. Blum'n 'ell Ray your pile of shame puts my pile of shame to shame. Lead Mountains at twenty paces, congrats on the milestone

    1. I'll put myself down for the injuns... from mountain to mountain bwaaahahahahaaaa

  45. Wow, a heck of an accomplished, major congrats on the milestone.

    I'm torn as to which post to pic, I remember seeing your Dr who and Amy pond paintjobs fondly. but also I enjoyed the Dredd paints not too long ago Hope you got him out from behind the table.

    I wouldn't mind being entered to win any of 3,8,9,10,or 14 Thanks for the opportunity.

  46. Congrats. What an awesome giveaway. I would not mind any of the prizes but the Peter Pig stuff is fantastic.

    My favorite posts have to be the small canned histories that you do behind the units that you paint. Those are gems. They provide always interesting and accompanied by those wonderful miniatures you paint.

    I posted about it here:

  47. Hello! I'd first like to congratulate you for your 500th :)
    I like your minis, and probably the colorful Jacobite Militia.
    I like that they are uniform, but not identical.
    For the giveaway - is it possible to enter for all of them? It's the painting I enjoy, and if I could win any of them, it would give me an opportunity to test my skills.

  48. 500 posts. Excellent. Great to have a blog posting history like that. cheers

  49. Howdy,

    Well I think that my favourite post so far ( need to play catch up haha) is the LotR Sauron for inspiration, here but currently reading through the Saga section as my cousin wants me to paint him up a warband for that.

    Id like to be put in the draw for the no10 victorian gents :)

    Matt B :)

  50. Congratulations on reaching your 500th Ray! I am mentioning the giveaway on my latest blog entry, but don't need any more additions to the Lead mountain thanks!

  51. Holy Christ, either you've repub'd this or I've just had a stroke and lost half my brain :0)

  52. Congrats for the 500 entries Ray! That's inspiring for a fresh blogger like me.
    I am interested in item n. 6
    Favorite post: Working on a 15mm project about the siege of Turing in 1706 during WSS. Different periods, but the fort in the battle set a good example.

    1. It's a great period, and the uniform for the Dragoons didn't change, as far as I'm aware???

  53. Good on you Ray. Well done for the 500! Always a quality read.

    Cheers, and here's to 500 more!

  54. Hello! I congratulate you for your totally impressive 500! Add me please to the entries.
    My favorite articles are about the vikings. I collect them, even though in 1:72. I also like your fantasy and sci-fi stuff a lot, it's very interesting to see fantastical creations. What I would like to win in is: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17. Thanks a lot for your generosity!

    1. Thanks Geri, you're in the hat for the prizes.

  55. Very many congratulations Ray, always a pleasure stopping by! Such a splendid giveaway you generous man, put me down for number 3 and 16 please.

  56. Hey Ray, 500 post is huge!
    Congratulations, this would take me 200 years I guess hahaha
    Maybee the woman #9 could help me

  57. Well done on hitting the magic 500, great achievement.

    Can I put my hat in the ring for 4, 6 and 18

    I have posted about the giveaway here


  58. Hi Ray,

    Congrats on the stats! Blog is always a good read, lots of humour and great pics.

    All the best,


  59. Ray
    Consider yourself pimped at
    Put me down for items 3, 8, 9, and 10 please. My fave post would be last month's blogger meet up at Salute.
    Cheers, PD

  60. I'm in and will gladly accept whatever the fates deem me worthy of. I'll also be in the UK the week of May 18th and, therefore, can save you the postage if I win some wonderful prize from your erudite and selfless generosity. I've also been known to buy a round or two after a win (I think that last bit borders on bribery - so be it, one man's "bribery" if another's simple gesture of appreciation)

    As for my favorite post it very recent - the 2015 blogger metope. It's fun to put faces to names - well except with you...

    Crap, I may have just lost all the obsequious goodwill I tried to create.

    Lastly, here a link to the post on my blog:


    1. Thanks for the plug Miles and thanks for the bribery, you never know it might work?? Be great to meet up if we can when you're over??

    2. I'm over wed May 20th - Friday May 22. I may stay through Sunday May 24 if I can get my son to come with me

    3. Do you fancy coming to Reject HQ for a game?? Where are you staying? If you want contact me on my email rousell68 AT gmail DOT COM. Or message me on Facebook.

    4. reply sent
      I look forward to demonstrating the deficiencies of US education system in person!

  61. Put me down for 2, 3, 5 & 17 please. My favourite post is this one on the Battle of the Boyne:-



    1. It was a great project and game, thanks Kitch.

  62. Congrats with this milestone Ray! I'm not even halfway on my blog, so it will take some time to catch up with you! Up to the thousand mark!
    I also made some promotion for this event on my blog, with a little story about the post I loved most. Check out yourself to see yourself what my favorite post was. Here's the link:
    Can you put me in for the following: 2-3-7-8-10


  63. Hi Ray ! I don't want any objet from you, just say your blog is great and I like visit it ;) (Your avatar is great too :D)
    Wish 500 more post soon.


  64. 501 posts is pretty amazing; you are very devoted to our hobby. I would love to win the number 5 robot.

  65. Dear Ray! I congratulate you for your amazing effort!
    What I like in your blog is that I feel your love of the subject. If I really have to choose articles, as I'm a fan of sci-fi and fantasy miniatures, it's the cute mouse witch ( ), and the Doctor with Amy ( ) because it's the Doctor, with Amy :)
    Put me in for No1 no2 no5 no6 no9 no11 no 12 no 13 no14 no 16 no 17 no 18 please! Thank you very much!
    Eve Szuhay

    1. Thanks Eva, you're in the hat for a prize, cheers!

  66. It's not a Give Away ! it's Christmas !
    Honesty, I do not want something in all your (nice!) gifts ... Better to let my place for other guys.
    Since too many time, I'm not a faithful follower...
    But consider that I'm always somewhere with you !
    Congratulations and thanks for your generosity, Ray, you're a good man !

  67. First off congratulations on the milestone. Reading yours and Fran's blogs is part of what got me into this whole mess. So let's get this rolling.

    1. Already done.

    2. I would like to put my name in for 18, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 4, 6 and 14. I have reasons for each of them, but I'm sure you'll just call me a greedy git :-)

    3. My favorite post, of many is I really wish I could have been there for a pint and crap Chinese food.

    4. I promoted it at

    5. Got it in on the 13th. I thought it would be later.

    Thanks again for showing us how it's done.

    1. Thanks Sean, I'm glad me and Fran twisted your arm and got you into the world of blog. Your names in the hat for all your choices!!
