
Sunday 2 August 2015

AWI Batrep - The Battle at Church Road 25th July 1777

A game was booked up for last weekend at Reject HQ, but only 2 Rejects could make the bash, Reject Richard and myself and of course we had our own little Fuhrer, von Postie in charge!
This was gonna be our last big bash before we all go on our summer hols! Shame only 2 of us could turn up, but that's how it goes sometimes.
Anyway on with the game......
We drew out of the hat, Richard picked 1st and pulled out the American's
Funnily enough that left me with Cornwallis and his red boys!
(Can't remember the last time I played the Americans??)

Richard had the choice to set up first as he'd be in defence.
He was allowed to set up first and had the choice to set up to the fence line which he did.
I on the other hand had to set up 18 inches away from any of his troops, which as you can see, kinda pinned me to the table edge!

British C/O Cornwallis

1st Brigade C/O Agnew
8th Line Veteran
9th Line Veteran
55th Line Veteran
71st Line Veteran

2nd Brigade C/O Grant
27th Line Veteran
43rd Line Veteran
Combined Grenadiers Elite

3rd Brigade C/O Stirn
Prinz Carl Trained
Erbprinz Trained
Jagers Elite

Heavy Gun
Med Gun
Light Gun

American C/O Sullivan

1st Brigade C/O Stephens
3rd New York Trained
4th New York Trained
Lee's Additional Trained
Riflemen Elite

2nd Brigade C/O Heath
Haslets Delaware Veteran
1st New Hampshire Trained
2nd New Hampshire Trained

3rd Brigade C/O Woodford
Maryland Militia
New Hampshire Militia
Pennsylvania Militia
Delaware Militia

4th Brigade Weedorn
3rd Light Dragoons Trained
Heavy Gun
Med Gun
Light Gun

I placed my 3rd Brigade on my right, the plan with the Hessians was to get into a decent 
position and hold the ground.

Facing them was Richard's 1st Brigade. 

Rich placed 2 artillery pieces in the walled field, making it more like a redoubt!!

The American right was held by Richard's 3rd Brigade, the Milita. 
These were my prime target!

My Jagers were out front, 18 inches away from the enemy.

An American eye view
Facing Richard's Militia was my 2nd Brigade

The Royal Artillery take aim......


My Jagers move forward, while the American Riflemen move to the woods for protection.

My Medium gun fires at the American line.

Excellent shooting from the American artillery force a morale check on
Prinz Carl's who promptly fail and are pushed back.

A general forward order was issued for the rest of the British troops.
Not sure I want to advance further into the cornfield as I'm facing the 2 artillery pieces??

The 43rd and 27th advance, as my artillery is 6 inches from my and Richard's troops it can 
still fire, at a penalty though.

The 71st, waiting for the right moment to come out of the woods.

As I won the turn, I could fire first

Reject Richard stretching over the table!

His Nibs....the evil one

The American's fire back

And I move in next turn, but just don't reach the American's

I very wisely chose not to move forward with the 71st and 55th
Rich's artillery would have made mince meat out of me.

The 27th, my heroes!

Rich still held his 1st Brigade behind the Militia

Things seemed to be going my way when......

Rich got his 4th Brigade on the table, they randomly appeared right where Rich wanted them!! Dammit!

Again I won the first turn and fired fist. 

The American Dragoons really buggerd up my plans!
Luckily I had a unit who could turn and try and protect my flank, unluckily for me it was my hammer, the Grenadiers.

The Riflemen ventured forward and shot at my Jagers.

Next turn I charged the Militia at the fence, the Pennsylvania and Delaware both scarpered before
 I made contact

In a strange move, Postie suggested I could follow up the charge and hit the American artillery, even though I couldn't actually hit the front or flank of them, but hey ho, I'll take that!

Oh where's the gun gone?
he he!

Next turn I charged the 43rd and 27th, but the 43rd would have none of it and...................

Rout back right into the path of the Grenadiers!!!
Oh crap!

The 8th and 9th moved by the flank, trying to get out of the line of fire of the American guns.

The battling 27th smash the Militia who run.

And are left the sole occupants of the field.

I moved up to try and take a shot at the artillery, but Rich moved a line unit up, back into the
 range of my artillery.

In a desperate move, I pushed through the 43rd with my Grenadiers and became disordered, 
I had to threaten the Dragoons and I had to protect the flank of the 43rd.

The Dragoons moved up past the Grenadiers, I knew the swine wouldn't take the bait.
He didn't need to attack me he was enough of a nuisance just being there.

My Jagers took a bit of a pounding this turn, being fired at from everyone in range,

In the last move of the game Rich finally bought up his 2nd Brigade up to the fence line
ready for the next assault, which never came.

So that was the end, we were all a little unsure who had won as there was still a lot to play for in the game. Looking at the table we called it a draw as we both had lots of untested troops on the field. Rich was still in a pretty good defendable position all along his lines,
 when Postie added up the points for the game I'd won a resounding victory 21 -2.
I'd destroyed the Militia brigade who were dispersed off table, captured an artillery piece and killed a leader.
even though I'd won on points
I think we'll call it a draw


  1. Great looking game and layout!

    Having the decision decided on points is never quite as satisfying as smashing your opponent into oblivion.

    Great BatRep!

    1. Nope, its always best to get an actual result, you're right.

  2. Great battle report, was lots of fun to read.
    And by the way a battle won and you do not know why is the best win....

    1. Oh yes, and a win has been a rare thing thus year!!

  3. Hi Ray,

    thanks for sharing this great report and this beautiful pics.

    Have nice holidays!

    Kind regards


  4. Lovely looking game, Ray. The figures and terrain always impressive. A nice way to head out on holiday.

  5. Lovely way to draw a close for the holidays. Great photos and report sir.

  6. Top looking game and an enjoyable aar. Nice one.

  7. Splendid stuff old bean. A very nicely put together AAR, plenty of pics and just enough writing! Bravo sir.

  8. Glad at least two of you showed up, even if it was a draw. Been an awkward game with you playing both sides.

    1. Well at least it would have been a guarented win?

  9. I love the pictures. The FIRE! one is one of my top picks. Great stuff, Ray.

  10. love all those lil buildings and the fences and the road and the wheat field!

  11. That first picture is fantastic Ray. You've always been good at photographing the games, but I think these are some of your best yet. Congratulations on the win and condolences to Rich because it looked like he played a good game.

    PS I'm not coming back anytime soon, I'm just trying to keep in touch a bit.

    1. Thanks for the kind words Anne. Rich did play a great game but was serverly hampered having the large Militia brigade.

  12. Hey, Ray: What a fine looking battle field! Lots of places to hide from bullets!

    1. Cheers Jay, unfortunately wooden fences don't offer much protection.

  13. Cracking looking game Ray and well done on the win/draw Sir!

  14. Looks marvellous - nice sized game too. That's an impressive venue - is that a dedicated shed, or a garage or similar?

    1. Its Posties shed, 19x11 with a 14x6 table, and its the Rejects HQ. 99% of our games are held there. Even better is I live next door!!!

  15. Wonderful battle report and marvelous pictures! I like the low perspective you have chosen on some of them - gives a great impression of what happened!!

    1. I like to mix the pics up a little, it does help to get a real sense of the game.

  16. Super looking game and AAR Ray! Always nice to see some AWI get out the table.


    1. Yep, it was my cboice of game. I fancied a bit of Lace and Musket.

  17. Stunning looking game Ray. Fantastic work with the camera and a great report!

  18. Great report. Seems like a hard fought well deserved Victory to me :P

  19. looking game that sounded a very tense, drawn out struggle - I'd think if I were you i'd take the victory offered.

  20. Outstanding AAR Ray. Quality mate!

  21. Beautiful figures/terrain, great report, just what wargaming is all about.

  22. Hi Ray,Splendid Battle Report,and pictures. Great looking armies too. Beano Boy

  23. That's a splendid looking game, Ray. Good to see two lovely armies fighting it out in an AWI game. How did the jaegers do against the American riflemen? I always thought that was one of those iconic, must-game, kind of duels in wargaming! Great post!

    1. My Jagers had the better of the Riflemen, but in the end, I did get a bit of a battering, moving up a little to close to a line unit and artillery.

  24. Great AAR and luverly figs as usual.
    I have an unpainted (of course) British Army for AWI which I really must get sorted.................

    1. 15's or 25's?? And het that brush out whatever the scale!

    2. 15's or 25's?? And het that brush out whatever the scale!

  25. Great battle report and pictures! Thanks for sharing!

    Your artillery really looks like Americans and not British! ;-)


  26. Great looking game mate, pity I missed it by being on holiday!

  27. 21-2?!! Owch. That is a bit of a pounding. I don't think the opposition could afford any more 'draws' like that! Wonderful looking game lads!

  28. A lot of nice pictures. Thanks for sharing, Ray.

  29. What a beautiful game Ray! Love your photos and minis...back from holidays, that's a great pleasure for me to read this report...a fantastic draw!

  30. Nice report and lots of beautiful pics. Great stuff Ray!
